Feast of the Sacred Heart
“Beloved, if God so loved us, we also must love one another. No one has ever seen God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us” [I John 4:11-12].
This Friday, June 27, is Feast of the Sacred Heart. As in the past, the Province Development Office is hosting a celebration. However, because of the lobby renovation at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, the annual feast-day gathering will be at St. Martin of Tours parish in Franklin. Mass (including vow renewals) will be at 11 a.m. and a light luncheon will follow.
If you have questions about the gathering, please contact the development office at 414-425-3383 (800-448-7674 for those outside of the 414 area code).
In commemoration of the feast, the Province Dehonian Associates Office prepared a bulletin insert titled “Love Brought to Perfection.”
“The image of the Heart of Jesus not only witnesses to the depth of love that God has for us but also reminds us of our capacity to love one another,” begins the reflection, prepared by David Schimmel, Dehonian Associates director. “Indeed, when we feel that we are truly loved, we naturally become more loving. Our loving actions, in turn, reveal God’s love for the world…”
Click here to read the full reflection.
Fr. General’s letter

“As we approach the feast of the Heart of Christ, we want to take the opportunity to reflect on this gift so that we may not hesitate to make it available to others,” writes Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho, superior general, in his letter commemorating the Feast of the Sacred Heart. “Our Rule of Life says that it is our call: ‘to make this charism effective by responding to the urgent needs of the Church and of the world.’ Others, such as the Compagnia Missionaria, the Movimento dell’Amore Misericordioso del SCJ, the Fraternità Mariana del Sacro Cuore, a number of consecrated women, and many groups of Lay Dehonians, young and old, throughout the world join us in this mission…
“This letter is therefore an encouragement first of all to us, religious, consecrated and lay, to spread the distinctive reading of the scriptures that Léon Dehon left us as his legacy. And as we have just renewed and celebrated our bond with the whole Dehonian Family, let us to do it together with those who share this vision.”
Last week we provided a link to a PDF of the letter. It can now be viewed on a page in the province website. Click here to go to it.
Spiritual path
In his letter for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, Fr. Ornelas refers to a formative program for Lay Dehonians. In English, it is called the “Spiritual Path.” Presented at the international Dehonian Family Conference in May, the Spiritual Path is proposed as a four-year program based in monthly sessions of sharing, instruction and prayer.
The first year of the program is now available as a PDF download. Click here to access it in several languages.
Please remember
+Dominic Ninh Viet Do, the grandfather of Frater James Nguyen, died on June 21 due to respiratory issues. Frater James had the opportunity to see his grandfather shortly before his death during a family visit to Vietnam. The funeral is on Wednesday.
+Joannes Meester, a member of the Dutch-Flemish Confederation, died June 17. He was born in 1924, professed in 1945 and ordained in 1952.
+Bob Krupp, a former SCJ, died June 15 of a heart attack. He professed vows in 1976 and left the SCJs in 1978. He is survived by his wife Thelma, and their daughter Elizabeth. Bob had been a firefighter in Chicago after leaving the SCJs.
Reflecting on the Eucharist
The most recent Dehonian Spirituality page update includes a reflection on the Eucharist by Fr. John Czyzynski.
“When I reflect about what the Eucharist means in my life, three moments come to my mind and heart immediately,” begins Fr. John. “First, as I gather with my community or any community for Eucharist, I unite myself (and I ask that we unite ourselves) with Jesus and offer ourselves with Him to our loving Abba who first loves us…”
Click here to read the full reflection, as well as others, on the Dehonian Spirituality page.
Progress continues on seminary lobby
As noted previously, the lobby of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology is under wraps this summer while it is being renovated. Much of the work involves infrastructure improvements including asbestos removal, a new sprinkler and alarm system, improved air handling systems (HVAC), installation of energy-efficient windows, renovation of restrooms to improve handicapped accessibility, and some minor reconfiguration of interior walls for more efficient use of space.
The renovation and updating is also an opportunity to give the lobby a brighter, cosmetic upgrade as well.
Click here to view photos of the lobby taken last week.
Youth ministry in India
SCJs in India worked with the Diocese of Eluru to organize a youth rally that attracted over 700 people. Click here to read a brief article about it on our general curia website.
Back home
Fr. Tom Cassidy recently reflected on his sabbatical year for the province blog. “The sabbatical was truly a time of grace and growth for me,” he began. “In its own way it was a spiritual experience, a long retreat if you will. I had the time and opportunity to reflect and pray and learn from observing the world as seen through Indian, Vietnamese, Filipino, South African, Irish-Scottish-British and Polish eyes. We all do the same things, but culture and custom gives a twist to how, when and why things are done…”
Click here to read the full post as well as others on the province blog.
From the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Office
Mark Peters, province director of JPR, asks SCJs and others to consider advocating for “The Youth Promise Act” (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education). It is a bipartisan bill (H.R. 1318 & S. 1307) designed to give communities the support and funding needed to effectively address youth violence issues.
To advocate for the bill, Mark suggests lobbying senators and congressional representatives by July 1. Key congressmen include Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, members of the Judiciary Committee from Texas. Mark notes that Congressmen Tom Petri in Wisconsin and Kenny Marchant in Texas are also key.
Click here to learn more about the Youth Promise Act.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Steve heads to Mayo this week for his annual check-up. From there he goes to Chamberlain, SD, to commemorate the Feast of the Sacred Heart, as well as the last weekend of Fr. Guy Blair’s ministry at St. James and St. Anthony parishes.
Closing shot
Fr. Quang Nguyen is pictured below, offering information about the Priests of the Sacred Heart at the Eucharistic Congress in Atlanta, GA, on June 21.