Weekly News: June 24, 2024


On June 21, Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, was elected to a second six-year term as superior general of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians). The election took place during the first week of the XXV General Chapter in Rome.

Fr. Carlos was born on September 2, 1965 in Las Palmas (Spain). He joined the Dehonians in 1984 and was ordained in 1990. He studied philosophy and theology in Salamanca (Spain) and in Caracas (Venezuela). Fr. Carlos has a license in Biblical Sciences from the Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome) and a doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome, 2002).

He served briefly in India, but for most of his religious life, Venezuela has been his home.

Prior to his election to his first term in 2018, he served in Caracas (Venezuela), where he taught Sacred Scripture. He was also Rector of the Institute of Theology for Religious (ITER) and Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University Andrés Bello (UCAB), as well as a member of the regional council of Venezuela.


First three councilors

As of 9:00 a.m. this morning (Central), June 24, three of the five General Councilors had been elected. They are:

Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira (52) was born in Brazil on May 8, 1972; professed first vows on February 25, 1994, final vows on February 23, 2002, and was ordained to the Priesthood on December 14, 2002. Before being elected to the General Council in 2018 he served in Germany.

Fr. Charles Aime Koudjou (48) was born in Cameroun on July 5, 1975; professed first vows on August 12, 2000, final vows on August 12, 2005, and was ordained to the Priesthood on March 29, 2008. In his home country, Fr. Charles worked as a formator before being called to Rome four years ago to serve as a General Councilor;

Fr. Renzo Brena (67) was born in Italy on August 28, 1956; professed first vows on August 29, 1976, final vows on November 24, 1979, and was ordained to the Priesthood on August 19, 1981. Fr. Renzo is the current provincial superior of the North Italian Province (ITS).

Follow the chapter

Visit the general website and other communication platforms for continuing news of the General Chapter.

General website

News will also be posted on the US Province Facebook page.

The communications team hosts a live program on its YouTube channel Monday through Thursday at 9 p.m. Rome time; 2:00 p.m. central (Chicago). Languages vary within each show depending on the guests.

Sint Unum

“Called to be one in a changing world: so that they may believe” [Jn 17:21] is the theme of the XXV General Chapter.

Just days before the chapter’s Opening Mass, the Vatican released a study document titled “The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogue and Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint.” This new document expands the work of the original Ut Unum Sint encyclical published by St. Pope John Paul II on May 25, 1995, which encouraged unity among Christians.  The title translates as “To be one,” and it built on the spirit of ecumenism developed in Vatican II.

It also echoes the words of our founder, Venerable Leo John Dehon, who often wrote about “Sint Unum” as a call to respond in love to others, based in the love experienced in the Sacred Heart.

Click here to read more from Monica Misey, the newly appointed Director of Dehonian Associates for the US Province of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Following her text are links to the newly released study document, St. John Paul II’s encyclical Ut Unum Sint, and the text of a recent presentation by Fr. Emerson Ruiz, SCJ, on “Sint Unum and Fr. Dehon.”

Happy birthday!

Among those celebrating birthdays in July: Fr. Bill Marrevee on July 5, Fr. Johanes Yuliwan Maslim and Frater Long Nguyen on July 15, Fr. Richard Woodbury and Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo on July 19, Fr. Dominic Peluse on July 22, Fr. Vien Nguyen on July 27, and Fr. Peter McKenna on July 29.

Pictured above: Fr. Yvon Sheehy, SCJ, being honored at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology on his birthday (June 18).

Summer ECS begins!

This week, students from around the world will be gathering at SHSST for the start of the first summer session of English and Culture Studies. The first day of the program is Wednesday, June 26. Click here to view a list of students and their sponsoring religious community or diocese.

Please remember

Rev. John Scollard, a former SCJ who professed vows in 1968, died on May 31.  After leaving the community he joined the Orthodox Church, and was a member of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese (retired) at the time of his death. Click here to view his obituary.

Keep in Prayer

We received news from the niece of Br. Bernard Taube, SCJ, that he was admitted into hospice care and is in failing health. Br. Bernard served in the province’s seminaries and retreat centers. In recent years he has been in the care of family in Minnesota.

Wild, wild, west at VBS!

Last week’s theme at Queen of Peace’s Vacation Bible School was the “Wild Wild West.” Pictured here are some of our Dehonian students and priests who were helping with VBS. Note the “Wanted” signs in the background: “Wanted by God, Reward in Heaven!”

Pictured L-R: Frater Jonathan Nguyen Vuong, Fr. Ari Saputra, Frater Jacob Smith, Fr. Hendrik (Ardi) Ardianto and Fr. Floribert Bulo Dhelo.

Closing pic

Even shrines can use a little spring cleaning! Pictured below is the Sacred Heart Shrine on the grounds of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology / Sacred Heart Monastery, being sandblasted as a part of a spring clean-up project last week.

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