A self-giving love

“We cannot understand the self-giving love of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus unless we first discover the true nature of Jesus’ Heart,” wrote Fr. Praveen Kumar Richard, SCJ, in the June 5 edition of Dehonian Spirituality. “When we gaze into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we see a heart burning with love for us, a heart that loves us so much it was willing to be pierced for us, to die for us, and shed its last drop of Blood. We, the Dehonians, nourish and strengthen our vocation of love and reparation in the Eucharist and in Eucharistic Adoration because the Eucharist is the heart, the center of every life, every work, and every apostolate…
“As members of the Dehonian family, we spend our time with the Eucharistic Lord daily, with an act of oblation, and reparation. Since the desire for God is written in my heart, and He never ceases to draw me to himself, I consider that it is a moment of uniting two hearts, where the divine Heart of Jesus opens for me to enter with my stony heart into His Heart. He is not only dwelling deep inside of me but also inviting me to communicate with Him. And what he wants to communicate with me is His love. In the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust and my hope.”
Click here to read the full text of Fr. Praveen Richard’s reflection, as well as other reflections and prayers in the June 5 issue.
New insurance cards
New automobile insurance cards for SCJs are going in the mail this week. They will be effective as of June 15, 2020. For those who live in a community house, the cards will be mailed in a batch to the local superior for distribution. Those who live alone will receive their cards individually.
Questions? Contact Kevin Stanke at 414-333-8750 or email him at provtreas3@usprovince.org
Please remember
+Daniel Michael Zemlik, 33, the nephew of Fr. Ed Zemlik, SCJ, died on Saturday, June 6. The cause of death is not yet determined. Daniel was married and had a young daughter. The wake will be at Edmond-Evans Funeral Home (6941 Central Ave) in Portage, IN on June 11 and the Mass of Christian Burial will be at Nativity of Our Savior Catholic Church on June 12, also in Portage (2949 Willow Creek Rd). Times and other details are being finalized.
100th anniversary in Finland
Today is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the apostolic vicariate of Helsinki. It is significant not only for the local church, but for the Priests of the Sacred Heart because soon after it was established, the SCJs were asked by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith to assume ministerial responsibility for Helsinki. The Dehonians continue to serve as the primary Catholic presence in Finland.
The congregation first went to Finland in 1907 but was expelled in 1911 by the Russian government. Finland proclaimed itself a republic in 1919 and gained independence from Russia in 1920.
Dehonians have served as bishop of the Diocese of Helsinki since its erection. They include Bishops Joannes Michael Buckx, Willem Petrus Bartholomaeus Cobben, Paul Verschuren, Jozef Wrobel, and Temu Sippo. Since Bishop Sippo’s resignation last year the office of bishop has been vacant.
The Diocese of Helsinki is geographically large but small in population. There are about 14,000 Catholics; they belong to seven parishes, with approximately 20 priests, both religious and diocesan.
Click here to read more on the general website in an article written by Fr. Jozef Golonka, SCJ, general archivist. The article includes several historical photos.
Investments based in Catholic Social Teaching
The University of Notre Dame recently featured Jim Ryan, an investment consultant utilized by the Priests of the Sacred Heart, in one of its publications. A Notre Dame alumnus, Ryan specializes in faith-based, socially responsible investing. The SCJs have worked with him for the past three years for consultation on funds held for the US Province, as well as the general administration in Rome.
“In the first couple months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Ryan and his Bank of America Merrill Lynch team devoted to socially responsible investing (SRI) heard from clients, often religious institutions, concerned about the potential financial fallout,” wrote Patrick Gallagher for ND. “Those conversations, Ryan says, were ‘more focused on fulfilling the ministry.’ They knew that to fill the food pantry or meet increasing demand for scholarships, ‘they might have to eat into endowments to cover needs,’ but they did not talk about changing their investment values.
“At the same time, ‘We reminded them that in addition to screening out companies, our managers take environmental, social and governance factors into account’ — a common SRI approach and one Ryan says resonates with Catholic social teachings. ‘This results in buying stronger companies,’ he adds, ‘and stronger companies are better able to withstand this downturn.’
“…When Ryan meets with a new Catholic client, he starts with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ ‘Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines.’ The ‘touchstone,’ as he calls it, identifies six areas of moral and social teachings to guide investing — protecting human life, promoting human dignity, reducing arms production, pursuing economic justice, protecting the environment and encouraging corporate responsibility.”
Click here to read the full article online.
Social justice, one step at a time
“Earlier this year we were forced to reevaluate the way we live our lives when COVID-19 began to change what we had been accustomed to,” wrote Frater Henry Nguyen, SCJ, in a reflection about the many marches, peaceful protests and other events around the world calling attention to the need for justice, love and unity for all. “We began to live a new normal. It was a time of self-discovery as well as a time of isolation and confinement.

“Throughout the United States, visible signs of racism became apparent. First, it was toward those of Asian descent because of fear, fear of what people had heard about the virus and where it came from. More recently, there is an increase in awareness of racism toward African Americans. We see oppression, poverty, fear, and social injustice…
“We can only work toward this change together, one by one. I can only come to know someone by working beside them and among them… One of the reasons why I am where I am today, preparing to serve as an ordained Dehonian, is because of the lack of love I see in the world…
“One step at a time, one march at a time, in it together for social justice and the lives of those who are voiceless.”
Click here to read Frater Henry’s full reflection.
Webinars on Sacred Heart spirituality
Br. Diego Diaz, SCJ, reports that the first of the June webinars on Sacred Heart spirituality went very well. “There were 47 participants from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and the United States,” he wrote. “It was our first time doing this and we were very happy with how it went; we learned a lot. The team working together is very good and diverse.”
The Spanish-language webinars are organized by an international group of religious men and women, including Dehonians from the United States and Argentina and lay persons from Chile.
The webinars will be approximately one hour and will begin at 7:00 p.m. Central Time (8:00 p.m. in Argentina, 9:00 p.m. in Chile). Anyone with an interest in deepening his or her spirituality of the Heart of Jesus is welcome to take part.
Click here to learn more, including the Zoom access links.
Getting by with a little help from my friends
Former provincial superior, Fr. Johnny Klingler, SCJ, is pictured above giving the current provincial, Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, a bit of a “power assist.” Actually, those of us who see Fr. Ed at the Provincial Offices rarely see his wheelchair now. He has quickly adjusted to his prosthetic devices and increasingly leaves his wheelchair in the corner to gather dust. At the end of January, Fr. Ed’s left foot and part of his shin were amputated to treat a bone infection. Good to see you walking around again Fr. Ed!
Powow cancelled
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, St. Joseph’s Indian School has made the difficult decision to close its 44th Annual Powwow to the public. “We are saddened that this joyous event, which brings so many to campus, cannot safely happen in its traditional form,” wrote organizers.
Precautions suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the state of South Dakota regarding social distancing have make it nearly impossible to host this event which has attracted over 700 people. A decision to hold the powwow for the children of St. Joseph’s Indian School and their families will be made at a later date. Options, such as a livestream, are being considered.
Daily meditations posted
As noted previously, during the month of June the US Province Dehonian Associates Office is sending (via email) daily one-minute meditations titled “Sketching in Nature the Work of the Sacred Heart, Meditations on the Heart of Jesus by Leo John Dehon, SCJ.” The meditations, from the founder’s writings, focus on how the natural world reflects the work of the Heart of Jesus.
The daily reflections are being posted on the US website a week at a time; the full month of reflections will be available the week of June 29. Click here to access them.
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