If it is Monday, it must be Mississippi!
Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho, superior general, and Fr. John van den Hengel, continue their visitation of North America this week. After stops in South Dakota, Florida and Houston, they are headed to Mississippi today. Yesterday, each celebrated a Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston; Fr. Ornelas had a Spanish Mass and Fr. John had English. Click here to view photos from their day at OLG.

Frs. Ornelas and John move north on Wednesday, heading to Chicago for a couple of days with the formation community before concluding the visitation with the Milwaukee community. Of course, September 24-27 is the North American Continental Conference. SCJs from throughout North America will come together, splitting their time between the Provincial Conference Center and Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake.
Throughout the visitation photos have been posted on the province Facebook page. Click here to go to the page. You do not need to be a member of Facebook to view the page or the photo albums.
An online photo album of the visitation will be made available later in the week.
School year kicks off with diverse group of seminarians
Twenty-three new seminarians representing nine nations have begun their new school year at Sacred Heart School of Theology, bringing the total number of seminarians this year to 87.
Their ages range from 22-year-old Matthew Rappl from the Diocese of Green Bay to Alfred Pillarelli, 66, from the Diocese of Gaylord, Mich.
In addition to the future priests in the seminary program, Sacred Heart has 47 other students, including 26 non-seminarians in the ESL program, lay students in the Master of Arts Program, and non-degree students.
Note: some students are in more than one program. For example, some seminarians may also be in the ESL Program. The above numbers do not count duplicates.
The average age of the new seminarians is 40. Fifteen students are from the United States, while the others come from elsewhere in the Americas, Nigeria and Vietnam.
The seminarians represent 27 dioceses across the United States and Canada, plus five religious orders. New sponsors this year include: the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau (Mo.), the Diocese of Orange (Calif.), the Diocese of of Duluth (Minn.), the the Diocese of of Calgary (Alb.) and the Servants of the Paraclete.
Our thanks to SHST for the article!
Please remember
+Fr. Armand Maloteaux, a member of the Franco-European Province, died September 13. He was born in 1930, professed in 1951 and ordained in 1956.
+Sr. Christine Knoll, OSB, died on August 31 at Sacred Heart Care Center in Yankton, SD. She was 92. She had served at St. Joseph’s Indian School (1955-1965) and also at Sacred Heart Monastery (1966-1971). .
Updated update
Last week we noted that Fr. Jim Schroeder’s office information has changed. Unfortunately, the line breaks were a bit confusing. Here it is again:
1750 S. Brentwood Blvd.
Ste. 602
St. Louis MO 63144
General phone: 314-909-4620
Personal office: 314-504-1045
Fax: 314-968-3176.