Discerning God’s call

Discerning the Call to Religious Life

Most of us who have considered a vocation to religious life have faced the question: “How will I know?” It comes in many forms. “What is God’s will in my life?” “Where is the Lord calling me?” “How do I find happiness and fulfillment in my life?” “What is the ultimate purpose of my existence?” “How will I know that God is calling me to live the religious life as a brother or priest?”

An inherent part of life is the responsibility to make difficult, challenging, and sometimes, even painful decisions. To make important decisions requires time, prayer, and discernment. Howwill I know what is good, right, or best? Today, just as in Jesus’ own

time, God continues to give signs to help us decide, discern, and toknow what the Lord is asking of us.

Discernment and Reflection

There are four signs which are often seen in the call to religious life:

  • Desire: Do I sense a degree of potential satisfaction, hope or joy when I consider religious life? If it is God’s will, do I trust that it can be fulfilled?
  • Availability and openness: Am I open-hearted to whatever God is calling me to do? Am I disposed and free to respond to a complete change in my life and surroundings?
  • Proper motivation: Is my primary motivation of a spiritual nature, such as serving and loving God and God’s people?
  • General disposition: Do I have a reasonably good health, emotional stability, social ease, and spiritual centeredness? Would I like to live a common lifestyle in vows and in community?

Prayer with Scripture

Present Disposition (Matthew 16:1-4)

  • How does God work in my life? How is Jesus present to me? How are God’s promises fulfilled in my life?
  • Solitude and considering: How might Jesus be calling me? What is Jesus saying to me? (Luke 9:28-36)
  • Surrender and expectation: What do I expect or anticipate from God? What do I hope for? (Matthew 5:1-16)

My Reflective Experience (Matthew 8:18-27)

  • As I review my life story, what have been the most important decisions in my life so far?
  • What were my feelings, hopes, and fears in the decision-making process?
  • What were the consequences and outcomes of those decisions?

My Prayers (Matthew 6:5-21)

  • What are the Gospel values (discipleship, truth, mercy, courage, hope, etc.) in relation to my discernment?
  • Do I recognize the power and enlightenment of God’s grace within me in common, ordinary ways?

Self-Awareness (Matthew 6:25-34)

  • What are my honest feelings? What do I say to others?
  • What is my sense of “inner voice” and intuition?
  • Does this decision give me life? Is this decision life-giving?

Consult with People Whom You Trust (Matthew 7:7-12)

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Spiritual director
  • Vocation counselor

Confirmation and Affirmation (Matthew 12:33-35)

  • Personal prayer & Scripture
  • Serving others
  • Spiritual Director
  • Vocation Director

Discernment Prayer

Gracious God, you have blessed me with many gifts and talents. Grant me the wisdom to know how best to use them for the glory of your name.

Jesus calls, “Come, follow me.” I want to follow him and be faithful to my call. Help me to see in myself what you see, and give me the courage to follow wherever you may lead.

Bless the Church with generous hearts, eager to serve your people and to spread your Word. Amen.