In 1909 our founder, Fr. Leo Dehon, finished his L’Annee avec le Sacre-Coeur (The Year with the Sacred Heart), a two-volume collection of meditations for each day of the year.
As the founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (his original name for the community was “Oblates of the Heart of Jesus”), Fr. Leo was inspired by the Feast of the Presentation because it was the first public, formal, religious offering (or oblation) of Jesus to the Father. For the Feast of the Presentation (now celebrated on February 2), he offered a meditation that is partially presented below:
“Second Point: Those who offer — Jesus offers himself through the hands of Mary. He appears to be unaware but in His heart He is not. He offers His life, His passion, His death, to expiate the ingratitude of people and of His own. O my Jesus, grant us pardon!
“Mary offers her son. While waiting for the great sacrifice that will be completed on Calvary, she sacrifices, under the blow of the sad prophesies of Simeon, the peace and security of her motherly heart . . .
“Joseph, who is intimately united with Jesus and Mary, offers himself to bear the pain and sadness that are inseparable from the great mission with which he is charged. . . . ”
The founder concluded with the following resolution or prayer:
“Ecce venio. Here I am, O Lord, I offer myself, I give myself with you, in union with the sentiments of your divine Heart. Receive my soul and my body; my memory, my intelligence, my will; my eyes, my ears, my tongue and all my senses. I give myself to you. Receive me and do not let me be parted from you.”
With Mary and Joseph let us offer ourselves with Christ to the Father for people. May you have a blessed Feast of the Presentation!
Our thanks to Fr. Jim Schroeder, SCJ, for preparing this reflection on the feast of the Presentation.
The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed, symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world.
February 2 is also World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted the day of prayer for women and men in consecrated (religious) life., linking it with the Feast of the Presentation.