
As we noted last week, there is a new face in the Province Vocation Office. Keith Burdick will serve in the recently created position of office manager. He will assist with office response to prospective candidates, and work with the rest of the vocation team to develop and implement strategies and programs for the office.
Keith has a bit in common with Fr. Tom Cassidy, provincial superior. Both are Milwaukee natives and both attended Pius XI High School (Fr. Cassidy had his 50th reunion over the weekend). A sports fanatic, Keith played baseball, basketball and golf when he was at Pius and then went on to pursue a degree in Sports and Recreation Management at Marian University in Wisconsin. He has a minor in marketing. Of course, he didn’t just study sports while at Marian, he played on the baseball team as well and served as captain for two years.
After graduation he became the athletic director (and physical education teacher) at St. Rafael the Archangel grade school in Milwaukee.
He and his wife Alissa were married last year. They have three dogs: Ezra, Maya, and Fenway (can you detect a love of baseball?). Keith and Alissa enjoy going to movies, watching Brewer games, and going to the dog park.
You can reach Keith by phone at 414-529-4555 or by email at Keithburdick@wi.rr.com.
A note of thanks
As many of you read in the Fridge Notes two weeks ago, Fr. Richard MacDonald’s youngest sister, Mary Overton, died in a seven-vehicle accident in St. Petersburg, Fl.
Fr. Mac writes: “The presence of the entire SCJ community from Pinellas Park at my sister’s funeral Mass, and receiving so many prayers and words of comfort, cards and emails, as well as phone calls from my brother SCJs, was very touching. I come from a big family spread out all over North America and from this they have learned something about the SCJs that makes me very proud. My sister went with me to Rome and became friends with Frs. Ornelas and Aquilino and many others. Once you met her you were never a stranger with her for very long. Thanks to you all, you helped me with your presence.”
Insurance reminder
The following note to SCJs is from the Dn. David Nagel, province treasurer:
“Wisconsin state law changed on July 1st demanding that all drivers show proof of insurance coverage. Each SCJ has proof of coverage through his vehicle insurance card that is sent each year. I recommend that SCJs make a copy of the proof of insurance card and carry it in their wallet when they travel. Other states also require proof of coverage so it is advisable to have a copy of the insurance card with you if you rent a car.
“A recent visitor to the office was stopped by the Wisconsin State Patrol and asked to show his driver’s insurance card but did not have one with him. The officer gave the person a warning but stated that proof of driver’s insurance coverage is mandatory. Starting on December 1st, those who do not show proof of coverage will be fined. Please keep your vehicle insurance card in the glove compartment and carry a copy of it with you.”
Keep in prayer
Br. Tim Murphy was hospitalized last week after suffering a series of seizures. Tests were done to determine their cause and he is now back home at Villa Maria.
Pest control
Members and staff of the U.S. Province are moving into the pest control business. A week ago Kevin Stanke, province accountant, captured a mouse that had been wandering around the Provincialate. A few days later we got word that Fr. Steve Huffstetter caught a snake in the SCJs’ house in Chamberlain, SD According to Fr. Anthony Kluckman, the snake was headed toward the chapel.
Who you gonna call?
Teresa Nonnenmacher, retired member of the Province Treasurer’s Office, has a new email address. If you’d like to say “hi” you can reach her at: tjnonn@wi.rr.com.
Event reminders
FINAL VOWS: Br. Long Nguyen and Frater Greg Schill will profess their final vows during a 10 a.m. ceremony on October 2 at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology. All SCJs are welcome to attend. A meal will follow. Please contact Br. Long at 414-943-6362 or by email at lphing@gmail.com if you plan to attend. The RSVP deadline is September 24.
DIACONATE ORDINATION: Frater Duy Nguyen will be ordained to the diaconate on Sunday, October 10 at 4 p.m. at Christ the King Church in Southaven, Mississippi.
If you will be attending you are asked to RSVP by phone or email to Frater Duy at 773-363-1326, ext 226, or by email at zwee00@yahoo.com
The Mississippi community will host a meal for SCJs coming for the ordination. SCJs should inform Carole Johnson (662-342-3324 or cjohnson@shsm.org) when they will be in Mississippi during the ordination weekend so that they can be included in the community meal.
Also, if you plan to take part in the Sacred Heart Southern Missions in-service, presented by St Joseph’s Indian School the day after the ordination, please inform Carole by October 1
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy will be in Texas for much of next week; October 6-8 he will be in Montréal for the meeting of the North American Councils.