May the Son rise in human hearts

God of love,
when we turned from You and sinned,
You did not accept our rejection,
and You did not resign yourself to the death we embraced and inflicted.
Instead, You sent your Son to bring us peace.

For our sake, Jesus entered the world.
He was crucified and died.
Yet, on the third day, He arose.
He conquered death and restored the life we had lost.

God of peace,
on this new day You have made,
we offer you our hearts in love.
Through Your Son we want to join your uprising against death:
by working to end violence,
by acting to stop oppression,
by bringing together what sin has scattered.

May Your Son rise in human hearts everywhere.
May death give way to Your final word of life and hope.


This Day of God
Community Prayer Book of the Priests of the Sacred Heart