Weekly News: September 23, 2024

Meet our 2024-25 students!

Each year, we ask those in formation to introduce themselves. During the current academic year there are three seminarians in pastoral assignments, two full-time students at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology and one student doing undergraduate studies. Excerpts from a few of the intros:

“I felt called to the Dehonians because of their daily Eucharistic Adoration and work in parishes,” wrote Frater Michael Wodraczyk, SCJ. “I continue to feel called to the Dehonians because of my seminary experience. I have really learned a lot about scripture, theology and philosophy. I have also enjoyed my summer ministries which have helped me to properly discern my vocation. My call and desire for religious life as a Dehonian has not changed from when I was first a candidate.”

Frater Hung Pham, SCJ, notes that he is in the midst of his final vows program. “I hope to make my perpetual profession in 2025,” he wrote. “I believe that this final vows program will help me grow more profoundly as a Dehonian.” Br. Ray Kozuch, SCJ, is his final vows director. “I am happy to be a Dehonian, and I desire to continue to have a deeper understanding and relationship with God as a Dehonian.”

“Being with the Dehonians for over nine years, the most important thing that I have experienced about Dehonian Spirituality is living a life of oblation with God,” wrote Frater Thuan Nguyen, SCJ. “While living oblation and renewing it frequently throughout the day, I am reminded of the good deeds the Lord has poured upon me in my life, therefore one of my favorite biblical quotes is “Do not forget the works of the Lord” (Psalms 78: 7b).

Click here to access the student autobiographies.


Fr. Christian “Hofer” Hoper, SCJ, a member of the Indonesian Province, arrived on August 25 to prepare for studies in clinical psychology. He is a member of the Sacred Heart Monastery Community brushing up on his English skills in the ECS program. Fr. Hofer is 28, made his first profession eight years ago, and was ordained to the priesthood last year. When asked what he misses from Indonesia, he said “my mother’s cooking!” Thankfully, he enjoys cooking himself, so with the help of Fr. Ari Saputra, SCJ, he will be treating his community to a few Indonesian meals. He also enjoys music and plays the violin, piano, recorder and organ, and sings.

When asked how he would like to be known, he said that his first name is “Christian,” but at home in Indonesia “everyone calls me ‘Hofer’ so that is good too.”

It was an SCJ parish priest who inspired him to pursue his vocation. “I wanted to be like him, to be a priest, a Dehonian priest.”

Fr. Hofer’s contact information has been added to the North American Personnel Directory in the Members’ section of the province website.

Vicar general appointed

During a meeting of the General Council on September 20, Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, SCJ, was appointed Vicar General of the Congregation.

The full General Council:

Vicar general Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira
2nd Councilor general Fr. Charles Aimé Koudjou
3rd Councilor general Fr. Renzo Brena
4th Councilor general Fr. Agustinus Guntoro
5th Councilor general Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo

Surprise and thanks!

In early September, Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, went to Toronto to visit with the UKI community (Umat Katolik Indonesia) as a part of the celebration of this year’s 100th anniversary of the SCJs’ Indonesian Province. Fr. Wayne, who studied in Indonesia, started UKI 44 years ago for fellowship and support of Indonesian Catholic immigrants in Toronto. The Dehonians continue to serve the UKI community.

During Fr. Wayne’s September visit, there were three days of presentations, food and prayer, including a Mass in which Fr. Wayne gave a homily in the Indonesian language. On the last day, he was asked out for dinner and was surprised to learn that he was the guest of honor. Fr. Wayne was thanked for his years of service to UKI, and especially, for his efforts in founding the organization.

Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ (US provincial superior) and Fr. Mark Fortner, SCJ (missionary in Indonesia for over 30 years) will represent the US Province at the centennial celebrations in Indonesia this month.

A year with Ven. Fr. Leo John Dehon

As the Priests of the Sacred Heart anticipate the 100th anniversary of the founder’s death on August 12, 2025, the Dehonian Associates Office is preparing monthly biographical sketches and a social media graphic to share in ministries. All items will be available in English and Spanish.

Click here to access the material posted for September. Each month’s mailing will be posted as it is available.

Click here or more information about the write-ups, or to be added to the mailing list. You can also call Monica Misey, director of Dehonian Associates, at 414-427-4267.

To be available

“To live is to strive to love!” writes Fr. Hendrik (Ardi) Ardianto, SCJ, in the September issue of As a Rule, which focuses on Rule of Life No. 18. “…We do not need to be a hero to do an act of love. We don’t need to do spectacular actions. You are already special because you are another Christ in this world. What is needed is to do things with sincere love, without selfish motivation, for your family, friends, even strangers, and those who suffer.

“Let us always be available to love! If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If someone is being ignored, find a way to include them. If someone has been knocked down, lift them up. Be who you needed when you were going through hard times. Just a small act of love could mean the world to someone.”

Fr. Greg Schill, SCJ, the second writer this month, noted that availability is about initiative, and one needs initiative to act in love: “Our Founder, Fr. Leo John Dehon, emphasized to his priests about getting out of the sacristies. In the early days of the congregation, a few of Fr. Dehon’s priests were visible in the factories where people worked up to seven days a week, long hours with little time for family, self-care or spiritual care. Fr. Dehon knew one must take initiative, and availability is about initiative, to take another step forward and illustrate one’s love for the other by opening up their ears, minds and hearts to the needs of those they encounter.”

Click here to access the September issue of As a Rule. A subscription link is at the top of each electronic issue.

Please remember

We recently learned that Michael McMillen, a former SCJ (professed in 1960) died on September 15. Please remember him in prayer.

Please keep in prayer…

Fr. Michal Olszewski, SCJ, a member of the Polish Province, is in his sixth month of pre-trial detention [in Poland, by Polish authorities] on contested accusations of financial misappropriation. On September 6, he testified in a Warsaw courtroom about claims of being tortured in prison. His lawyer states that Fr. Michal has lost over 33 pounds in detention –– a fifth of his body weight.

Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general, was recently interviewed by Jonathan Luxmoore of the Polish OSV News. His comments were included in an article reprinted in several Catholic publications, including the Catholic Review and Catholic Register. The General Administration states that the information in the article is an accurate portrayal of the situation.

Click here to access the Catholic Review website:

Our formation team

At the top of the page we introduced our students; we conclude with a short intro to this year’s formation team. The formation program is based at Sacred Heart Monastery, located on the campus of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology. Directing the program are Frs. Joseph Thien Dinh, SCJ and Fr. Frank Wittouck, SCJ. Between them, Frs. Joseph and Frank represent almost 100 years of religious life as members of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Before taking part in the international formators program at our Generalate in Rome, Fr. Joseph earned a Doctorate in Ministry from the Houston Graduate School of Theology. He has served in parish ministry in Wisconsin and Texas and was a member of the Provincial Council.

Looking at Fr. Frank’s curriculum vitae, it seems like he has done just about everything! He has been a teacher, spiritual director and administrator in the province’s seminaries, a military chaplain (serving in Korea, Germany, Kuwait and in the United States), a prison chaplain, as well as a parish pastor. A lifelong student, he has certificates and degrees from Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, Kilroe Seminary, the Catholic University of America, the University of Detroit, the Austin-Presbyterian Seminary, the University of San Francisco and Loyola University New Orleans. He is officially retired, but remains active in a wide variety of ministries, including mentoring our students preparing for religious life.

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