Celebrating the feast day
Throughout the world, Dehonians came together last Friday to celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart. As noted previously, Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, was the main celebrant at the feast-day Mass at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. Residents of the retirement community joined SCJs for the celebration.
“It is in the Sacred Heart that we see the love of God which created the heavens and the earth; a love which created humankind and then redeemed us in our fallen nature,” said Fr. Ed in his homily. “The Sacred Heart is also one of fully human love; one which expressed itself in the love of Jesus for His Mother; the love of Jesus for His disciples, and the love which he showed for all he preached to and cared for. It was a love that was also able to forgive those who nailed Him to the cross.
“As we slowly come out of the COVID pandemic that plagued our lives for the last 16 months, as we begin a ‘new normal,’ and as we raise our minds and hearts to God in prayer on this feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us make our own hearts to be like Jesus’, loving God above all else, and loving one another and ourselves as God loves us, with love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy. Let us unite our hearts with his, so that the deepest longings of Christ’s Sacred Heart may become the deepest longings of our own. As Fr. Leo Dehon said: ‘The Sacred Heart belongs to you, he is your treasure and your resting place.’”

Click here to read Fr. Ed Kilianski’s full homily.
Click here to view photos from the Mass.
Click here to view a video of the Mass.

It is what’s truly needed
“When most people talk about devotion to the Sacred Heart they will mention the promises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the nine first Fridays and enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home. Those are good pious practices, but they are not the real essence of true devotion to the Sacred Heart. True devotion to the Sacred Heart is not about some pious practices. It is a lifestyle, a way of living that is dedicated to living in loving obedience to God that is expressed in genuine love for our sisters and brothers.”
The quote is from Fr. John Czyzynski, SCJ, speaking to parishioners at Sacred Heart parish in Appleton, WI, last weekend. “The parish got permission from the bishop to celebrate the Sacred Heart liturgy over the weekend instead of on Friday,” said Fr. John. The parish hoped to have a religious of the Sacred Heart preach at the Masses; as soon as he heard about it, Fr. John volunteered.
“Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is what is truly needed in our world today,” said Fr. John. “There is so much anger, conflict and hatred going on all around us and we cannot help but be affected by it. What keeps being emphasized are the differences among us and we are failing to remember what we all have in common. We are all sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters to one another. We need to push against what is going on all around us and be people of heart like the Heart of Jesus and resist all that division. We need to let our hearts be touched by what is going on around us and reach out with our hands in loving service of one another.”
Click here to read Fr. John’s full text.
Dehonian Associates renew commitment
Bishop Joseph Kopacz of Jackson was the main celebrant at the June 11 Mass for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart at Holy Spirit Church in Hernando, Mississippi. Among those taking part in the Mass were SCJs from Sacred Heart Southern Missions, seminarians on summer ministry assignments, and six Dehonian Associates who renewed their annual commitment during the Mass (Joyce Jeltz, Laura Grisham, Chris Greer, Barbara Caldwell, Bridget Martin and Steve Koepke; Clara Isom and Lois Harrison were unable to attend so will renew their commitment privately).
Br. Diego Diaz, SCJ and Fr. Ardianto Hendrik, SCJ, of the Mississippi community were not present. Both are away at this time for home visits (Br. Diego in Argentina and Fr. Ardi in Indonesia).
Click here to view photos from the celebration posted on the province Facebook page.
Council meeting decisions
During its meeting last week, the Provincial Council voted to approve Jonathan Nguyen, Jacob Smith and Michael Wodarczyk for entrance to the Novitiate; they are currently postulants. Their entrance ceremony will take place on August 14. Also, Fraters Phong (Paul) Hoang, Hubert Liassidji, Henry Nguyen and Hung Pham were approved by the council for vow renewals.
The council also voted to appoint the following SCJs to the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Commission (they had been proposed by current members): Br. Diego Diaz, Fra. Phong (Paul) Hoang, Fra. Hubert Liassidji, Br. Duane Lemke and Fr. Rafael Querobin. Br. Duane has agree to serve as commission chairperson, replacing Fr. Bob Bossie, who has served as interim director while the commission reorganizes.

IX General conference convoked
The IX General Conference has been rescheduled by the General Administration. Initially, it was to take place in July, 2018, in the Philippines. But due to the appointment of Fr. Heiner Wilmer, SCJ, then superior general, as bishop of Hildesheim, the conference was postponed to allow for the convocation of a General Chapter. And then the pandemic put the brakes on further plans for the conference.
The General Conference is now scheduled for February 13-18, 2022. “Due to ongoing limitations and uncertainty about international travel, we have decided to move the Conference to the SCJ General House in Rome,” wrote Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general. “It will be a much smaller gathering, with only the Superiors of Provinces, Regions and Districts dependent on the Superior General gathering in person, in addition to the members of the General Government, as indicated in DG 139.1. Using communication technologies, we will look for ways to engage the broader Congregation in presentations and discussions.”
The theme will be “Dehonians in Social Commitments.”
“We want to learn from current Dehonian social projects, reflect on our spirituality and motivation, and solidify ways we pass this heritage to future generations,” wrote Fr. Carlos Luis.

One door closes, another opens
Fr. Praveen Kumar Richard, SCJ, will soon return to the Indian District after several years of study and ministry in the US Province, including two years at St. Joseph’s Indian School in South Dakota. Before leaving, he was featured in St. Joe Strong, an internal school newsletter.
The publication began by noting something that Fr. Richard said in regard to the pandemic. “He acknowledged the fear and hopelessness so many felt but added that ‘eventually I realized that when one door is being closed, the other door opens for us to adapt and enter into a new way of life.’”
As the door on Fr. Richard’s time in South Dakota comes to a close, St. Joseph’s staff shared memories and well-wishes. Here are a few samples:
“The Personal Care Center enjoyed Fr. Richard’s visits. His humor and positive attitude are contagious. We wish him all the best and will miss his smile and friendliness on campus.” – Geri Beck
“Every week, Fr. Richard has allowed Christ to work through him to bring a prayer blessing to our thousands of Facebook followers. Whether during times of stress, celebration or simplicity, he seemed always to find the right words. Many have been blessed from these posts, and I will miss his words greatly.” – Hannah Ruhlman
“Thank you, Fr. Richard, for your smiles and kindness. It did not matter with whom you interacted; that person felt valued and listened to. You showed our staff and our students self-love and self-appreciation for the talents and blessings God gives each one of us. Thank you for your time with us.” – Michelle Eggers
“I have no words than just simply wondering at the tremendous work of yours that you do for the development of the children,” wrote Fr. Richard in his response. “Very often, I was jealous of you all, for your dedicated service and for the energetic involvement in your given areas. I am praying and blessing that you will continue the same enthusiasm to the years to come.”
Click here to read the comments, and Fr. Richard’s follow-up. He is scheduled to return to India on July 6.
Blessings on the road
Fr. Dominic Peluse, SCJ, was on the road in Maine last week, visiting with benefactors, offering blessings at outdoor markets and parks, and celebrating Mass with shut-ins. Noting the fact that Maine is in the far corner of the United States, one resident told Fr. Dominic, “This isn’t exactly somewhere you pass through on the way to somewhere else, we’re glad that you are here!”
He is pictured below during a park blessing.
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