Remembering the founder
Fr. Leo John Dehon, founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, was born March 14, 1843. In many parts of the congregation, the anniversary of his birth is celebrated as “Founder’s Day;” a day to remember the roots of the congregation. Typically, the superior general writes a letter to commemorate the day.

This year the letter takes the form of an “interview” with Fr. Dehon envisioned by Fr. Stefan Tertünte, a member of the German Province. Fr. Stefan has done extensive study on the founder and often teaches classes on both Fr. Dehon, and the early years of the congregation. Most recently, he was one of the presenters at the international formation program in Rome.
Much of the interview focuses on some of the challenges Fr. Dehon faced in the early development of the congregation.
“Already in 1895, I had a conversation with the pope about being a congregation whose first priority was teaching in the social field, the apostolate to workers, and the missions,” says Fr. Dehon in the imagined interview. “However, not much later, in 1897, I learned that the greater part of the membership did not share my perspective, and, worse, were unable to share in it.”
The interview reflects on the development of the congregation, a congregation that Fr. Dehon hoped would pursue “the two apostolates that were closest to my heart: to bring people to the Love of the Sacred Heart and to promote a more just society for workers and the most disenfranchised.”
The full interview, as well as Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho’s introduction and closure, is on the province website. Click here to read it.
Click here to learn more about Fr. Leo John Dehon on our province website.
Busy days at Vocation Central
Much of the work of the vocation office actually takes place outside of the office. Besides home visits with potential candidates, the vocation team travels to schools, vocation conferences and other youth gatherings to share information about the Priests of the Sacred Heart and to help young people in the discernment process.
The vocation team includes Br. Ray Kozuch, province director of vocations, Fr. Mike Burke, who has been assisting the office part-time, Keith Burdick, office manager, and Nancy Grzesiak, administrative assistant.
Br. Ray Kozuch writes about some of the team’s recent travels and visits:
“In the first months of the year Vocation Central has been busy. Fr. Mike Burke and Dn. Duy Nguyen worked a three-day vocation display at Holy Family Church in Orlando, Fl., while Br. Long Nguyen, Dn. Greg Schill and Keith Burdick travelled to Marian University in Fond du Lac, Wis., to share information about our ministry and call.
“Keith and I did a presentation at Br. Rice High School in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., sharing information about the community and vocation discernment. There we also gathered information cards and passed out candy bars to about 800 teens. In Wisconsin, I’ve also had the opportunity to visit and take part in vocation panels at Marquette High School in Milwaukee, St. Lawrence Seminary in Mt. Calvary, Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha, and at two panels at St. Francis de Sales Seminary in St. Francis.”
Br. Ray adds that the office is currently processing admissions papers for two potential candidates. “Please keep these men in your prayers, and continue to pray for, support and encourage vocations. Many thanks to those who have helped with the vocation office in recent months.”
If you would like information about pursuing a vocation with the Priests of the Sacred Heart please contact the office at [email protected], or call 800-609-5559.
Click here to access vocation prayers that are available on the province website. For a listing of vocation and religious education booklets and other resources available from Vocation Central, click here.
Please remember
Fr. Emilio Luigi Crisetig, a member of the North Italian Province, died March 3. He was born in 1926, professed in 1944 and ordained in 1952.
Fr. Antoni Czaja, a member of the Polish Province, who March 3. He was born in 1937, professed in 1953 and was ordained in 1960.
The aunt of Fr. Wayne Jenkins, who last week in Canada.
Thank you
Fr. Rick DiLeo writes: “On behalf of my sister and brother-in-law, Betty and Joe Greene, and myself, we are so grateful to all of the SCJs and those connected with our various ministries throughout the congregation for their expressions of support and sympathy on the death of our mother, Esther DiLeo. Her life was celebrated in ‘Esther DiLeo style’ with the SCJs who attended her Funeral Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Houston. Our parishioners and family friends who attended were deeply touched by the presence of the 15 SCJs who were present for Esther’s celebration of life. Blessings to all of you and know we are at peace that our Mom is finally healed and at rest.”

Local superiors meet
Last week, local superiors (coordinators) gathered with the Provincial Council at the Province Conference Center. It was the renewal of a tradition that had fallen dormant in recent years. The meetings are an opportunity for dialogue between province and local administration, as well as for on-going formation on the role of local leadership.
The gathering is also a time for a bit of peer support as local superiors share common concerns. “And also our joys,” said one participant. “I was glad that ‘the joys of being a local superior’ was one of the small group discussion topics. It made me realize that there are opportunities that I can look at differently. There was a good intervention regarding the joy of being called to serve. I needed to hear that.”
Another local superior said that a joy for him in his role “is being with men who want to be SCJs, who want to live in community. There is pain there too, but there is joy in the personal affirmation of walking with others.”
The local superiors discussed the possibility of new ministry in Mississippi and Mexico, as well as a proposed workshop offered by the general administration for local superiors.
The group plans to continue gathering at least once a year.
Turning soup labels into a computer
How does one go about getting a new computer? For Rebecca, a fourth grader at St. Joseph’s Indian School in South Dakota, the first step involved soup labels – a lot of soup labels! She and other girls in her home at St. Joe’s set goals to clip enough Campbell’s soup labels to earn something special for themselves. Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program has long awarded prizes for schools and students who save the company’s soup labels.
“A few girls decided to save enough labels for a toy or basketball, and a couple others were working toward an i-Pod Nano, but Rebecca’s goal of a laptop was by far the most ambitious,” said a member of St. Joe’s staff.
Recently she reached her goal: 63,000 Campbell’s soup labels!
“She began this endeavor independently,” said Vicki, one of Rebecca’s houseparents. “She kept working at it without prompting or complaining, and never once thought about quitting. Her determination and perseverance are something to be admired by both staff and students!”
Rebecca is pictured below with Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, executive director of St. Joseph’s Indian School.

New administration named
Fr. Hugh Hanley has been named to a second, three-year term as provincial superior of the British Irish Province. The council includes: Fr. Jerry Sheehy, Fr. Jim Matthew, Fr. Stephen Motroni and Fr. John Kelly.
Calendar updates
March 21: Deadline for SCJ feedback on proposed Mexico project
March 29-30: Provincial Council meeting
May 1: Easter Concert, 2 p.m. (SHST)
May 9-11: Provincial Council meeting (budgets)
May 17 & 18: Masses for the anointing of the sick,(SHST) 1 p.m.
May 21: Dn. Greg Schill’s priesthood ordination (San Antonio)
May 23-24: North American councils meeting (Chicago)
July 1: Feast of the Sacred Heart, Mass at SHST, 11 a.m.
Week of July 11: Province Assembly, Hales Corners, Wis.
August 30-31: Provincial Council Meeting
October. 2: Pet Blessing (SHST)
October 4-5: Provincial Council Meeting
November 14-16: SCJ Retreat, Pinellas Park
December 14-15: Provincial Council Meeting
December 18: Advent Concert, 2 p.m.
Provincial’s time
First, a correction. We mistakenly noted that Fr. Tom Cassidy would be in Rome March 14-17 for CMSM meetings. He will instead be in Rome starting April 19 and remain there through the end of April.
This month, he will be in the office much of the next two weeks. March 19-26, he will be in Arizona visiting family (and taking in a bit of spring training). March 29-30 he has council meetings.