Frater Truc Tran, SCJ

“During the pastoral year there is an opportunity to acquire a deeper understanding of the Church’s ministry within our Congregation, contributing to personal and professional growth in the field of pastoral ministry.”

-Frater Truc Tran, SCJ


Frater Truc

My name is Frater Truc Tran, SCJ, and I am 38 years old. Originally from NgheAn Province, Vietnam, I earned a degree in Construction Engineering in 2011. I am the second child among two sisters and two brothers; my youngest sister is also pursuing a religious vocation in Vinh Diocese, Vietnam. My parents are farmers.

In 2015, I relocated to Saigon City to contemplate my vocation. Subsequently, in 2016, I began my philosophy studies at the Alphonsus School of the Redemptorist Congregation in Saigon.

After completing my philosophy studies, I arrived in the United States in August 2018. I entered the novitiate after a year in the ECS program at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, which entailed in-depth prayer and an enhanced understanding of the Dehonian charism, vows (poverty, chastity, and obedience), and the SCJ Rule of Life. These experiences were profoundly meaningful for me as they facilitated a deeper understanding of our founder and congregation. I professed my First Vows on August 15, 2020, and I am currently in the ninth year of formation and four years of temporary vows with the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I aspire to delve into the SCJs’ Rule of Life and the Dehonian charism in greater depth.

I am an active member of the Sacred Heart Monastery community and have finished my second year pursuing an MDiv at SHSST. I eagerly anticipated my pastoral year in South Dakota and am happy to be here in ministry. For me, the pastoral year is a time to gain a deeper understanding of the Church’s ministry within our Congregation, contributing to personal and professional growth in the field of pastoral ministry.

I enjoy playing soccer, exercising, fishing, listening to music, and reading in my free time. I am also keen on acquiring new knowledge.

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