A new administration!
On Wednesday, June 5, members of the U.S. Province elected Fr. Stephen Huffstetter as their next provincial superior.

Fr. Steve, 54, is currently executive director of St. Joseph’s Indian School in Chamberlain, S.D. It is just one of many ministries Fr. Steve has had in service to Native Americans and the people of South Dakota. His assignment as a deacon, and as a newly ordained priest, was on the Cheyenne River Reservation. He also served on the Lower Brule Pastoral Team before being named president of St. Joseph’s Indian School in 2004.
Besides service in South Dakota, Fr. Steve was also director of the province undergraduate formation program from 1997-2001
Talking about his ministry with Native Americans he said that “a challenge of working on the ‘Rez’ is the poverty and social problems that we see around us. Yet in my years here, what inspires me is people’s strength to keep trying and struggling to make life better in spite of the odds.
“The people I serve encourage me to have greater hope and trust in God. They show me what it means to pick up your cross and to embrace suffering rather than trying to run away from difficulties.”

A familiar new council
Also elected during last week’s assembly was a new council. However, all but one member is a returning councilor. The new person in the meeting room? Fr. Christianus Hendrik, originally from Indonesia. His election was in response to the province membership’s desire for more international insight on the council.
Originally from Indonesia, Fr. Hendrik came to the United States in 2009 to learn English in preparation for ministry in the Philippines.
And then he stayed.
It was during his studies that Fr. Hendrik’s provincial superior suggested a change in plans. He still wanted him to be a missionary, but instead of the Philippines, Fr. Hendrik was asked to consider South Dakota. The U.S. Province was short on personnel for reservation ministry.
It didn’t take much consideration; Fr. Hendrik quickly said “yes.”
Fr. Hendrik has been a member of the Lower Brule Pastoral Team for the past three years.
Other members of the new council: Fr. Ed Kilianski, Fr. Byron Haaland, Fr. Jack Kurps and Br. Duane Lemke.
The new administration begins its term on August 1. Fr. Steve succeeds Fr. Tom Cassidy, who completes his second, three-year term.
Click here to read more about the new council.
Click here to view photos from the assembly.
Insurance cards
SCJs will soon receive new auto insurance cards. Kevin Stanke, province accountant, asks that SCJs hold on to their old cards until June 15. The new cards take effect that day.
If you have questions, contact Kevin at the Provincialate. His direct phone: 414-427-4270, or email him at provtreas3@usprovince.org
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter
With his new job comes a new email address. It is: provincial@usprovince.org.
Fr. Mark Mastin
Fr. Mark is headed to Afghanistan. For now, he asks that people use his civilian address for email: utter60615@yahoo.com. His cell phone will be deactivated on June 14 but he can be reached by Skype at “frmastin.”
He will share further contact information once he is settled in.
Please remember

Cardinal Stanislaus Nagy, a Polish SCJ who was a friend and advisor to Blessed John Paul II, died June 5. He was 91. Click here to read more about him.
James Burshnick, the 82-year-old brother of Fr. Frank Burshnick, died June 6. The funeral Mass will be tomorrow in Endicott, NY. Click here to read the full obituary.
Fr. Eufrasio Clerici, a member of the Argentine Province, District of Uruguay, died June 9. He was born in 1945, professed in 1964 and ordained in 1973.
Carol Gray Messina, the sister of Fr. Tim Gray, died June 3. She was 55 and had suffered the past year with cancer, entering hospice care only a week before her death. She leaves behind her husband Walt, and two children, Henna and George.
Provincial’s time
Starting August 1, Fr. Stephen Huffstetter will be the provincial superior whose schedule is noted in the Fridge Notes. The current provincial, Fr. Tom Cassidy, is in the office this week, catching up on work following the election assembly.