During Adoration with the community at Sacred Heart Monastery on January 21, Jonathan Nguyen-Vuong, Jacob Smith and Michael Wodarczyk entered postulancy. They join Celsus Robert, who became a postulant last year, in preparation for the novitiate. Fr. Andrzej Sudol is the postulancy director. Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, received the postulants.
“It’s a joy for me to welcome the three of you into postulancy,” said Fr. Ed to the candidates. “In the prayer of reparation we heard these words: ‘Leo Dehon taught us to see in the rejections of your love, the source of injustice and cruelty in our world.’
“No truer words are more real today than when this prayer was written and when Fr. Dehon walked in our world,” said Fr. Ed. He continued to quote from the prayer of reparation: “Touch and illumine our hearts, O God, so that we might love as Jesus taught us. May we identify with our brothers and sisters, value the differences among us, and collaborate with them in healing the wounds that divides us.”
“May each of you, Michael, Jacob and Jonathan, may you spend your time in postulancy learning how to help heal a broken world,” concluded Fr. Ed. “This is what we are called to do as Dehonians, to be not only prophets of love but especially, servants of reconciliation.”
Click here to view photos from the ceremony. They are also available on the province Facebook page.
Click here view a recording of the livestream of the ceremony. Fr. Andrzej gives an introduction at 6:47 in the recording; the Admission to Postulancy begins at 24:30.