Holy Week 2015
“When you have a cross, do not wish to exchange it for another; accept it as it is. Certainly, it is not against resignation to use reasonable care in the means which Divine Providence makes available and wants you to use for finding help to carry on God’s work longer and better. Respond to all that Divine Providence asks of you. Your dispositions will be perfect if you do not love suffering for the sake of suffering, nor the cross for the sake of the cross, but love the Sacred Heart who will to send you the sufferings or crosses of his own choice. Strive to live in his burning love, in his immolation, and the cross will become a treasure.”
Leo John Dehon, SCJ, The Love of the Sacred Heart II, 3rd Mystery, 6th Meditation
Holiday schedules
A reminder: the Provincial Offices will be closed from 2 p.m. on Holy Thursday, April 2, through Easter Monday, April 6. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, April 7.
Next week’s Fridge Notes will be posted on Tuesday (April 7) instead of the usual Monday.

Saying good-bye
Barb Haag, food services director for Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake, has left Sodexo, the company with which the province contracts for food service and other operations at SHML and SHSST. Barb had worked with the Priests of the Sacred Heart for 18 of her 33 years with Sodexo.
“Over the years, Barb has made many contributions to the Sacred Heart dining program, making it the contemporary program it is today,” said Keith D Pitner, district manager of Sodexo. “She was very much considered part of the Sacred Heart family having made many friends over the years, and was also very much engaged with the residents who live in the senior apartments. I know the Sacred Heart community will join me in thanking Barb for all she has done and to also wish her much success as she embarks on her new journey.”
Barb, pictured above looking at new equipment with Dn. David Nagel prior to the opening of SHML, was instrumental in designing the SHML kitchen and other food service concerns. She oversaw the dining and other food service needs of many province events including jubilee celebrations, assemblies, chapters, and even tailgate parties at Brewer baseball games. Barb also organized activities offered to lay residents at SHML.
SCJ novitiate featured in exhibit
Starting in July, the Sainte Marie Foundation in Ste. Marie, IL, will host a display entitled “The Church.”
“Since the Priests of the Sacred Heart had their novitiate in this beautiful town from 1925 to 1972, the foundation invited us to participate in the exhibit,” said Fr. Wayne Jenkins, province archivist. “The province archives is working with Donna Keller of the foundation to prepare the exhibit.”
The exhibit’s opening event will be on July 25 and feature a “Cork & Pork Festival” with wine tasting, a beer garden, music and of course, pork! SCJs are invited to come back and visit Ste. Marie. Click here for further information.
Thank you
Fr. Frank Clancy expresses his thanks to all those who called and sent messages of sympathy regarding the death of his sister.
Also, Fr. Jim Brackin adds his appreciation to those who expressed their concern regarding the recent death of his grandniece.
Please remember
+Fr. Jacobus Cornelis Maria de Raaij, a member of the Dutch-Flemish Confederation, died March 26. He was born in 1928, professed in 1949 and ordained in 1954.
Happy birthday!
Those celebrating birthdays in April include: Frater James Nguyen (26) on April 6, Fr. Jim Walters (65) on April 17, Fr. Bene de Moraes Machado (60) on April 18, Fr. Jim Schifano (70) on April 19, Fr. Ray Vega (91) on April 22, Br. Duane Lemke (43) on April 26, Fr. Tom Lind (83) on April 27 and Fr. Paul Casper (85) on April 29.

Nine SHSST seminarians were instituted as readers by Bishop William Callahan, bishop of LaCrosse, during a March 18 Mass at Sacred Heart.
Calendar reminder
The province assembly will begin with lunch on Monday, July 6, and conclude midday on July 10. The province jubilee celebration will be at 4:30 on July 6.
If you are coming from outside of Milwaukee and haven’t made room arrangements yet please contact Marlene Zepecki at SHHST at 414-425-8300, or Marge Lirette at 414-409-4844 to find out if there is availability at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.
Provincial’s time
During Easter Week Fr. Stephen Huffstetter will head to South Dakota for a visitation and board meeting. April 13-14 he will be in Ottawa for the North American councils meeting, after which he goes to Mississippi for a visitation and board meeting. He will stay close to home for Holy Week and Easter.