End of the school year
Students from St. Martin of Tours Parish in Franklin, Wis., were at Sacred Heart Monastery/School of Theology on retreat last week. On Tuesday, it was the eighth-graders preparing for graduation. Thursday, it was the fifth through seventh grade students.
On both days, Fr. Thi Pham, SCJ, associate pastor of St. Martin’s, joined teachers in leading the retreat.
In his role at St. Martin’s, Fr. Thi also has responsibility for the Vietnamese Catholic community in the Milwaukee Archdiocese and is active with youth groups regionally and nationally.
The heart of a missionary
Although the summer ESL program doesn’t begin for another month, one of its students is already at Sacred Heart School of Theology getting a head start: Fr. Agustinus Guntoro, SCJ.

Originally from the Indonesian Province, Fr. Guntoro, 38, was ordained to the priesthood in 2003. As he was preparing for ordination he wrote to his provincial superior and asked that he be considered for a missionary assignment.
“I thought that I would be too comfortable as a priest in Indonesia,” he said about his request. “A missionary is someone who is not satisfied with ‘the comfortable.’ A missionary is someone who is totally available to go where needed. It is my dream to have the heart of a missionary.”
To his surprise, his superiors assigned him to the young District of India only months after his ordination.
Fr. Guntoro remained in India until last year; most international SCJs were unable to renew their visas. However, he continued to serve the Indian District by going to the Philippines and helping with the Indian students in the international novitiate there.
He is now in the United States, preparing for his next missionary assignment: a new project in Asia.
Click here to read more about Fr. Guntoro on the province website
Please remember
Fr. Renatus Boeing, a member of the North Brazilian Province, died May 17. He was born in 1937, professed in 1958 and ordained in 1964.
Rev. Paul R.G. Smith, an Episcopal priest who taught at Divine Heart Seminary in the 1970s, died on May 9. He was a science teacher, as well as interim principal for a year. Click here to read the full obituary and/or to leave condolences for the family.
What are those dates?
The province assembly is coming up in less than two months. The gathering kicks off with the Jubilee Celebrations at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 9. This year’s jubilarians include Fr. Tom Cassidy, Fr. Mark Fortner, Fr. Pat Lloyd and Fr. Steve Pujdak (50 years), and Fr. Don Barnd and Fr. Bernie Rosinski (60 years).
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 10-11, will be full days with the assembly (with an on-site Comedy Sportz performance on Tuesday evening). Thursday, July 12. will be a half day.
Need a room?
SCJs are reminded that if they need a room at Sacred Heart Monastery, either for the assembly or at any other time of year, they need to contact Marlene at the front desk. Call: 414-425-8300 and hit “0.” At Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake, check with Fr. Jim Brackin, local coordinator.
Fr. Charles Yost’s cell phone:
Good-bye and welcome

On May 24, Kassandra Wilson, the province administrative assistant, is leaving the office for another job opportunity. We wish her well in her future endeavors.
Joining the Provincialate staff on June 4 will be Nancy Gray, whom many of you have come to know through her work at the province vocation office.
New directors, new programs and newly professed
After sending members to the Philippines for novitiate last year, the young District of India has reinstalled its own novitiate program. On May 14, Fr. McQueen Mascarhenhas, SCJ, was installed as the director of novices. During the same ceremony, nine novices were received and Fr. Peter Christy, SCJ, was installed as the new postulancy director. Just as with the novitiate, there will be nine novices.

The next day, five young Indians professed their first vows; they will now go to Eluru for their theology program.
On May 13, the Philippine Region also celebrated the professions of three new members: Brs. Nathaniel Robilla, Rogereve Pausanos and Junlou Arcayos. The three SCJs will continue their studies in Manila.
On Facebook
In between weekly Fridge Notes mailings, news items are also posted on the province Facebook page. Among the items that went up last week was a small photo album from the Mass of Healing at Sacred Heart Monastery. Click here to view it (you do not need to be a Facebook member to go to this page).
Provincial’s time
Fr. Tom Cassidy remains in the Milwaukee area through the month. May 30-31 he has council meetings.
Office schedule
The Provincialate Offices will be closed Monday, May 28, for Memorial Day. The next Fridge Notes will not be posted until Tuesday, May 29.
After Memorial Day, the Provincialate will begin its summer hours. This means that most people will be working longer days Monday through Thursday and then taking off on Friday afternoons. Please keep this in mind if you need to reach someone at the Provincialate.
Upcoming meetings and events:
May 30-31: Provincial Council Meeting (budgets)
June 15: Feast of the Sacred Heart (11 a.m.)
June 28: Provincial Council Meeting (conference call re: formation)
July 3-4: Provincialate Offices closed for Independence Day.
July 9-12: Province Assembly, Hales Corners
July 16-21: General Conference, Neustadt, Germany
July 23-25: SCJ Major Superiors Meeting, Neustadt, Germany
October 12: Dedication of Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake
April 8-9: Mission Education Conference, St. Joseph’s Indian School
Week of June 3: Province Election Assembly.