“Welcoming these refugees will show the terrorists that they cannot win, and will do far more than bombs ever can do to win the hearts and minds of people in the Middle East and around the world.”
During its December 15-16 meeting the Provincial Council of the US Province of the Priests of the Sacred Heart approved the following statement regarding the growing refugee crisis. It was sent to national elected leadership and media.
Dear Editor:
The world is facing a refugee crisis worse than any since World War II. We were glad to see President Obama move to accept additional refugees from Syria. However, the Paris attacks have led to calls not to accept any, or to “pause” such efforts, or to accept only Christians. These calls are based in fear, which is exactly the reaction the terrorists want and unworthy of us as a free people. Christians need to remember that “love has no room for fear.” (I John 4:18)
We urge humane action by the United States on behalf of the millions of refugees worldwide who are fleeing their homelands for survival. These people are fleeing the same terror we are struggling against; we cannot turn our backs on them. These are human beings in danger of being tortured or killed. We understand the need to safeguard our national security and protect our people, but the vetting processes already in place are more than sufficient as long as we dedicate the needed resources to carrying them out on this scale.
Let us re-commit ourselves to our cherished principles of compassion and courage. Otherwise terrorism will have succeeded not only in killing and displacing thousands, but also in causing us to abandon the ideals that have made us a great country. Welcoming these refugees will show the terrorists that they cannot win, and will do far more than bombs ever can do to win the hearts and minds of people in the Middle East and around the world.
Very Rev. Edward Kilianski, SCJ
Provincial Superior
Members of U.S. Provincial Council:
Fr. Quang Nguyen, SCJ
Fr. Christianus Hendrik, SCJ
Br. Frank Presto, SCJ
Fr. Duy Nguyen, SCJ
Fr. Jack Kurps, SCJ