Lent begins
God, merciful judge,
because of our own imperfection and sin,
we want to be sensitive to everything that hinders your love
in the world and in the Church.
By sharing in Christ’s reconciliation,
we believe that our love heals humanity,
gathers it together into the body of Christ,
and consecrates it to your glory.
Prayer adapted from This Day of God, Community Prayer Book of the Priests of the Sacred Heart
Dehonian reflections for Lent
A reminder: beginning this week Thursday, the Dehonian Associates office will publish brief reflections sent by email each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday throughout Lent. The reflections come from the writings of Fr. Leo John Dehon. The title of this year’s series is “The Politics of the Gospel” and explores the challenging consequences of following Jesus.
All SCJs in the US and Canada will AUTOMATICALLY be subscribed to the mailing. However, anyone is welcome (and encouraged!) to receive the e-blast. Click here to add a subscriber.
David Schimmel, director of Dehonian Associates for the US Province, is the editor of the Lenten e-blast.
A profile of Fr. General
Recently Fr. Antonio Rufete Cabrera, SCJ, a member of the Spanish Province, did a profile on Fr. Carlos Luis Suárez Codorniú, SCJ, superior general of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. Posted on the general website, it is a mix of quotes from Fr. Carlos Luis, and comments and reflections by Fr. Antonio. The profile covers a wide variety of topics, from Fr. Carlos Luis’ early background and vocational call to his reflections on the congregation and its challenges for the future.
About parishes, Fr. Antonio writes that “Fr. Dehon always wanted to be with people, in the most complex social realities.”
Reflecting on that, Fr. Carlos said that [a Dehonian parish should be] “a beacon that illuminates all of reality, the whole territory; a beacon which remembers that God is in our midst and loves us. The desire of Fr. Dehon is that our parishes become communities where joy is lived. They give a clear message of the Good News; they are welcoming parishes that know how to conquer the hearts of those who pass by; they are missionaries who come out and announce, who invite.
“It is in this way that we carry out parish work in many places of the world; it is an expression of a way of being Church, of helping to understand how to follow Christ. We are repairers.”
Click here to read the full text in English.
Please remember
+Fr. José João Hellmann, a member of the South Brazilian Province, died February 26. He was born in 1949, made his first profession in 1971 and was ordained in 1976.
+Dr. Jeremy Blackwood and his wife Rachel suffered the loss of their daughter on February 24; Tamsyn Christine was stillborn at 21 weeks (the original due date was July 5). Dr. Blackwood is Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of Admissions for Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology.
+Yohannes Suyono Darmosugito, the uncle of Fr. Aegi Warsito, SCJ, died in Indonesia on February 26. He had been hospitalized for the past month with kidney and heart problems. This uncle supported Fr. Aegi in his vocational discernment and payed for his studies at the minor seminary. Fr. Aegi is a member of the Toronto community.
+Georges Béland, the husband of Nicole Béland, the Canadian Region’s Mission Procurator in Montréal, died February 27. He had been battling cancer for some time; Nicole and their two children were with him when he died. He was 61 years old.
Keep in prayer
Peter DiCresce (a former SCJ, his religious name was Br. Bonaventure) has been hospitalized for bleeding in the brain.
100 years ago in Canada
Wednesday, March 6, marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the first SCJ novitiate in Canada.

“On July 4, 1910, Fr. Dehon sent three confreres to Canada from France. These were Frs. Edmond Gaborit, Emile Steinmetz, and Gaston Carpentier. A diocesan priest, Jules Albert, came with them and would be a part of the group until 1918. With the strong recommendation of Cardinal Bégin, they were warmly received by Bishop Legal and given the pastoral charge of Wainwright, a village on the edge of the diocese near the Saskatchewan border,” wrote Frs. Maurice Légaré, SCJ, and Adrian Visscher, SCJ, in a booklet produced for the 100th anniversary of the SCJ presence in Canada. “Shortly after their arrival, the founder visited Canada on the occasion of the Eucharistic Congress of Montréal. Fr. Dehon was much impressed by the missionaries’ poverty, as was Bishop Thiberghien, who came with him. The bishop offered them an altar or two horses. They chose the two horses, which were of greater help to them.”
In 1919, the Holy See gave the congregation permission to open a novitiate near Edmunton. Among the first novices were Damase Caron, who later went on to teach at Sacred Heart Monastery (what later became Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology) and become provincial superior of what was then the American Province.
The history of the Dehonian presence in Canada is highlighted in the March 1 issue of Dehonian Spirituality. Click here to read it.
Dehonian Spirituality includes reflections and prayers based in the Dehonian charism; it is sent by email most Fridays. Click here to subscribe.
Reminder: Mass of Thanksgiving
On Sunday, March 10, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston will host a Mass of Thanksgiving, followed by a reception in the parish hall for Fr. Juan Carlos Castañeda Rojas, SCJ. Mass will begin at 1:30 pm. Click here to view the Facebook invitation or call 713-222-0203 for more information.
Fr. Heinrich Lau, SCJ, has been appointed to a second term as provincial superior of the German Province. The new term begins on June 1, 2019.
Updated visitation calendar
Recently, several adjustments were made to the provincial visitation calendar. The revised scheduled is as follows:
1) Sacred Heart Monastery, March 3-8 (Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ)
2) Mississippi, March 14-17 (Fr. Quang Nguyen, SCJ)
3) Novitiate, March 18-21 (Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ)
4) Texas, April 28 – May 4 (Fr. Christianus Hendrik, SCJ)
5) Florida, May 6-10 (Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ)
6) South Dakota, May 26-28 (Fr. Jack Kurps, SCJ)
New local administration named
Last week the Provincial Council appointed Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ, to a three-year term as local superior of the St. Joseph’s Community (4th floor of Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake). Br. Ray Kozuch, SCJ was named first councilor and the entire community will serve as council. Br. Frank Presto, SCJ, was reappointed as community treasurer.
SCJ candidate named to leadership

Kenneth Anyanwu, a first-year candidate at Sacred Heart Monastery, was recently appointed as Regional Coordinator for Region VII of the National Association of African Catholics in the United States. Originally from Nigeria, Kenneth will serve as a liaison from the region that includes Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin, with the national office, as well as assist in organizing activities of the region.
According to its website, NAACUS is an an apostolate by Africans, for Africans, with Africans, in African Catholic communities within the continental USA approved and promoted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Click here to visit the organization’s website.
Formation program moves to next phase
Those taking part in the general course for Dehonian formators, held in Rome during the 2018-19 academic year, recently completed the first phase of their program. These were sessions primarily organized and taught by the general administration in collaboration with others. The program now moves to the Salesian Pontifical University.
Click here to read more about the program on the general website. Among those taking part in the course is Fr. Joseph-Thien Dinh, SCJ, of the US Province.
The group is pictured below.