Weekly News: August 27, 2018

A new school year!

Today is the first day of classes for the 2018-19 academic year at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, as well as the start of the ESL Summer Session II. The Opening Mass for the year will be on Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. Faculty and staff are pictured above.

Members of the SCJ formation program attending SHSST include: Kenneth Chidozie Anyanwu, Frater Huan Pham Duy, SCJ, Frater Phong “Paul” Hoang, SCJ, Frater Henry Nguyen, SCJ, S.K. Okechukwu Landericus Oledibe – “Landry,” and Hung Pham. Also in the formation program are Jacob Smith, an undergraduate candidate attending Marquette University, and Frater Long Nguyen, SCJ, who is commuting to Catholic Theological Union in Chicago to conclude his degree there.

Welcome home!

Fr. Yvon

After almost five months of rehabilitation following surgery to treat Charcot (a deterioration of the bones in the foot), Fr. Yvon Sheehy, SCJ, is back home at Sacred Heart Monastery. He says that “I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, visits and support during my five months in the hospital and then rehab. It was and is greatly appreciated. I now have a few adjustments on the way to wellness.”

Also home is Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, who had a transmetatarsal amputation to treat an infection. He will do his recovery and rehabilitation at home with the St. Joseph’s Community at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. He has a long recovery process, perhaps taking him through to Thanksgiving before he is able to get back to his regular schedule. However, he does plan to return to work as he is able, most likely beginning with some work at home and then short visits to the office. He said that he appreciates and thanks people for their prayers and support and asks that you continue to keep him in your prayers in the weeks ahead.

Ministering to the undocumented

Fr. Jose

The North American Migration Committee invites SCJs and students to hear Fr. Jose Gonzales, a Milwaukee diocesan priest, speak of his experiences as pastor of St. Adalbert in Milwaukee. During his time there, the parish grew to become the largest Hispanic parish in the archdiocese. Among its worshippers are many undocumented immigrants from Latin America.

Besides sharing his own experiences, Fr. Jose will also talk about the effect of immigration policies and how the Church can respond. A question and answer session will follow his presentation. It will take place Tuesday, September 11, from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. in the recreation room of the Sacred Heart Community at SHML.

Keep in prayer

Please keep Fr. Wayne Jenkins, SCJ, in your prayers. He has been hospitalized in Indonesia with a respiratory infection. Fr. Wayne, who has studied and assisted in the country, is in Indonesia on a 50th anniversary trip.

Have you responded?

All SCJs are invited to attend the annual celebration of profession (vows) jubilees. The SCJs to be honored this year include Br. Matthew Miles (60 years in vows), Fr. Bob Bossie and Br. Leonard Zaworski (50 years in vows), and Fr. Bryan Benoit (30 years). Mass will begin at 4:30 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Chapel at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. A reception and dinner will follow. You are asked to RSVP as soon as possible to 414-425-6910 or by email at [email protected].

A week later, the Sacred Heart Community at SHML is hosting a celebration of priesthood ordination jubilees. Following the same schedule as the jubilee of vows, the Mass will begin at 4:30 p.m., at the Good Shepherd Chapel, on Friday, September 14. A reception and dinner will follow. If you are planning to attend, please return your response card by September 1 (this week). Among the SCJs celebrating ordination jubilees: Fr. Thomas Lind and Fr. Richard Johnston (60 years of ordained ministry), Fr. Mark Fortner (50 years or ordained ministry), and Fr. Jim Walters, Fr. Timothy Gray and Fr. Yvon Sheehy (40 years of ordained ministry).

Labor Day holiday

The Provincial Offices will be closed next Monday, September 3, for Labor Day. The Fridge Notes will also take a holiday; the next issue will be published on Monday, September 10. Don’t forget in-between the Fridge Notes news can also be found on the province Facebook page; you do not need to be a member of Facebook to view the page. Previous issues of the Fridge Notes (weekly news), as well as feature stories and other information, can be found on the province website, www.dehoniansusa.org.

Fr. Heiner speaks to TeleDehon about his appointment as bishop

Episcopal ordination

Fr. Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, former superior general of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, will be ordained as the 71st bishop of Hildesheim, Germany, on Saturday, September 1. The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, the pope’s ambassador to Germany, will present the papal certificate of appointment. Thousands are expected to attend the ordination; live broadcasts will be done in two churches near the cathedral to make the service available to as many people as possible.

Fr. Jan de Jong, SCJ, will be representing the US Province, and Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ, will represent the Canadian Region.

Check the province Facebook page for news and photos from the celebration.

September birthdays

SCJs celebrating birthdays in September include Fr. Aegi Warsito (53) on Sept. 1, Fr. Gustave Lulendo (45) on Sept. 4, Dn. Juan Carlos Castañeda Rojas (36) on Sept. 10, Fr. Johnny Klingler (83) and Fr. John Czyzynski (81) on Sept. 14, Fr. Greg Speck (71) and Fr. Andrzej Sudol (48) on Sept. 17, Br. John Monek (89) on Sept. 18, and Fr. Joseph Dinh (49) on Sept. 24. Happy birthday!

Old and new together

Last week, craftsmen put the finishing touches on the installation of glass pieces from the chapel at the former Dehon House in Chicago. The glass is in the lobby of the new Sacred Heart Monastery entrance. The entrance – inside and outside – is pictured below.

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