Dehon Study Center rededicated

To honor Fr. Dehon’s legacy, we must not simply preserve it, we must translate and contextualize his message in today’s world.”

-Fr. Joseph Mukuna, SCJ, director of the Dehon Study Center

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Fridge Notes

Weekly News: March 17, 2025


Collaborative tradition continues


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Dehonian Spirituality

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How can you Help?

When we accept the abundant love of Jesus and respond to His Sacred Heart with open hearts of our own, we are called to ask: "What more can I do?" There are many ways, through prayer, gifts and action, you can help us share the love of the Sacred Heart.



WATCH a brief video of the January 3-6 US Province Election Assembly during which Fr. Vien Nguyen was elected as the 16th provincial superior of the US Province. In the video are moments from the election process itself, but also comments from SCJs about their hopes for the future, the challenges the province faces, and those things for which Dehonians are grateful.



View our online photo albums of Dehonian events and ministries. Share in our life, share in the stories that we cannot put into words. Photos from our online albums may be downloaded for personal use. Please credit the Priests of the Sacred Heart if publishing a photo.



Tue Jan 2

WE RENEW OUR COMMITMENT… “Lord, I renew the offer of my entire being and my whole life to the Sacred Heart. Dear Lord, I love You; these words sum up my whole life: Behold I come to do your will. I am totally yours.” [Words of Fr. Leo John Dehon in “The Crowns of Love, Read More…

Wed Dec 6

FOR ADVENT WE PRAY… Lord Jesus Christ, you once said to your disciples: “Keep watch, for you do not know the day or the hour.” Your words of love amaze us all. For you call us to welcome the light in ways not of our choosing and at times when we least expect it. Lord Read More…

Wed Dec 6

FOR PEACE WE PRAY… God of mercy and compassion, of grace and reconciliation, pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation, that violent encounters may be replaced Read More…