Holy Week schedule
The Provincialate Offices will be closed at noon on Holy Thursday (April 1) and all day on Good Friday (April 2). The office will re-open on Monday, April 5.

Back to Africa
After a few post-retirement months in the United States, Bishop Joseph Potocnak is back in South Africa, where he ministered for 36 years. In 2009 he retired as bishop of the Diocese of De Aar.
In an interview shortly after he returned to the United States late last fall, the bishop said that the hardest part about leaving South Africa was leaving the people, those to whom he ministered and those with him whom he worked.
“It was an honor for me to be a bishop there; I always felt the loyalty and love of the people,” he said.
A few weeks ago, Bishop Joe decided to return to South Africa. After spending time with family, he went back to the country where he has already spent almost half of his life. Bishop Joe is now settled in Middelburg where he will live with fellow American SCJ, Fr. John Strittmatter, and do pastoral ministry in the area.
“I love being among the people I have come to know in South Africa,” said Bishop Joe.
Provincial’s Time
Fr. Tom Cassidy returns from a visit to Raymondville on March 29. His next trip will be to South Dakota April 6-9 for board meetings.
Budget deadline approaches
Budgets are due in the Provincial Treasurer’s Office by Thursday, April 1. The Province Finance Commission will meet on April 13 – 14 to review them. Those who are unable to meet this deadline must contact Dn. David Nagel at (414) 427-4268. “Thank you for your help in making the budget review process run smoothly,” said Dn. David. The Provincial Council will review budgets at the May 10-12, 2010 meeting.
Commemorating the 100th anniversary of founder’s visit
The Province Archives recently opened three new displays in celebration of the 100th anniversary of Fr. Leo John Dehon’s visit to North America. The founder attended the Eucharistic Congress in Montréal in August, 1910, during which he made crucial contacts with bishops from around the world who later assisted him in placing SCJ missionaries after World War I. One of those contacts led to the eventual development of the U.S. Province.
To read the rest of the story, click HERE.
If the link above does not automatically take you to the story, you can also view it by clicking on the “NEWS” tab of the province website.
Another 100th
Before returning to Europe following attendance at the Eucharistic Congress in Montréal, Fr. Leo Dehon visited Blessed Sacrament parish in Wainwright, Alberta (Canada), which was established the same year as the founder’s North American visit. The parish later became the first in North America entrusted to the Priests of the Sacred Heart.
Fr. Wayne Jenkins, province archivist, will be speaking at the 100th anniversary celebration of the parish, held the weekend of April 24.
European collaboration moves forward
Major superiors and formation personnel of the Priests of the Sacred Heart in Europe gathered from March 23-27 in Salamanca, Spain, to discuss common issues of concern and possibilities for greater collaboration. The meeting is part of an on-going effort by the European entities to work together more collaboratively. A president (Fr. Heiner Wilmer of Germany) and executive secretary (Fr. Manuel Barbosa of Portugal) are serving a two-year term as a part of the coordinating secretariat for the continent.
Many of the topics presented are familiar ones to SCJs in the United States: community life, formation, and how the “internationality” of the congregation can best be expressed.
A message from participants of the meeting to the congregation, as well as a synthesis document, is available on the congregational website. Both are in French. However, a prayer for Europe, developed for the gathering, is available in eight languages, including English.
To access the documents and/or prayer, click HERE.
Keep in prayer
Fr. Michael van der Peet remains hospitalized in stable condition after returning to St. Luke’s last week for bleeding on the brain.
Please remember
Fr. Adrian van der Lee, a member of the Dutch-Flemish Confederation, died on March 28. He was born in 1914, professed in 1935 and ordained in 1942. From 1961 through 1983 he ministered in the English Canadian Province.
Voice from the past
Former SCJ Dave Jackson invites SCJs to view his updated website titled “Travel ‘n Photography. To take a look go to: www.travelnphotography.com
If you’d like to say hi to Dave his e-mail address is: davidjj_98@yahoo.com
Happy birthday!
Among those celebrating birthdays during April: Fr. Jim Walters (60) on April 17, Fr. Jim Schifano (65) on April 19, Fr. Ray Vega (86) on April 22, Br. Duane Lemke (38) on April 26, Fr. Tom Lind (78) on April 27 and Fr. Paul Casper (80) on April 29. Happy birthday!
Remembering those who built the province
As we have for the past several months we will continue to share a bit of information about deceased members of the province on or near the anniversary of their death. This week we remember three SCJs:
Fr. Ken Stoll (d. April 2, 2001): Originally from Buffalo, N.Y., Fr. Ken professed his first vows in 1940 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1945.
Fr. Ken devoted his life to parish ministry, first serving at Sacred Heart parish in Walls, Miss. He spent a year at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish in Indiana Harbor, Ind. (now East Chicago), and then headed back to Mississippi to serve at St. Joseph’s parish in Holly Springs from 1949 until 1953.
Moving to South Dakota in 1953, he began a 10-year stint at All Saints church in Eagle Butte on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation. But after that, it was back to Mississippi, where he saw the development of St. Gregory the Great parish in Senatobia.
Upon retirement Fr. Ken had a business card made up that said “Fr. Ken Stoll, SCJ. I am now retired, don’t ask me to do anything.” The card was a joke among his many friends and former parishioners who knew that Fr. Ken really was readily available to them.
A longtime friend of Fr. Ken, Bishop William Houck, retired bishop of Jackson, con-celebrated Fr. Ken’s funeral Mass in Mississippi.
Br. Felix Mueller (April 4, 1980): Born in 1911, Br. Felix came to the SCJs after a varied background in everything from bartending to barbering. Originally from the Milwaukee area, he was professed in 1940 and made his final vows four years later.
“He was what you would call one of the ‘old world brothers,’” said Fr. John Czyzynski. “He did a lot of maintenance work — the necessary things that need to get done but get little glory.”
There are many stories about Br. Felix, often told with a laugh and a smile. The unexpected was always expected from him. Br. Felix loved animals and while at Divine Heart Seminary in Donaldson, Ind., he decided to raise chickens. Unfortunately, Br. Felix thought the best place for them would be in his room so they would stay warm at night. When the cause of a curious smell in the building was discovered, the chickens found a new home outside. This was just one of many stories told by those with whom he lived and worked.
Br. Felix ministered in several of the SCJ locations, including Donaldson, South Dakota and Hales Corners.