Major Superiors Meeting

The provincial, regional and district superiors of the congregation will meet at the Generalate in Rome.

North American Conference

SCJs from Canada and the United States will gather in Hales Corners for the North American Conference, the concluding moment of the general visitation.

Province Jubilee Celebrations

The province will celebrate the jubilees of religious profession of Fr. Frank Clancy, Fr. Johnny Klingler, Fr. Larry Rucker and Fr. Jim Schroeder,

Installation of New Administration

The new provincial superior and council will be installed during a ceremony at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology. The time has not yet been determined.

International SCJ Secretaries Meeting, Rome

The provincial, regional and district secretaries from around the congregation will meet at the Generalate in Rome. Fr. Terry Langley will represent the U.S. Province.

Provincial Council Meeting

The council will meet briefly to review formation requests.

Feast of the Sacred Heart

JOIN US IN CELEBRATION: We invite you to join us in our celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday, June 7, at Sacred Heart Monastery in Hales Corners. Archbishop Jerome Listecki of Milwaukee will be the main presider at the 11 a.m. Mass. A light luncheon will follow. SPACE IS LIMITED so Read More…

Election Assembly Week

The Province Election Assembly begins at noon on June 3 and runs through the end of the week.

Weekly News: May 20, 2013

New website for province, accent modification program added to SHST’s academic offerings, retired St. Joe’s staffer shares stories at ribbon-cutting ceremony, SCJ takes part in “Brothers Think Tank,” Election Assembly reminders, prayer request, and Wall Street Journal profiles SHST alumni.

What did he say?

A person can have a dictionary’s worth of words in his head, but to really be fluent in a language one also needs to be understood. “It’s a shame to hear ‘We love Fr. Jacobs, he is great with youth and he has such a wonderful smile. It’s just too bad we can’t understand his homilies.’”