“Where I feel that I belong”
On Tuesday, August 14, James Nguyen and Juan Carlos Castaneda Rojas were received into the novitiate during a prayer service at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology. Fr. John Czyzynski, SCJ, is their novice master.
Reflecting on the novitiate, Juan Carlos, or “Juancho,” as he is known in the formation house, said that he wants “to enter the novitiate for the Priests of the Sacred Heart because I identify myself with the charism and foundations of the community. I started a journey in my vocation and formation that connects me in a special way with the Priests of the Sacred Heart.
“Somebody said to me once that it does not matter where you are or what you do; if you happy then that is where you belong. Well I am REALLY happy with the Priests of the Sacred Heart so it is here where I feel that I belong!”
Click here to view photos from the ceremony.
Click here to read biographies of James and Juan Carlos, as well as the rest of our student community.
Three renew vows
Besides the two men entering novitiate, this summer the province also celebrated the vow renewals of three SCJs in formation: Fra. Joseph Pham Vu, Fra. Fernando Orozco and Br. Clay Diaz.

Fra. Fernando renewed his vows in Houston where he spent the summer ministering at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish. Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, pastor and provincial councilor, received the vows. Fra. Joseph, who was in the Midwest working at Vocation Central and at youth events, renewed his vows in Chicago at the Dehon Formation House.
Br. Clay Diaz renewed his vows in St. Louis, where he is taking part in a program. Fr. John Czyzynski, SCJ, received them; he was joined by Fr. Jim Schroeder, SCJ, who ministers in the city. In the evening, SCJ Frs. Greg Schill and Duy Nguyen joined them for a celebration meal.
OLG anniversary highlighted
KTRK-TV, the ABC affiliate in Houston, did a nice video about Our Lady of Guadalupe’s 100th anniversary. The anniversary Mass, celebrated by Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, was on August 18. Anniversary events continue through the end of the year. Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, is pastor of OLG.
Click on the following graphic to view the video or click here to go to the KTRK webpage.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church was founded in 1912 by the Oblate Priests of Mary Immaculate to provide religious sacraments for the large influx of Mexican immigrants to the United States. The Oblates served the parish until 1973 when the SCJs began pastoral care there.
The parish is considered the mother church for the Hispanic population in Houston. Today’s church members include the descendants of those who came to Houston in the 1900s.
Friend us!
Quick news items are often posted on the province Facebook page in-between issues of the Fridge Notes. For example, a link to the video about Our Lady of Guadalupe, noted above, was on the Facebook page soon after it was released, as was a link to the story about our new novices.
Click here to visit the page, and better yet, if you haven’t done so already, “like” us.
New SHST president-rector installed
Msgr. Ross Shecterle will be installed as Sacred Heart School of Theology’s new president-rector during the opening school liturgy on Wednesday, August 29, at 4:30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Chapel. Check the province and SHST Facebook pages for photos.
Keep in prayer
On Friday evening, Br. Peter Mankins was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Milwaukee with what appeared to be symptoms of a stroke. He is now doing well and back home at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.
Also, Fr. Leonard Tadyszak was taken to Elmbrook Hospital (suburban Milwaukee) with what appeared to be blood in his urine. He is doing better and may be coming home today.
Fr. Steve Wiese remains in the hospital, also at Elmbrook, where he is being treated for a blood clot and fluid in his legs.
And finally, Br. Ray Kozuch has been receiving intravenous therapy for an infection that has been giving him health concerns for the past year.
Fr. Bill Pitcavage and Br. Matthew Miles are now living at Dehon House:
10731 W, Rawson Ave
Franklin, WI 53132
House phone: 414-425-3768
Also, several staff at the Provincialate Offices have new email addresses. The old “poshusa” addresses will no longer be in effect after September 30. Those who have new addresses:
Nancy Gray: provadm@usprovince.org
Fr. Wayne Jenkins: provarch@usprovince.org
John Kuxhause: provact@usprovince .org
Fr. Terry Langley: provsec@usprovince.org
Dn. David Nagel: provtreas@usprovince.org
Kevin Stanke: provtreas3@usprovince.org
At this time, the addresses for Fr. Tom Cassidy (tomcscj@mac.com), Mary Gorski (marygorski@sbcglobal.net) and Mark Wenzel (Mark.Wenzel@sodexo.com) remain the same.
Toronto community reflects internationality of congregation
The Priests of the Sacred Heart came to Canada in 1910, paving the way for the SCJ presence in North America. Over 100 years later, the congregation continues to be present in Canada, and now more than ever, reflects the international face of the congregation.
As previously noted, the Canadian Region’s Dehon House in Ottawa has long been an international one. Montréal as well is an SCJ community that includes members of the congregation not only from French-speaking Canada, but from Asia and Africa too.
Six years ago, Toronto SCJs made a commitment to internationality, both as a community and in ministry.
“[In 2006] we came together to draw up a pastoral plan designed to respond to the changing demands of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA),” said Fr. Jim Casper, SCJ. “Toronto is a multicultural city whose population of approximately 6.5 million includes people from Asia, Europe, Africa, Central and South America, the Middle East and the Caribbean.
“Every weekend in Toronto the Eucharist is celebrated in over 35 languages!”
An article about the community, first posted on the Generalate’s website, is now available on the province website. Click here to read it.
Speaking of our Canadian SCJs, congratulations to Fr. George Coppens who celebrates his 70th anniversary of profession this year and his 65th anniversary of ordination!
DHS reunion
Divine Heart Seminary’s class of 1972 is holding a reunion September 14-16 in Cincinnati, OH. Friends of the class, including all SCJs, are welcome to attend, as well as 1972 grads. For more information contact Dan Prickel at soccerdtp@aol.com
Upcoming meetings and events:
August 28-29: Provincial Council Meeting
October 11-12: Provincial Council Meeting
October 12: Dedication of Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake
December 18-19: Provincial Council Meeting
January 29-30: Provincial Council Meeting
March 19-20: Provincial Council Meeting
April 8-9: Mission Education Conference, St. Joseph’s Indian School
April 30 – May 1: Provincial Council Meeting (budgets)
Week of June 3: Province Election Assembly.