Celebrating anniversaries and honoring veterans
On Saturday, November 9, parishioners at St. Martin of Tours parish in Franklin, WI, celebrated two significant anniversaries: 50 years of Dehonian ministry at the parish, and 20 years since the Dedication Mass of SMOT’s newly built church.
In 1998, Fr. Charlie Bisgrove, SCJ, was pastor of Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary parish when he learned that the Archdiocese of Milwaukee had decided – after several listening sessions – to merge the parish with nearby Holy Assumption. Two of the oldest parishes in the archdiocese, they were just a block away from each other geographically; however, the histories of each had remained separate for about 150 years. German-speaking Catholics formed Sacred Hearts in 1858, while Holy Assumption, established in 1847, served a primarily Irish, English-speaking community.
To meet the needs of the combined parish population, a larger church was built that incorporated the original Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary as a narthex to the new structure. On October 2, 2004, Archbishop Timothy Dolan (now Cardinal Dolan) celebrated a Dedication Mass for the new St. Martin of Tours church.

As the main celebrant, Fr. Tom Cassidy, SCJ, president-rector of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, represented Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ, provincial superior. Several of the parish’s former pastors were among the concelebrants, including Fr. Tony Russo, SCJ, who oversaw the construction of the church in which the anniversary Mass was held.
Along with the anniversaries, the parish also recognized its veterans with handmade Quilts of Honor (Fr. Andrzej Sudol, SCJ, pastor, is pictured at the top of the page, blessing the veterans and their quilts). Veterans’ Day, November 11, is also the feast of St. Martin of Tours.
The evening ended with banquet and a silent auction. “Thank you,” said Fr. Andrzej. “Thank you to all of you who continue to make this your home, and who continue to welcome others.”
Click here to read more on the province website.
Click here to view photos from the event.
Click on the image below to see a historical video of the church, created by Br. Andy Gancarczyk, SCJ. More photos and other news from the celebration are also available on the SMOT Facebook page.
Tomorrow, November 12 at 10:00 a.m. (central) the Provincial Administration is sponsoring a one-hour Zoom conference on welcoming international members in community. The presenter is Dr. Paul Ashton, who has a B.A. in religious studies, an M.A. in clinical pastoral counseling, a D.Min. in counseling and marriage and family therapy and a Psy.D. in psychology. Dr. Ashton has led workshops on a wide variety of topics.
Although the presentation was originally created with SCJs in mind, organizers realized that the issues addressed reach well beyond members of the Priests of the Sacred Heart and invite anyone to join. Learning how to better welcome and serve with international priests, brothers, and other collaborators is a topic pertinent to many in the Church today.
Please join us for Dr. Ashton’s presentation. Click here to access the Zoom link.
American missionary laid to rest
Fr. Charles Brown, SCJ, in South Africa to give presentations to the SCJ postulants, was able to represent the US Province at the Mass of Christian Burial for Fr. John Strittmatter, SCJ. Fr. Charlie shares the photos above, including a group picture with himself, Archbishop Zolile Mpambani, SCJ, Bishop Adam Musialek, SCJ and Fr. Peter Surdel, SCJ (RSA provincial superior).
The funeral was on November 9 at the cathedral in Aliwal North, South Africa. Bishop Musialek, presided. Fr. John, an American SCJ who spent most of his years of religious life in South Africa, died on November 2.
Please remember
Teresa Mai Thi My, the aunt of Fr. Joseph Thien Dinh, SCJ, recently died. Fr. Joseph writes that “she lived in Windsor, Ontario, and had a good long life. She went to her eternal rest at peace at the age of 90. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.”
There will be a prayer service on Friday, November 15 at 5:00 p.m., and a Funeral Mass on Saturday, November 16, at 11:00 a.m. at St. Philiphe Minh and St. Ane Thanh Vietnamese Martyrs Catholic Church,1630 Partington Ave. N9B 2R1, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Hello from Houston!
Fra. Michael Wodarczyk, SCJ, is one of three SCJ seminarians currently doing their pastoral year. Assigned to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston, Fra. Michael is getting first-hand experience in a wide variety of parish ministries. He writes with an update:
“I am assisting with the teaching of OCIA classes – in English (classes are also held in Spanish at OLG). [‘OCIA’ or the ‘Order of Christian Initiation for Adults’ is what was formerly known as RCIA.]
“I also help with Alter Server training, am active with the newly growing Dehonian Associates program at OLG, and am helping Fr. Fabio dos Santos with the Dehonian youth group. Occasionally I also help our parishioner volunteers in counting the Sunday collection.
“I have enjoyed the SCJ community here in Houston; they have been very helpful and kind. They have answered a lot of my questions and have been very hospitable. I have enjoyed interacting with parishioners in a wide variety of ministries. They too have been very welcoming and a pleasure to serve, and have helped me to find my way around Houston. Parishioners do a lot of work around the parish.
“It is different not being in classes this year, especially considering that I am halfway through my theology studies. I miss being in class with my fellow seminarians at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology. It will be great to come back next fall and see everyone.
“This is my first time living outside of Wisconsin for an extended period of time. I am excited for what is to come. It was great to see the fall festival and how the parish came together to make it successful. I am looking forward to the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which is said to be an incredible experience here at the parish.
“Many thanks to those keeping me in their prayers.”
Vocation booth on the road
Our province Vocation Office staffed a booth at Saturday’s Inheritance Conference in Milwaukee. The conference is organized by Brew City Catholic, an initiative of the Young Adult Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Showing that they have heart are Fr. Christian Hoper, SCJ, Corrie Christiaansen (Marketing and Office Manager for the Vocation Office), Fra. Hung Pham, SCJ, and Fr. Ari Saputra, SCJ. Fr. Henry Nguyen, SCJ, vocation director, was also at the conference.
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