An international group of religious men and women, including Dehonians from the United States and Argentina and lay persons from Chile, have organized a series of four webinars for June focused on deepening one’s spirituality of the Sacred Heart. They will be held in Spanish.
“We will explore Sacred Heart spirituality in a holistic way with contributions from psychology, anthropology, spirituality and lived experiences,” said Br. Diego Diaz, SCJ, one of the series organizers and a co-presenter of two of the sessions. Br. Diego currently serves in Mississippi with Sacred Heart Southern Missions.
“Every day we experience the love that God has for us,” continued Br. Diego. “We want to communicate that love through different expressions, such as music, painting, poetry and contemplation. These webinars offer a place for people to come together to support one another as we focus on a particular aspect of the Sacred Heart.”
Seminar dates and topics:
JUNE 5 – Anthropology of the Heart; participants will learn about how to care for the physical self in the midst of the pandemic. Br. Diego and Professor Guillermo Bordón are presenters; Ariel Reyes and Sr. Graciela Dibo, OP will facilitate.
JUNE 12 – Theology of the Heart; using art and music to get in touch with the heart. Facilitators are Br. Diego and Ariel Reyes.
JUNE 19 – Mission of the Heart; recognizing that each action causes a reaction, participants look at how we can transform the world with a heart on mission, moving beyond social isolation. Speakers include Fr. Marcelo Reynoso, SCJ, Sr. María Rosa Ramíez, ECJ; Sr. Zulema Ramirez ACI; Ariel Reyes, is facilitator.
JUNE 26 – Liturgy of the Heart; celebrating the Heart of God is a celebration of thanksgiving for the gift of life, our encounters, our new ways of celebrating in this time of pandemic. Speakers will be Fr. Rafael Querobin, SCJ (associate pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston) and Sr. Carolina de la Fuente, ECJ. Facilitators will be Adriana Visoso and Ariel Reyes
The webinars will be approximately one hour and will begin at 7:00 p.m. Central Time (8:00 p.m. in Argentina, 9:00 p.m. in Chile). Anyone with an interest in deepening his or her spirituality of the Heart of Jesus is welcome to take part. The webinars are free, but donations to an organization that serves the vulnerable are encouraged. Two organizations in Argentina are suggested: Centro de Día Puerta Abierta Recreando (Open Door Day Center) and Hogar y centro de día San Jose (a center for children and teens).
Webinar sponsors include the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians), the Handmaids of the Heart of Jesus, and the Oblate Sisters of the Most Holy Redeemer. As noted above, the language will be Spanish.
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