A roast and a feast

Last week the Province Development Office celebrated Fr. Dominic Peluse’s 40th anniversary of priesthood with a surprise “roast” Thursday night at St Martin of Tours parish. Friends, SCJs and benefactors in the area for the Feast of the Sacred Heart filled the reception area of the church.
After a dinner that was topped off with one of Fr. Dominic’s favorite desserts –– Kopp’s frozen custard –– those gathered enjoyed a slide show that featured Fr. Dominic from childhood escapades to less-than-flattering photos of him as a young adult with eyewear that lost its favor with the fashion world sometime in the mid-80s.

The next day was the celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Due to the reconstruction of the lobby at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology the annual Mass with benefactors was also held at St. Martin of Tours.
Bishop Robert Morneau, auxiliary bishop of Green Bay, was the main presider of the feast-day Mass. Concelebrants included many newly arrived priests in Hales Corners for the summer ESL session.
In his homily the bishop spoke about the Eucharist as being central to the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Although he didn’t write out his full text, the bishop shared his notes. Click here to read them.
Photos, photos and more photos!
Click here to view photos from the 40th anniversary roast of Fr. Dominic Peluse.
Click here to view photos from the celebration of Feast of the Sacred Heart at St. Martin of Tours.
50th anniversary in Indonesia

On June 25 the Indonesian Province celebrated the 50th anniversary of its scholasticate. Among those taking part in the celebrations was Fr. Wayne Jenkins, province archivist, who did theology studies as a member of the scholasticate community.
Archbishop Aloysius Sudarso, SCJ, of Palembang, was the main celebrant. Bishop Albertus Henrisoesanto, SCJ, emeritus bishop of Tanjungkarang, along with another 53 priests, concelebrated the anniversary Mass.
Click here to read more about the event on the general website.
Happy birthday…
Those celebrating birthdays in July include Fr. Bill Marrevee (78) on July 5, Br. Long Nguyen (35) on July 15, Fr. Richard Woodbury (70) and Fr. Willyans Prado Rapozo (32) on July 19, Fr. Dominic Peluse (68) on July 22, Fr. Vince McDonald (83) on July 25, Fr. Vien Nguyen (41) on July 27 and Fr. Peter McKenna (65) on July 29.
Of course, the United States celebrates a birthday as well. The country turns 238 on July 4. Province offices will be closed this Friday for the Independence Day holiday.
Provincial chapter
The Provincial Chapter begins next week Monday, July 7, with Eucharist at 11 a.m. in the Good Shepherd Chapel at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. Fr. Leonard Tadyszak’s 70th jubilee of vows will be celebrated during the Mass.
During Tuesday’s 5 p.m. Eucharist Br. Clay Diaz Vlaida will make his final profession. This will also take place at SHML.
Chapter sessions will be held at the Provincial Conference Center; Eucharist and evening meals will be at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake. Lunch will be at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology.
The chapter is scheduled to conclude with lunch on Friday, July 11.
From the Justice, Peace and Reconciliation Office
Mark Peters, province director of JPR, publishes a monthly electronic newsletter that is sent to SCJs in North America. If you missed it, click here to read the June 24 edition.
Feast day reflections
“I leave you the most wonderful of treasures,” Fr. Dehon wrote in his Spiritual Testament, “the Heart of Jesus. As much as I can, I confide all of you to the Heart of Jesus. I recommend you to his mercy. I address to him this prayer which he addressed to his Father in behalf of his disciples, ‘My Father, keep those whom you have given me’.”
Click here to read the rest of this text from the founder, as well as other reflections and prayers on the Sacred Heart posted June 27 on the Dehonian Spirituality page of the province website.
Provincial’s time

Fr. Stephen Huffstetter was in South Dakota over the weekend to celebrate Feast of the Sacred Heart with the local community and to take part in Fr. Guy Blair’s final Mass with the St. James parish community in Chamberlain (attached to St. James is St. Anthony’s in Pukwana). Because of its close proximity to St. Joseph’s Indian School, the Priests of the Sacred Heart have had a long history with the parish.
Following the end of Fr. Guy’s assignment, the province will not be staffing the parish.
Although several SCJs assisted with the parish since the earliest days of the province, it wasn’t until 1989 that the SCJs made a long-term commitment to St. James and St. Anthony. Fr. Howard Melzer was pastor from 1989-94, Fr. Anthony Kelly from 1995-2001 and Fr. Bill Pitcavage from 2002-2010. Fr. Mark Mastin and Fr. Dominic Peluse helped out in 2011. Fr. Guy has been pastor since 2012.
Fr. Steve returns to Hales Corners this week to continue preparations for next week’s provincial chapter.
Closing shot
In mid-June Fr. Mark Fortner was invited by the Indonesian Catholic Community in Calgary, Alberta, to conduct a prayer workshop. He is pictured below giving one of the presentations.