Fr. van den Hengel presentation

Click HERE to view the PowerPoint presentation given by Fr. John van den Hengel to the out-going and in-coming councils on July 12. The topic was the general administration’s six-year plan.

July 12, 2010

The world comes to Sacred Heart! Well, not the WHOLE world, but students from over a dozen countries arrived in Hales Corners last week to take part in Sacred Heart School of Theology’s summer ESL (English as a Second Language) Program.  The first official day of the session was July 6. Among those in this Read More…

Finding the balance between justice and God’s mercy

Housed within the same building as the SCJs’ Generalate in Rome is the International College. The name is a bit of a misnomer for Americans who generally think of a “college” as a secondary school. While students who are members of the International College attend classes, they do so off-site, generally at one of the Read More…

Meeting of Newly Elected Council

The newly elected Provincial Council will meet at the Provincialate Conference Center

Provincial Council Meeting

The Provincial Council will meet at the Provincial Conference Center.

Provincial Council Meeting

The Provincial Council will meet at the Provincialate Conference Center

Provincial Council Meeting

The Provincial Council will meet at the Provincialate Conference Center.

Province Assembly

The province will gather at the Provincialate Conference Center July 26-27 for a transition assembly during which the newly-elected administration will be installed.

July 5, 2010

Election Assembly wrap-up The deadline for SCJs to share their thoughts on the recent election assembly has been extended to July 7. Please fax or email your comments to Br. Frank Presto.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated. The current and in-coming councils will review the assembly at their meeting next week. A preliminary –– unapproved Read More…

June 28, 2010

Happy Independence Day! The Provincialate Offices will be closed Monday, July 5, in honor of Independence Day.  Also, keep in mind that in the summer many staff members at the Provincialate, as well as at the Development Offices, work longer days Monday through Thursday and then are off on Friday afternoons.  If you need to Read More…