SCHEDULE NOTICE: Because of summer vacation schedules the next Fridge Notes update will be delayed until Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Death of Fr. Rick DiLeo
As reported on the province website last week, Fr. Rick DiLeo died July 19 of a massive heart attack. He was 58 and had been a member of the Priests of the Sacred Heart for almost 40 years.
Originally from New Jersey, he served for many years at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston, first, as a newly ordained priest. He also served in vocations and formation, as well as in the newly developing district of India, before returning to Our Lady of Guadalupe in 2002 where he served as associate pastor until his death. Fr. Rick was also part of the parish team at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Houston from 1995-98.
Fr. Rick was well known by SCJs around the world. Besides his service in India, Fr. Rick also worked on the staff of the 2003 General Chapter and did sabbatical studies in Rome.
“It is with sorrow and surprise that I received the news of the unexpected death of Fr. Richard DiLeo,” wrote Bishop Virginio Bressanelli. The bishop was superior general of the Priests of the Sacred Heart during the chapter at which Fr. Rick served. He also encouraged Fr. Rick to be a missionary in India. “I have fond memories of him for his simplicity and his love for the Church and congregation. He lived his priesthood with joy. He leaves us an example of a good life offered in witness of the Lord according to the charism of Fr Dehon. You have my prayers.”
“When I personally think of [Fr.] Rick, I think of someone who cared deeply about members of his family and members of his congregation,” wrote Fr. Peter McKenna of the Canadian Region. “He seemed to live with a purposeful heart to create ‘sint unum’ wherever he was.”
Classmates as well remembered Fr. Rick warmly from his seminary days. “As a classmate of Fr. Rick’s at Lenox, I thought that even then he stood out as a warm, deeply caring and committed, gentle, kind, and compassionate individual,” said Tom Golebiewski, an alumnus of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Lenox, Mass. “I have often thought of him fondly and as I read about his work over the years, was quite pleased that I knew him in our younger and formative years.”
A wake and funeral were held for Fr. Rick in Houston at Our Lady of Guadulape on Thursday and Friday. The wake at Sacred Heart Monastery will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 25, and the funeral will be on Tuesday at 10 a.m. on July 26.
Click here to read more about Fr. Rick.
Please remember
Besides Fr. Rick, two other SCJs passed away last week:
Fr. Corrado Claudio Biada of the North Italian Province died July 21. He was born in 1933, professed in 1953 and ordained in 1963.
Fr. Lodewijk de Plecker of the Dutch-Flemish Confederation, died July 22. He was born in 1921, professed in 1941 and ordained in 1947.
Keep in prayer
Fr. Frank Clancy, who has had numerous surgeries on his feet, will soon be facing another one, most likely this week. Details, when available, will be e-mailed to SCJs.
Indonesia hosts Asian Conference
SCJs from India, the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia, as well as representatives from the general administration, are in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, this week for the SCJ Asian Conference. Presenters will include Fr. Franz von Magnis, SJ, a professor from Driyarkara Institute of Philosophy, who will talk about pluralism in Asia (especially in Indonesia), and Ery Seda, a professor of sociology from the Indonesian University. She will speak to the social and economic realities found in Indonesia, as well as Asia in general.
The occasion of the conference allowed for two other meetings to take place in Indonesia. On July 20-21, Fr. Aquilino Mielgo Domínguez, general treasurer, and members of the General Finance Commission, met with the treasurers of Indonesia, the Philippines and India in Jakarta. The meeting was a time to discuss some of the economic details of the Asian SCJ entities, but also an occasion to speak to the wider issues of finances in religious life. The idea of a “common purse” and transparency were discussed, as was Asian self-sufficiency.
The second meeting held in conjunction with the Asian Conference was one regarding the District of India. In February and March, much of the leadership of the district was forced to leave the country because of visa concerns. In Jakarta, the Indian in-country advisory board (made up of Indian SCJs), district administration and four members of the general administration met to discuss the future of the young district, including leadership models for the future.
“This is a challenging time for us all,” said Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho, superior general. “Let us take it with realism and faith; let us take it together.”
More on the Asian Conference and related activities will be posted on the congregational website,
Happy anniversary!
Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Hernando, Miss., celebrates its 50th anniversary with a special Mass and reception on July 31.
Assembly information
During the last morning of the July 2011 Province Assembly the Justice and Peace Commission facilitated presentations and discussions about immigration. SCJs received via email several documents from those discussions. Members of the community should also note that the documents can be downloaded from the Members section of the province website.
A few copies of the packet distributed during the morning presentation are also available. Please contact Kassandra Huerta to receive one.
Divine Heart Reunion
Members of Divine Heart Seminary’s class of 1961 are holding a reunion at Sacred Heart Monastery the first weekend of August. All SCJs are welcome to join reunion participants during a 5 p.m. social at Sacred Heart Monastery on Saturday, August 6. If you are planning to stay for dinner after the social and are not already signed up for the reunion, please let Fr. Pat Lloyd know by August 1. You can email him at:
Religious Brothers Conference
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Religious Brothers Conference (RBC), Fr. Tom Cassidy was Mass celebrant and participated in the anniversary gathering as president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. RBC celebrated its anniversary by inviting to its St. Louis conference members of the US Bishops Conference, CMSM and LCWR.
Fr. Tom, as CMSM president, was presented with a portrait copy of “Christ Our Brother” painted by Br. Michael Moran.
Besides Fr. Tom, Br. Long Nguyen took part as well as Br. Ray Kozuch, who serves as vice president of RBC.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy was in Houston for the wake and funeral of Fr. Rick DiLeo and then, as noted above, took part in the Religious Brothers Conference gathering in St. Louis. This week he will attend services for Fr. Rick at Sacred Heart Monastery before heading to South Dakota for a few days. He then has a week of CMSM meetings (his last as CMSM president) before heading to India for the district’s ordinations. He will be in India August 8-22.
Upcoming meetings and events:
August 30-31: Provincial Council Meeting
October. 2: Pet Blessing (SHST)
October 4-5: Provincial Council Meeting
November 14-16: SCJ Retreat, Pinellas Park
December 14-15: Provincial Council Meeting
December 18: Advent Concert, 2 p.m.