Wellness, social justice and province finances focus of July assembly
Beginning with the province jubilee celebrations last Monday, the provincial assembly ran through midday on Thursday, July 12. Activities were split between Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology and the Province Conference Center.
Each day of the assembly had a theme, beginning with wellness issues on Tuesday.
Justice and Peace was the focus for Wednesday. Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, the provincial councilor responsible for JP issues, began the day by talking about the implementation of social justice concerns in the province. “Everyone on the Justice and Peace Commission has full time obligations in other areas,” said Fr. Ed. “And that includes me.”
If the province is going to give social justice concerns adequate attention, someone needs to have full-time responsibility for Justice and Peace. The council and the JPIC Commission discussed the possibility of hiring a province Justice and Peace director, and perhaps people on the local level to focus on concerns particular to an area, such as Native American issues in South Dakota or the concerns of African-Americans in economically depressed areas of Mississippi.
If an SCJ is not available for one of the JP positions, the council is open to hiring a non-SCJ. “Already we are hiring non-SCJs to collaborate with us, such as the new president-rector of Sacred Heart School of Theology and the office manager at Vocation Central,” said Fr. Ed. “As our numbers diminish, we have to look at new ways of continuing the ministries and concerns that are important to us.”
The final morning of the assembly was dedicated to province finances.
Click here to read more about the assembly.
Click here to view photos from it.
The death of Br. Tim
Br. Timothy Murphy, SCJ, died July 12, following complications from a seizure and later, heart attack.

Br. Tim was 74 years old. He professed his first vows in August, 1965, and his final vows in August, 1968.
His first assignments were in vocation ministry at the community’s high school seminaries, first at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Lenox, Mass., from 1965-1967, and then at Divine Heart Seminary in Donaldson, Ind., from 1968-1979.
In 1980, he moved to Raymondville, Texas, where he served on the parish team that ministered in the Rio Grande Valley, based out of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Raymondville.
In 1984 he began his longest ministry assignment, serving retired priests and brothers at the Sacred Heart Retirement Community in Pinellas Park, Fla.
In 2010 he moved to Franklin, Wis., first joining the Villa Maria community, and last year, moving with the community to Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.
The wake for Br. Tim will be Wednesday, July 18, at 7:00 p.m. at Sacred Heart Monastery. The Funeral Mass will be on Thursday, July 19, at 10:30 a.m., also at Sacred Heart.
Click here to read a remembrance of Br. Tim written by Fr. Mark Mastin, SCJ.

“Educare” the focus of 8th General Conference
Over 80 people from around the world gather this week in Neustadt, Germany, for “Educare,” the 8th General Conference of the congregation.

The tradition of the general conference began in 1969. Held at the midpoint of a superior general’s term the themes have varied greatly, beginning with “The Renewal of the Congregation in Light of Vatican II.” The last conference was in 2006 in Warsaw, Poland; its focus was “SCJs on Mission Ad Gentes.”
The major superiors of each SCJ entity, along with invited guests and staff take part in the conference. North American participants include Fr. Tom Cassidy (US provincial), Fr. Bill Marrevee (Canadian superior), Kathleen Donohue (principal of St. Joseph’s Indian School), and Michelle Cyr (principal of Sacred Heart School in Pointe aux Chênes, Quebec). Mary Gorski from the U.S. Provincialate, is also there as a part of the conference staff.
What does “Educare” mean? The word was chosen by conference organizers to describe a more encompassing view of education, a view that goes well beyond the classroom. The conference will look at ways in which SCJs, as well as those who collaborate with the community in ministry, can have an impact on the formation of youth from a Dehonian perspective.
Click here to read more about the conference, and check the province and general websites for updates and photos from it. Click here to go directly to the photo album of the conference.
From Maranhão
As noted previously, Fr. Tim Gray, SCJ, is spending the last part of his sabbatical in South America, living and ministering with our SCJ communities there. On July 15 he wrote a blog post from the Brazilian state of Maranhão:
“On July 9 I arrived in Maranhão. The SCJs came to this neglected, underdeveloped state 43 years ago and demonstrated their commitment to it by making it an official region of the community (now, a district). As also happened in parts of the United States, the SCJs used their own resources to finance ministries which the local church could not afford…
“The dedication of the SCJs… has contributed to the establishment and growth of 180 base communities; 40 in Santa Lucia and 140 in “the interior.” Most of these communities have Mass celebrated twice a year. In the rural community I visited, as with most others, a small chapel built by the community members themselves is home to Bible study classes, catechetical instruction, and local celebrations. During the annual parish celebration (which, in typical Brazilian fashion, runs from October 31 till December 13, the feast of Santa Lucia), thousands of people gather from all over the area at the mother church for the various processions, Masses, parish renewals and retreats, dinner, concerts, and folkloric presentations (The youth ministry has taken on the task of using the local folkloric tradition as a catechetical instrument.)”
Click here to read Fr. Tim’s full post.
Fr. Mark Mastin, SCJ, moved over the weekend. His new address:
1022 Meahou Street
Mililani, HI 96789
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy, SCJ, arrived in Europe yesterday where he will take part in the General Conference in Neustadt, Germany, and the SCJ major superiors meeting. As with general chapters, reports and photos from the conference will be posted on the general website. The reports will also be sent via email to SCJs in North America, and anyone else who would like to receive them. You do not need to be an SCJ to be on the mailing list. If you would like to add someone to the mailing list, click here.
Upcoming meetings and events:
July 16-21: General Conference, Neustadt, Germany
July 23-25: SCJ Major Superiors Meeting, Neustadt, Germany
August 28-29: Provincial Council Meeting
October 11-12: Provincial Council Meeting
October 12: Dedication of Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake
December 18-19: Provincial Council Meeting
January 29-30: Provincial Council Meeting
March 19-20: Provincial Council Meeting
April 8-9: Mission Education Conference, St. Joseph’s Indian School
April 30 – May 1: Provincial Council Meeting (budgets)
Week of June 3: Province Election Assembly.