Weekly News: June 10, 2024

Celebrating Feast of the Sacred Heart

Throughout the province last week people gathered in SCJ communities and ministries to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart.

At Christ the King church in Southaven, MS, Bishop Joseph Kopacz, SCJ, was once again with the Dehonians after a visit to Houston the weekend before to ordain Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ.

“[L]ove for the Sacred Heart and the Lord’s sacrifice cannot be contained within our churches, as sacred as they are,” said the bishop at Friday’s Mass with hundreds of parishioners from the six area parishes.  “The charism of the Priests of the Sacred Heart is to transform the world we live in through acts of compassion, justice, and mercy.  This labor of love on behalf of God’s Kingdom has been alive and well in the north of our diocese for over 80 years through the dedication of the Sacred Heart Fathers (SCJs).”

During the Mass, SCJs, as well as lay Dehonians, renewed their commitments; they are pictured at the top of the page.

Jesus has a place in his Heart for every one of us,” said Fr. Jim Schroeder, SCJ, in his homily for the feast-day Mass at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.  “We can savor this and let ourselves be held by him. We can spend a few moments each day just reflecting on how Jesus loves us.  When we thus know the love of Jesus for us, we want to love Jesus in return and offer him our hearts.  His love moves us to open our hearts to love his people and his earth as he does.  Devotion to the Heart of Jesus today is not a bunch of devotions, or pious exercises, but an oblation, a return of love for love.” Fr. Jim is pictured below after the Mass.

And to coworkers and other collaborators, Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ, wrote: “As we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart, I pray that we see the ministry in which we partake as a sharing of our gifts from God and as a participation in God’s redemptive love for the world. As St. Francis of Assisi reminds us, it is in our giving that we receive.”

Click on the links below to access text and photos from the Feast of the Sacred Heart:

Photos from the Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.

Fr. Jim Schroeder’s homily from the Mass.

Bishop Joseph Kopacz’ homily for the feast-day Mass at Christ the King parish.

Photos from the Mass in Mississippi

Fr. Vien Nguyen’s letter to coworkers and collaborators.

Fr. Vien’s letter to SCJs for the feast.

The letter of Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general, for the feast.

The General Chapter begins!

At the end of this week, delegates from around the world will gather in Rome for the start of the XXV General Chapter. Representing North America will be Frs. Vien Nguyen, Jack Kurps and Francis Vu Tran from the US and Frs. Gustave Lulendo and Willyans Prado Rapozo from Canada. The chapter is scheduled to continue through July 5.

News and updates will be posted on the general website. The communications team will be live from Monday through Thursday (9 p.m. – Rome local time; 2:00 p.m. central), with studio guests and other participants of the General Chapter.

Follow the chapter at the following links:

General website

“I earnestly request your prayers as we gather to elect leadership and discuss important matters in the congregation,” said Fr. Vien.

SCJ auto insurance cards

New auto insurance cards are being sent via FedEx to SCJs from the Provincial Treasurer’s Office. They will go to the local communities for distribution. If you have not received your updated card, or if you have questions, please contact Kevin Stanke.

Youth outreach in Mississippi

Last week just under a dozen teenagers from Dehonian parishes in northern Mississippi participated in CSI (Catholic Service Initiative). Working with Sacred Heart Southern Missions’ volunteer program, the teens spent the week repairing flooring at a client’s house, as well assisting at the Mobile Food Pantry. In the evening, it was time for fun: bowling, swimming and other activities. Of course, there were also many moments for shared prayer. Fr. Ari Saputra, SCJ, is pictured here after a closing Mass with the teens.

SHSST seminarians meet Pope Francis during pilgrimage

Fr. Ziggy Morawiec, SCJ, director of the propaedeutic program at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, was pictured in the Milwaukee Catholic Herald, meeting Pope Francis. Fr. Ziggy was there on a tour with propaedeutic seminarians from Wisconsin, Montana and Kansas. The trip was led by Dr. Paul Monson, SHSST Vice President of Intellectual Formation and Academic Dean.

Click here to read the story on the Herald’s website.

Vocation director interviewed

On the eve of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, province vocation director, was interviewed on the Morning Light radio show on Salt and Light Radio. He spoke about the Priests of the Sacred Heart, the formation process, and his own vocational path. The interview is about 15 minutes and starts shortly after the program begins. Click here to access it.

Closing pic

Pictured below are SCJs in Houston following the celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart at Our Lady of Guadalupe. Among them is Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ, who remained in Houston to visit family following the ordination of Fr. Paul Phong Hoang, SCJ.

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