Vocation Awareness Week

Make the invitation!

January 9-15 is National Vocation Awareness Week in the United States.  Many brothers, priests, sisters and others in Church ministry state that it was a simple invitation from another that helped them to begin their vocation journey.

Do you know of someone who might have a call to religious life or ordained ministry?  Contact Vocation Central to learn how you can make the invitation.  The vocation office is also a vital resource of educational materials on the sacraments, prayers, and Church teachings.  Contact the office at 800-609-5559 or [email protected].

Are you called?

Do you personally feel a call to religious life or the priesthood?  The Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ) are priests and brothers called to live, pray and work together, sharing the love of the Sacred Heart in our lives and ministry. If you would like to learn more about us e-mail:[email protected] or call 800-609-5559.

How do I become an SCJ?

Or, maybe you just want to get a sense of the process — how does one become a member of the Priests of the Sacred Heart?  Click here to learn more.

Vocation Prayers

Our website has a variety of vocation prayers.  Please click here to go directly to them.


Again, if you have a question about a church vocation –– either how to invite someone to consider a call or how to discern your own vocation — contact our vocation office at [email protected] or call 800-609-5559.