Congratulations to Frater Long Nguyen, SCJ, who graduated last week from an extended, year-long CPE program (Clinical Pastoral Education) through Aurora Healthcare.
“This year-long extended CPE program is three units for the purpose of board certification by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains,” said Frater Long, who took part in entry-level CPE training in 2017 as a part of his M.Div. studies.
“I’ve always been involved in some form of spiritual/pastoral care including volunteering at the University of Chicago Hospital, the Harlingen Medical Center (Texas), visits to senior communities in Texas and Wisconsin, and home visits as a part of parish ministry,” he added.
Frater Long said that he enjoys “sharing prayer space with others. Chaplaincy is one way of sharing that space. I remind people that tears, anguish and frustrations are prayers too.”
Following graduation, Frater Long hopes to become more involved in chaplaincy in the Milwaukee area.
Those celebrating birthdays in September include: Fr. Aegi Warsito on Sept. 1, Fr. Gustave Lulendo on Sept. 4, Fr. Juan Carlos Castañeda Rojas on Sept. 10, Frater Henricus Suharyono on Sept. 12, Fr. John Czyzynski on Sept. 14, Fr. Andrzej Sudol and Fr. Greg Speck on Sept. 17, Frater Jacob Smith on Sept. 21, and Fr. Joseph Thien Dinh on Sept. 24.
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Fr. Herman Falke on Saturday, August 31! A member of the Dehonian community in Ottawa, he is the eldest SCJ in North America, celebrating his 96th birthday this year.
New academic year begins!
The Opening Mass for the new academic year at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology is this Wednesday, August 28 at 4:30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Chapel. Fr. Tom Cassidy, SCJ, will be installed during the Mass as interim president-rector.
Anyone is welcome to attend the Mass, but please note that the RSVP deadline for the dinner following the Mass has passed.
Please remember
+ Fr. Philipus Adhitya Subono, a member of the Indonesian Province, died on August 22. He was born on August 31, 1955, professed his first vows on July 20, 1983, and was ordained to the priesthood on January 21, 1987.
+ Fr. Herman Falke’s sister, Hermien, recently died at the age 89. She was the last sibling of Fr. Herman, who is a member of the Dehonian community in Ottawa.
Welcome back Fr. Paul!
Yesterday, August 25, Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ, returned to St. Martin of Tours for the weekend to celebrate several Masses of Thanksgiving. Among the SCJs who concelebrated with him: Fr. Vien Nguyen, Fr. Mark Fortner, Fr. Jim Walters, Fr. Wayne Jenkins, Fr. Yvon Sheehy, Fr. Tom Cassidy, Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, and Fr. Andrzej Sudol (pastor of St. Martin of Tours). Many other Dehonians and province co-workers were in the pews.
Fr. Paul was ordained on June 1; he is currently a member of the Dehonian pastoral team that serves in northern Mississippi.
Click here to view photos from the Masses posted by St. Martin of Tours (Br. Andy Gancarczyk, SCJ, photographer)
Congratulations Fr. Raúl!
Fr. Raúl Gómez-Ruiz, SDS, former president-rector of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, has been appointed as General Secretary of the Society of the Divine Savior (Salvatorians). His six-year term begins on December 8. Until then, he will continue to work as Vicar Provincial of the Salvatorian’s US Province. Congratulations Fr. Raúl!
New Season of St. Joseph’s Hóčhoka podcast begins
The new season of Hóčhoka podcasts from St. Joseph’s Indian School starts today. Season 6 begins with alum Danielle Two Two, who recently received her LPN degree, speaking with Indigenous Evaluation expert Melanie Nadeau, PhD, MPH, Graduate Program Director of Indigenous Health at the University of North Dakota. Dr. Nadeau visited the school this past May and spoke to staff members about how to develop culturally appropriate evaluation methods. She shares insights on several podcasts during the season.
Two other alumni join the podcast later in the season: Trinity Sazue, who is now employed as a carpenter at the school, and Danielle Arpan, BSN. Arpan, this year’s St. Joseph’s Indian School Distinguished Alum, currently works at Phoenix Indian Medical Center in Phoenix, Ariz.
Dr. Damian Costello, a Catholic theologian specializing in indigenous spiritual traditions, returns this season to provide fresh perspectives on Catholicism through an indigenous lens. Topics range from the Red Heifer prophecy and various moments on the Church calendar such as Advent and Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Click here to access the podcasts from the St. Joseph’s website. Hóčhoka is also available on Podbean, Apple, iTunes and Spotify in audio and vlog formats.
Pictured above: Host Scott Woster talks with St. Joseph’s Indian School Distinguished Alum Danielle Arpan.
Newly released videos
Br. Andy Gancarczyk, SCJ, has produced several videos in recent months; including a brief presentation by Jennifer Long, director of Native Hope, who talks about how the organization tries to bring awareness to issues of human trafficking among Native Americans. Partnering with other organizations, Native Hope speaks to businesses and visitors about the signs of human trafficking, especially on how to report concerns.
“If you see something say something,” emphasized Jennifer, adding that many of the people who are victimized by human trafficking are often simply trying to find a way to survive, or to provide for their families. Click here or on the image above to view the video.
Native Hope is an outreach department of St. Joseph’s Indian School, one of the oldest apostolates of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians) in the United States.
The second video recently published by Br. Andy is another in a series of stories with Fr. Tony Russo, SCJ. This month’s features several titles, including “Slow Down,” “Lion and Mouse” and “Daily Walk 4K.” Click here to view the latest video, and click here to access the full series.
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