Weekly News: December 18, 2023

“The mystery of the Incarnation is a mystery of love.  It is the mystery of a God so loving humanity as to become human himself.  In becoming human, the Son could not cease to be all love, for he would have ceased to be God.” -Leo John Dehon, SCJ, The Life of Love towards the Sacred Read More…

Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe

Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, vocation director for the US Province, shares his experience of being a part of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at our OLG parish in Houston where prayer and celebration fill the parish grounds and surrounding streets for two days. Fr. Henry writes: During my first year in formation I Read More…

Weekly News: December 11, 2023

Congratulations Deacon Paul! On Saturday, December 9, Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ, was ordained to the diaconate by Bishop Donald J. Hying of the diocese of Madison, WI. In a ceremony filled the blend of cultures that reflect Dn. Paul’s life, the music, readings, and prayers were done in a mix of Vietnamese and English. The Read More…

A people of generosity and presence

“The word for ‘generosity’ in the Lakota language begins with ‘heart.’ Generosity is considered one of the greatest virtues of the Lakota people.” -Fr. Jim Walters, SCJ “Our first task in approaching another people, another culture, another religion, is to take off our shoes, for the place we are approaching is holy. Else we may Read More…

Advent prayer

FOR ADVENT WE PRAY… Lord Jesus Christ, you once said to your disciples: “Keep watch, for you do not know the day or the hour.” Your words of love amaze us all. For you call us to welcome the light in ways not of our choosing and at times when we least expect it. Lord Read More…

Prayers for Peace

FOR PEACE WE PRAY… God of mercy and compassion, of grace and reconciliation, pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East: Jews, Muslims and Christians, Palestinians and Israelis. Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope, oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation, that violent encounters may be replaced Read More…


FOR THOSE DISCERNING A VOCATION WE PRAY… Gracious God, you have blessed me with many gifts and talents. Grant me the wisdom to know how best to use them for the glory of your name. Jesus calls, “Come, follow me.” I want to follow him and be faithful to my call. Help me to see Read More…

“Sint Unum” and Fr. Dehon

In one of a series of lunchtime presentations at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Fr. Emerson Ruiz, SCJ, spoke November 28th on the topic of “Sint Unum in the Life and Writings of Fr. Dehon.” Fr. Emerson completes his studies in the English and Culture Studies program at SHSST this semester and will Read More…

Weekly News: December 4, 2023

Sint Unum and Fr. Dehon “It is the capacity to embrace disparate realities,” said Fr. Emerson Ruiz, SCJ. The “it” he was referring to is “Sint Unum” (“May they be one”) which is one of the three primary mottos of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (the other two: “Ecce Venio” and “Aveniat Regnum Tuum”). Read More…

Weekly News: November 27, 2023

Advent begins on December 3, and we pray… Lord Jesus Christ, you once said to your disciples: “Keep watch, for you do not know the day or the hour.” Your words of love amaze us all. For you call us to welcome the light in ways not of our choosing and at times when we Read More…