General Conference ends
As noted last week, SCJs and staff from around the world gathered in Neustadt, Germany, July 15-21, for the 8th General Conference. The theme was “Educare,” a holistic and encompassing view of the education of youth from a Dehonian perspective.

In the closing session of the conference, Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho, superior general, spoke about the week’s work. “Educare goes to the root of our raison d’être,” he said. “We can change the world, and educare is a privileged way to achieve that change.”
He continued by noting the importance of having lay educators with the Dehonians at the conference. “Having them here was not just window dressing,” he said. “They are an expression of who we are and we cannot carry out our work without a mutual cooperation. The laity who work with us are not a mere extension of us but offer a unique insight into helping us discover what a Dehonian, a Dehonian educator, is.”
Click here to go to the Educare page of the general administration’s website. Many of the presentations of the days are available there, as well as links to the daily reports and photo albums.
Photos can also be viewed at www.generalate.smugmug.com.

A participant’s view
As Fr. General noted above, several lay staff, representing SCJ schools from around the world, were invited to join members of the community at the conference. Attending from North America were Michelle Cyr, principal of Sacred Heart School in Pointe aux Chênes, Quebec, and Kathleen Donohue, principal of St. Joseph’s Indian School in South Dakota. Before leaving Neustadt on Sunday, Kathleen wrote the following about her experience at the conference:
“I arrived at Neustadt after spending several weeks visiting our sister school in Handrup, Germany. At the conference, I was truly intrigued by the ebb and flow of languages spoken. The first evening I sat with the translators. To listen to their conversation switching from Italian to French and then back to English was in itself awesome for this mono-linguistic American.
“The conference days proceeded with a somewhat relaxed time schedule. Each presentation was followed by lively conversational break and afternoons included siesta time. That is not to say the conference was not productive. Quite the contrary. Each presentation was given due consideration and animated discussion. We were grouped linguistically to explore the subject, substance and its possible applications in our educational endeavors.
“The focus of the conference was on how to educate youth in the Dehonian spirit. We viewed how mass media, schools and parishes all contribute to the formation of our young people. What evolved from this endeavor was a portrait of a Dehonian educator, who, by painting in broad strokes, could enliven and enlighten the student canvas with integrated and value-filled life lessons.
“The international flavor of the conference was not just confined to the presentations. Inspirational grace poured from the daily Mass and adoration as ritual and song intertwined multi-culturally.
“I feel truly blessed to be part of the Dehonian journey with our youth. As our gathering ends, the spirit lives on as we go back home.”
Fridge Notes schedule
There will be two breaks in the publication of the Fridge Notes this summer. The first will be next week, July 30, and the second will be on August 20.
Prayer requests and other time-sensitive news will continue to be sent to SCJs via email, as usual. News updates will also be posted on the province Facebook page and website.
Soldiering on as an Army chaplain
Fr. Mark Mastin, SCJ, is coming to the end of his first year as an Army chaplain at Schoefield Barracks on the island of Oahu in Hawaii. He recently posted a reflection on his ministry on the province blog.

“I really feel honored to do this ministry,” he began. “Every time I look at the photo I have of Fr. Dehon helping soldiers during the war of his era, I cannot but think how he and I are connected. We share the same desire to help soldiers regardless of the reason for war. We both have felt saddened by what war does to the soul and spirit of people. We both have felt a purpose in some small way of bringing the presence of God or at least a sense of peace and consolation to those afraid and feeling depressed, discouraged or emotionally or physically injured because of war. Finally, he must have felt the loneliness of being separated from his community members, family and friends…
“Is it hard? Yes! There days that I can feel drained and exhausted when trying to help a soldier, or help a family member cope with an issue of suicide, death, tragedy, deep emotional and psychological problems, sacramental preparations, etc.
“But yes! I have good days and experiences when I feel that I have made a difference.”
Click here to read the rest of Fr. Mark’s reflection.
Remembering Fr. Rick
On Thursday, July 19, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston held a special Mass and reception to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Fr. Rick DiLeo, SCJ. More than 600 parishioners attended. The Mass was celebrated by Frs. Ed Kilianski and Quang Nguyen. “There was a great of love and emotion expressed for Fr. Rick,” said Fr. Ed. “He was truly loved and is deeply missed.”
Br. Clay Diaz will be taking part in a program in St. Louis for the next five to six months. He said that he appreciates your prayers and support and also said that he’d love to hear from SCJs while there. His contact information:
2039 North Geyer Rd,
St. Louis, Mo 63131
Cell: 1-773-322-7065
Email: claydia@hotmail.com
Summer ESL program
The ESL program is three weeks into its summer session at Sacred Heart School of Theology. Click here to view a directory of this summer’s students and click here to take a look at the first ESL newsletter of the summer.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy returns on Thursday from the General Conference and meetings in Germany but will soon be back on the road again, traveling for the annual CMSM gathering. He will gone most of next week.
Upcoming meetings and events:
August 28-29: Provincial Council Meeting
October 11-12: Provincial Council Meeting
October 12: Dedication of Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake
December 18-19: Provincial Council Meeting
January 29-30: Provincial Council Meeting
March 19-20: Provincial Council Meeting
April 8-9: Mission Education Conference, St. Joseph’s Indian School
April 30 – May 1: Provincial Council Meeting (budgets)
Week of June 3: Province Election Assembly.