Being present to students in campus ministry
“It is a ministry of life, of beginnings, looking toward the future,” said Fr. Quang Nguyen, SCJ, of his new role at the Catholic Newman Center of the University of Houston. “It is a time of possibilities, of planning, blooming.”
For nine years, Fr. Quang was the vocation director for the US Province. In January, he moved to Houston to continue to work with young people in discernment. However, in his new role as a campus minister, the scope of the discernment is much broader. The students he sees aren’t necessarily discerning a vocation to religious life, but life itself.
“Students hunger for someone to walk with them, someone to confide in,” he said. “At this time in their life, they are constantly on the move. Everything is hurry, hurry, HURRY! I have patience. They know I am here. They know that I will listen. They can come here [to the Newman Center] and slow down and be heard.”
“They are always looking forward,” he continued. “Their lives are wide open with possibilities. They are full of hope; it makes the ministry very life-giving… Our campus ministry students genuinely WANT to be here. They want to attend church. They want to learn more about their faith. That is affirming. That is exciting. I am grateful for this ministry personally, and for our province.”
Fr. Quang is pictured below with four students whom he welcomed to the Church during the Easter vigil. Our thanks to the Catholic Newman Center of the University of Houston for use of their photos.
Click here to read more about Fr. Quang’s ministry at the University of Houston.
Available from the archives
The Province Archives has several four-volume sets of the Liturgy of the Hours (used). If you would like to have a copy, please contact Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, at [email protected] or 414-427-4274.
May birthdays
Those celebrating birthdays in May include Fr. Mark Fortner on May 4, Fr. Byron Haaland on May 6, Fr. Bryan Benoit and Fr. Jack Kurps on May 7, Fr. Guy Blair on May 8, Frater Paul Phong Hoang on May 9, Fr. Jean Claude Mbassi on May 10, Fr. Anthony Kluckman and Fr. Élie Ngoy on May 12, Bishop Joseph Potocnak on May 13, Fr. Thi Pham on May 14, Fr. Jim Casper on May 20, Br. Andy Gancarczyk and Fr. Jerzy (George) Mordalski on May 24, Fr. Wayne Jenkins on May 25, and Fr. Stephen Huffstetter on May 31. Happy birthday!!
Have you made your reservation?
The third week in July will be a busy one here in Hales Corners. July 16 is the public celebration of the Centennial of Dehonian ministry in the United States, and July 17 is the “family” celebration with SCJs and co-workers. July 18-21 is the US Province Chapter.
All guest rooms at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake are now full during that week. There are still a few rooms left for SCJs with the Sacred Heart Monastery Community; if you would like to reserve a room there, please do so soon by contacting Fr. Duy Nguyen, SCJ.
There is also a block of rooms at the nearby Hampton Inn available for both the Centennial and the Provincial Chapter. Click one the following links for reservation information:
SCJ Centennial (
SCJ Chapter (
St. Joseph’s alum named chief of police
Richard Two Two, an alumnus of St. Joseph’s Indian School, was recently named Chief of Police for Kimball, SD.
Richard was a student at St. Joe’s during first through eighth grade, and again in ninth and tenth grades. He and his wife, Danielle, also a St. Joseph’s alum, lived outside of Chamberlain for a few years, but recently moved back to the area where Richard followed the example of his brother, going into law enforcement.
Kimball is a small town approximately 20 miles east of Chamberlain. When Richard saw that a new chief was needed in the community, he applied and succeeded in obtaining the position.
“I’m still working very closely with the sheriff’s office and other deputies right now, but what I really want for this position is to have a more active presence in the community,” he said. Like most small-town police chiefs, Richard spends much of his day away from his desk, out in the community.
“I try my best at everything I do. I’m not any different once I put on the badge,” said Richard. “I want to be someone people can trust and talk to, and not be scared to bring things up with. I’m here to help.”
Click here to read more on the St. Joseph’s blog site.
St. Joseph’s Indian School is one of the Dehonians’ oldest ministries in the United States.
Presentation gives a glimpse into Christianity’s history in Ethiopia
The world is literally brought to the doorstep of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology through its English and Culture Studies program. Priests, religious and others preparing for ministry in the Church come from around the world to better their English skills, and to gain knowledge about American culture.
Each semester a student in the ECS program gives a lunchtime presentation on his home country, including its history and the current realities of its faith communities and the cultural landscape. Last Thursday, Samson Tesfaye, a seminarian of the Archdiocese of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, shared his story of growing up in a traditional Orthodox childhood in Ethiopia. He converted to Catholicism, and now is now a student at the Catholic University of Eichstatt in Germany, preparing to become a Catholic priest. Interwoven in his presentation were glimpses into the history of Christianity in Ethiopia, which dates back to the 4th century.
The ECS program began as an ESL (English as a Second Language) program for SCJ students; over the years it has expanded its mission to prepare people for ministry from a variety of religious communities and dioceses from throughout the world.
Meetings with the pastor all a part of boss’s day
Last week Our Lady of Guadalupe School in Houston celebrated “Girl Boss Day.” Several female students were named to key jobs in the school to offer them an inside look into leadership positions and the day-to-day operations of the school. Students took on the role of principal, assistant principal, administrative assistant, receptionist, and advancement assistant. Pictured below is Fr. Rafael Querobin, SCJ, participating in one of the regular tasks of a Catholic school administrator: meeting with the pastor!
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