Educating the poorest of the poor
It was in the factory town of Saint-Quentin, France, that Fr. Leo John Dehon was first exposed to the plight of the working poor. It awakened him to the fact that the Church needs to do more than offer sacraments, its priests must “get out of the sacristy and go to the people,” he said.
Fr. Dehon’s words have come alive in Vietnam where the Priests of the Sacred Heart have partnered with St. Paul Parish near Ho Chi Minh City. The parish has much in common with the founder’s first parish assignment in Saint-Quentin. The population that surrounds it is made up primarily of factory workers and young migrant families. Many have come from the poorest areas of the country, seeking jobs and a better life near the city.
Parents of these migrant families cannot afford to send their children to school; even the most basic needs of a uniform and books are out of their reach. To help these families, St. Paul parish opened a small school with volunteer teachers. Recently, the U.S. Province made a three-year commitment to financially support the school.
“This commitment from the U.S. Province is a great help not only to the school but to the parish as well,” said an SCJ who helps with the project. “Now the funds that were used for the school can go to many of the other social needs of the area, including job training.”
To read more about the school and the SCJs involvement with it, click here.
Education in Houston’s inner city
Continuing the theme of education, the Priests of the Sacred Heart have long had a commitment to education in Houston’s inner city where the U.S. Province has helped to support Our Lady of Guadalupe School. The school was recently featured in an article in the Houston Chronicle.

“Our Lady of Guadalupe, the oldest Catholic school in Houston, located in one of its poorest parishes, is no stranger to financial hardship,” writes Jeannie Kever in the Houston Chronicle. “About half of its 240 students receive financial aid, and Principal Katherine Costello juggles spending time with students, parents and teachers with raising money for everything from salaries to building repairs.
“Eighteen months after it closed four inner-city schools, the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston has launched a campaign to stabilize Our Lady of Guadalupe and a dozen other urban schools in Houston, Galena Park and Pasadena, hoping to create a lasting source of funding for scholarships, construction and maintenance, equipment and teacher salaries…
“Other faith-based schools have similar challenges, but few are as connected to low-income neighborhoods as those affiliated with the Catholic church.
“’I think we have a responsibility as Catholics, and as a church, to educate those who are a little less fortunate,” said Fr. Edward Kilianski, pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. ‘I think it’s a moral obligation.’”
Our Lady of Guadalupe is ministered to by the Priests of the Sacred Heart; the province contributes $55,000 a year to the OLG school budget.
The full article is available on the Houston Chronicle website.
Advent concert
Sacred Heart Monastery, in conjunction with the Province Development Office, is hosting an Advent Concert and Silent Auction on December 12 at 2 p.m. at the Sacred Heart Chapel in the monastery. The St. Matthias Choir and Handbell Choir (Milwaukee) will perform; light refreshments will be served after. A free-will offering of $10 is suggested to cover the costs of the concert.
Silent auction items include a dinner for six prepared by Fr. Paul Kelly, spiritual director of the Development Office; a certified National Football League football with original signatures from all the players and coaching staff of the Green Bay Packers from the beginning of the 2010 regular season; and an iPod Touch with a $50 iTunes gift card.
Call 414-425-3393 (800-448-7674) to RSVP for the concert or to get information about the silent auction.
Keep in prayer
Fr. Chuck Wonch is recovering from thyroid surgery.
Br. Larry Rucker is recovering from cataract surgery.
Carol Gibbons, the sister of Fr. Joe Doscher, was hospitalized last week following a stroke.
Please remember
Ronald Dupuis died Sunday, December 5. He was the brother of Richard Dupuis, director of the Séminaire du Sacré-Coeur in Quebec and an honorary member of the Canadian Region.
The Congregational Home has a new address. The residents have not moved; the new address reflects the preferred entrance:
13900 W Burleigh Rd.
Brookfield, WI 53005-7623
General Chapter Acta
The Acta from the last General Chapter –– primarily in Italian — is available. Contact Br. Frank Presto if you would like a copy.
New general secretary
Fr. Florentinus Heru Ismadi of the Indonesia Province has been named the new general secretary. He replaces Fr. Anisio Schwirkowski of Brazil, who was instrumental in preparing the last general chapter.
Calendar updates
December 14-15: Provincial Council Meeting
January 11-12: Provincial Council meeting
January 15: Celebration of SCJ ministry in the Rio Grande Valley (OLG Raymondvilee)
February 17-18: Provincial Council meeting
March 29-30: Provincial Council meeting
May 9-11: Provincial Council meeting (budgets)
May 23-24: North American councils meeting (Chicago)
Week of July 11: Province Assembly, Hales Corners, Wis.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Cassidy finishes his visitation in Mississippi this week and heads toward Texas, where he will be from December 8-13. Council meetings are scheduled for December 14-15.