Weekly News: September 30, 2024

Powwow weekend

St. Joseph’s Indian School celebrated its 48th annual powwow on September 21. The powwow itself is more than just a single moment at the school; it is the highpoint of a full weekend of celebrations that celebrate Lakota culture and traditions.

Click here to view a summary video of powwow weekend.

Fr. Greg Schill, SCJ, school chaplain, is pictured above, carrying the US flag in the opening ceremony. Before pursuing his religious vocation, Fr. Greg was a member of the US Marines.

St. Joseph’s is one of the oldest Dehonian ministries in the United States.

Preparing international SCJs for ministry in the US

Each Tuesday and Friday morning two SCJ priests with plenty of experience in delivering a homily sit side-by-side with a group of fourth-year seminarians at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology who are just beginning to learn the basics of preaching.

Why the trip back to the seminary, sitting in a “Liturgical Preaching” class with 15 transitional deacons?

The SCJ priests are Fr. Ari Saputra SCJ, of the Indonesian Province, and Fr. Floribert Bulo Dhelo, SCJ, of the Congolese Province. Students in SHSST’s ECS program (English and Culture Studies), the two are preparing for ministry in the United States. Recognizing that preaching techniques often vary from country and culture, Dn. Steve Kramer, SHSST Director of Homiletics and Associate Professor of Pastoral Studies, reached out to Ryan Stubbs, Director of the ECS program, as well as the SCJ community, and suggested that the two priests would benefit from the Liturgical Preaching course. A staple of a seminarian’s preparation, the course would offer the international SCJs an opportunity to practice preaching in the US church.

Frs. Floribert and Ari are also taking “Sacramental Rites,” a course for third-year seminarians who are learning how to minister as deacons. Again, while they are both well-versed in celebrating baptisms, weddings and funerals, it is an opportunity for the international priests to transfer their skills to ministry in the United States.

“Intercultural relationships are crucial in learning how to serve an increasingly global church,” said Dn. Steve.

Click here to read more.

Bringing the global Church to local HS students in Milwaukee

On October 2, ECS students will host a Multicultural Mass in the main chapel at SHSST. Joining them will be approximately 150 students and chaperones from Milwaukee area high schools. Funded by a grant from the Catholic Community Foundation, SHSST is reaching out to local teachers, religious education directors, catechists and campus ministers to find ways of giving young people a wider experience of the international Church. One of the first components of that outreach is the invitation to the Multicultural Mass. After, ECS students will talk to the high school students about their ministries and the Church in their home countries.

On October 4, ECS students will host the annual SHSST Culture Fair.  The long-standing event enables the SHSST community, as well as province employees, SCJs and residents at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake, to experience cultures, traditions and foods from around the world. The fair runs from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the SHSST dining room. Hot food stations will be available from noon until 1:00 p.m.

Getting ready for next week!

Students from Holy Family (Holly Springs, MS) and Sacred Heart (Southaven, MS) schools met at Queen of Peace Catholic Church last week to record a special musical presentation for the Dehonian Conference on the Dual Threats of Climate Change and Nuclear Weapons. The conference, which will bring together SCJs, co-workers, volunteers and many others from throughout the US and Canada, will take place in Olive Branch, MS, October 7-10. The registration deadline has passed, but if you have questions regarding your registration or other general information about the conference, please contact Carole Johnson at cjohnson@shsm.org.

Photos and updates from the conference will be posted on the province Facebook page.


Fr. Thi Pham – Fr. Thi has incardinated into the diocese of Sioux Falls; he has served in Yankton, SD, since 2021.

Fr. Vincent Suparman, SCJ – His term as local superior of the Sacred Heart Community in Pinellas Park, FL, has been extended until June 1, 2025.

Fr. Ed Zemlik – As of October 1 Fr. Ed is a member of the St. Joseph Community at SHML (4th floor, Apt. 407).


On September 24, Fr. Tom Knoebel, former president-rector of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, received the Pope Benedict XVI Award for Leadership in Scholarship & Academia from the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The honor was part of the archdiocese’s annual Vatican II awards, which were established in 1991 to honor people who exemplify the Catholic Church’s vision set forth in the Second Vatican Council.

Fr. Tom, a priest with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, served at SHSST for many years. He is an emeritus professor of systematic theology, served as vice-rector, and stepped in several times as interim president-rector before being named to the role full-time in 2017. Fr. Tom holds a Ph.D. in theology from Fordham University.

Congratulations Fr. Tom!

October birthdays

Those celebrating birthdays in October include Fr. John van den Hengel on Oct. 1, Fr. Ed Zemlik on Oct. 3, Fr. Bob Naglich and Fr. Tony Russo on Oct. 4, Fr. Tom Cassidy on Oct. 13, Fr. Maurice Légaré on Oct. 15, Fr Christianus Hendrik on Oct. 21, Fr. Bob Bossie on Oct. 23, Fr. Richard Johnston on Oct. 27, and Fr. M Ari Saputra on Oct. 29. Happy birthday!!

A year of preparation

As noted last week, during the next year the Dehonian Associates Office is preparing monthly biographical sketches of Ven. Fr. Leo John Dehon as a part of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founder’s death on August 12, 2025. Each month focuses on a period in Fr. Dehon’s life; they are an excellent introduction to the founder for coworkers, volunteers, parishioners and others who may want to learn more about Fr. Dehon and Dehonian Spirituality. The double-sided info sheets are a good size to share in parish bulletins, employee mailings (electronic or printed), school mailings to parents, and with gatherings of parish groups.

The focus of the September bio sketch was Fr. Dehon’s early life; October focuses on the start of his priesthood.

All items (including social media graphics) are available in English and Spanish. Many thanks to Maripat Zacher, an ECS instructor at SHSST, who is doing the Spanish translations.

Click here to access the materials on the US Province website.

Click here for more information about the write-ups. You can also call Monica Misey, director of Dehonian Associates, at 414-427-4267.

Asian Unity Day

Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki invites you to the Milwaukee Archdiocese’s celebration of Asian Unity Day on Sunday, October 20, 2024.

A Marian procession begins at 1:45 p.m., followed by a concelebrated Mass with the archbishop at 2 p.m.  Refreshments will follow in the dining room.

Clergy who would like to concelebrate are asked to contact Susan McNeil at: 414-758-2214, mcneils@archmil.org

70 years of vows!

On September 25, members of the South African Province gathered together to celebrate Fr. John Strittmatter’s 70th anniversary of his First Profession of Vows as a Priest of the Sacred Heart. The actual anniversary was September 8, but the province celebration was delayed until members were together for their assembly in Pretoria.

“The celebration for Fr. John was at the nursing home of the Holy Cross Sisters in Pretoria,” said Fr. Peter Surdel, SCJ, South African provincial superior. “We also celebrated the 25th anniversary jubilees. All of the members of the province were present, including our seminarians.”

Originally from Pennsylvania, Fr. John has spent most of his years of religious life as a missionary in South Africa. He is pictured above, speaking to fellow SCJs in South Africa, and below with those who gathered with him.

Happy anniversary Fr. John!!

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