The General Chapter begins!
“This is a dynamic moment for the congregation,” said Fr. Carlos Enrique Caamaño Martín, SCJ, superior general, in welcoming delegates to the XXIV General Chapter. “It is a time for intense communion while also recognizing our diversity. We must let the Holy Spirit touch our hearts, and to do this, we must have an open heart, and open mind…
“Walking together as Dehonians isn’t just a duty, it is our permanent call. It is something essential to us. Community life isn’t a means to an end, it is the fullest realization of our religious life.”

Fr. Carlos Enrique reflected on the theme developed by Bishop Virginio Bressanelli, SCJ, when he was superior general: “We the congregation.” In successive chapters and in successive administrations, that call for “Sint Unum” continues to grow.
The General Chapter began on Saturday and runs through Friday, July 27. The election process for the new general administration is scheduled to begin on Thursday, July 19.
SCJ Fathers Quang Nguyen, Jack Kurps and Vien Nguyen are representing the US Province. Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ and Fr. Gustave Lulendo, SCJ, are representing the Canadian Region.
One of the significant tasks of the chapter is to elect a new general administration; however, much of the second week will focus on developing guidelines for the new administration, including areas of concern and new hopes for the future.
Saying good-bye
Yesterday, July 15, the chapter delegates began their day with Mass celebrated by Fr. Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, former superior general. Today he left Rome to prepare for his new assignment as bishop of Hildesheim, Germany. Fr. Carlos Enrique Caamaño Martín, SCJ, the current superior, thanked Fr. Heiner for his service. He said that Fr. Heiner had not only been a good leader, but an excellent confrere, a brother in life and in work. It was an emotional moment of both joy and sorrow as Fr. Heiner gave thanks for the congregation and to those with whom he served. After the Mass, each capitular lined up to personally expresses his well-wishes to the bishop-elect.

News, photos and videos
Information from the chapter can be found at a variety of resources. Including:
•DehoniansWorldwide, the Facebook page for the congregation
•The general website’s page devoted to the chapter, click here for English. View the first two reports (English) from the chapter by clicking on the appropriate date:
•The chapter’s online photo albums
•The chapter newsletter. Click here to subscribe to the English version. View the first two issues by clicking on the appropriate date:
Videos from each day of the chapter are accessible at the bottom of the newsletter, as well as from the Generalate’s web page, and Facebook.

Keep in prayer
Not present in Rome is Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, provincial superior. As noted last week, Fr. Ed underwent surgery to address an infection in his toe. Last week, a second surgery was necessary in which several toes were removed. Please keep Fr. Ed in prayer during his recovery. Cards can be mailed to him at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake, 7330 S. Lovers Lane Road, Franklin, WI 53132-1849.
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