What’s where?
With the start of the new year we have a few reminders about SCJ communication resources that are only a few keystrokes away on the internet:
Fridge Notes: The weekly news of the U.S. Province is available on the province website and as a weekly e-mail. Anyone can be added to the email subscription list. Click here to submit a name and email address. The news is generally published on Mondays. Curious about upcoming events in the province? There is a calendar in the right column of the email version of the Fridge Notes.
Dehonian Spirituality: Prayers and reflections based in the Dehonian charism are published on Fridays in the Dehonian Spirituality section of the province website. The updates are also available by email. Anyone is welcome to be on the email list. Click here to submit a name and email address.
Province blog: “Walk With Us” is the U.S. Province blog where members of the community, as well as co-workers and other collaborators in ministry, share reflections on a variety of topics. Often, this is where journal entries from traveling SCJs are published, such as from Fr. Stephen Huffstetter when he was in Asia and Africa, and Fr. Tom Cassidy during his extended time with our Indian District. Click here to view the blog. And click here to submit a reflection to it. Photos are also welcome.
Facebook: Click here to visit the U.S. Province Facebook page. If you are a member of Facebook, we encourage you to “like” the page. Please note, you do not need to be a Facebook member to view the page. The general administration also has a Facebook page. Click here to view it and find news items on it from around the world.
Province website: Click here to go to the home page of the U.S. Province website where you can find links to several of the sites already mentioned, as well as others. At the top of the page click on “News and Publications” where you will find weekly news (Fridge Notes), feature stories, links to SCJ News downloads, and the province necrology. From any of the “News and Publications” pages you can access a search engine for the site and a province calendar in the left column. Under the Members’ section SCJs can access back issues of the Cor Unum, letters from the provincial superior, an online phone/address directory and other membership items. Forgot the password? Click here.
Vocations: Click here to go directly to the vocation web page.
Online photo albums: Click here to view digital photo albums from a variety of province events and activities.
Dehonian Social Justice: Click here to access the Dehonian Social Justice website produced by the Province Office of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation. On it are links for social action, as well as reflections by Mark Peters, province JPR director.
General website: The general administration has a website available in Italian and English. Click here to access the English version.
Other websites: Click here to go to a list of other websites in the U.S. Province and other congregational entities.
Have an idea? Click here to submit a story idea or suggestion for the one of our province websites.
St. Joe’s students excel at Lakota Invitational

“Right before the Christmas break began, several of our students traveled out to Rapid City, S.D., to take part in some of the events at the annual Lakota Nation Invitational (LNI),” wrote Fr. Anthony Kluckman in the St. Joseph’s Indian School blog. “What began as a basketball tournament in the 1970s is now a celebration of Native American arts, culture, language and family. The days-long event includes traditional hand games, a language bowl, knowledge bowl, archery competition and more.
“St. Joseph’s sent a Knowledge Bowl team and they captured third place. After the team contest, there are individual tests in a variety of subjects. One of St. Joseph’s team members, senior RJ, took first place in Government. One of those congratulating RJ was Senator John Thune, who was also the speaker at RJ’s eighth grade graduation. Given his interest in government and politics, this was very exciting for RJ!
“One of our freshmen, Kaitlyn, took part in the archery contest and came in second out of 30 shooters. St. Joseph’s hand games team took first place! Their weekly practices really paid off.”
Click here to read other items on the school blog.
Fr. Yulius Sunardi, who recently returned to his native Indonesia after completing his doctorate last year, will move to Yogyakarta to take a teaching assignment at the local university. His address as of Jan. 14:
Skolastikat SCJ
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 7,5
Kotak Pos 1015
Yogyakarta 55010
His email remains the same: nardiiranu@yahoo.com. Prior to his move to Yogyakarta, Fr. Nardi will give a workshop in Gisting Jan. 6-8 to SCJs involved in formation.

Fr. Quang Nguyen and Br. Long Nguyen were in Nashville for the start of the new year taking part in SEEK. Held Jan. 1-5, SEEK is a gathering for college students exploring together the questions of life’s journey which calls everyone to “ask, seek and knock.” [Adapted from SEEK’s website] SEEK is presented by FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students.
Budget time
Those who prepare budgets in the US. Province should have recently received a letter from Dn. David Nagel with guidelines and a timetable for the FY16 budgets. Two dates to keep in mind: Feb. 6 is the due date for informing the Provincial Council of capital projects for the next budget, and March 27 is the due date for the budgets themselves. Questions? Contact anyone from the Provincial Treasurer’s Office (Dn. David, John Kuxhause or Kevin Stanke).
Provincial’s time
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter starts the new year in the office. Jan. 11-16 he has a visitation with the Sacred Heart Community at SHML, and Jan. 18-25 he will be in Pinellas Park, Fl., for a visitation.