Nine celebrate jubilees
On July 11 the Priests of the Sacred Heart celebrated the religious jubilees of nine men during a 4 p.m. liturgy in the main chapel of Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology. Commemorating 60 years of vows with the community were Fathers Tom Fix, Tom Lind, Vincent McDonald, Richard Johnston and Charles Yost. Br. John Monek and Bishop Joseph Potocnak celebrated their 50th anniversaries. Added to the list of jubilarians were Fathers Vincent Suparman and Donatus Kusmartono from Indonesia. Both are in Hales Corners for study. Click here to read more about the jubilarians. Click here to view the online photo album from the event. Click here to read Fr. Tom Cassidy’s homily.

Province gathers in Hales Corners
The Province Jubilee Celebration was the kick-off to the four-day summer province assembly.

Fr. John van den Hengel, general councilor, led the first full day of the assembly on July 12. In the morning, he shared the statistics of the congregation, showing how the face of the Priests of the Sacred Heart has changed over the past 20 years and what it will look like in the future. Comparing statistics of the congregation from 1991 to today he noted that the population of the congregation is shifting from the northern to the southern hemisphere. This is exciting in that the SCJ presence is growing rapidly in Africa, Asia and South America. However, there are also challenges as the administration, and the congregation as a whole, prepares for a new reality that is no longer European-centered. [Click here to view a PDF of the PowerPoint slides that were a part of Fr. John’s presentation.]
Each day of the province assembly had a different theme. As noted above, on Tuesday Fr. John spoke about the worldwide congregation, as well as SCJ spirituality.

On Wednesday and Thursday SCJs spent more time in small group discussions. Community living –– as religious –– and the ingredients needed to develop a healthy community were the focus of Wednesday’s discussions. Commonality and cooperation, shared prayer, shared meals and recreation, hospitality and availability, communication, acceptance and accountability were all identified as “elements of a good community.” Meeting with members of their own local communities, SCJs talked about how they can better bring these elements to life in their own communities. The Province Justice and Peace Commission presented the final day’s discussions, which focused on immigration. Click here to read more about the assembly. Click here to view an online photo album from the days.
Please remember
Fr. Emílio Mallmann, a member of the Central Brazilian Province, died July 10. He was born in 1924, professed in 1943 and ordained in 1948. Eleanor Nawrocki, the 97-year-old mother of Marlene Zepecki, died on July 15. Marlene is the receptionist at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology. Visitation will be Max A Sass and Sons Funeral Home on 1515 W. Oklahoma (Milwaukee) on July 19 from 4-7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be on Wednesday, July 20, at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church (Milwaukee) at 10 a.m.
Keep in prayer
As noted last week, two SCJs from the Congolese Province were injured in a plane crash that killed 74. Both are now being treated in a hospital in Kinshasa. Fr. Jean-Paul Masudi Tityenga has burns on his face and hands, and Frater Vervein Mtoro Litekya suffered a significant concussion, has a broken arm and had to have a foot amputated. Please keep these men, as well as all affected by the accident, in your prayers.

Moving in!
After a few delays, the SCJ wing at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lakes is finally ready for its first residents. Dn. David Nagel received the Temporary Occupancy Permit from the City of Franklin on July 14. The next day (July 15) SCJs received keys and took possession of the property from the builder.

Last Friday was a busy day as chapel and dining room furniture were delivered. Much of the apartment furniture is also in place. This week and next, members of the Villa Maria and 37 Street communities, as well as other SCJs joining the new community, are moving their personnel belongings to SHML. Several SCJs, including Fr. Tom Cassidy, will be fully moved into the property by the end of today. Tomorrow, the food service will offer its first meals at SHML. On Friday, the Villa Maria community held a “Good-Bye Prayer Service for Villa Maria” to give thanks for the many years that the building and its community served the province. Although initially it was thought that it would be different, the address for the new property will be the same as Villa Maria’s was: 7330 S. Lovers Lane Road Franklin, WI 53132-1849
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy will attend the ordination of Bishop-designate Donald J. Hying, the newly named auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, on July 20. Fr. Tom goes to St. Louis this weekend for a Religious Brothers Conference gathering, and then spends a few days in South Dakota the following week.
Upcoming meetings and events:
August 30-31: Provincial Council Meeting
October. 2: Pet Blessing (SHST)
October 4-5: Provincial Council Meeting
November 14-16: SCJ Retreat, Pinellas Park
December 14-15: Provincial Council Meeting
December 18: Advent Concert, 2 p.m.