The Spiritual Path

The Spiritual Path, consisting of nine to ten monthly group prayer and discussion sessions, forms the basis of discernment for commitment as a Dehonian Associate. It is a journey of encounter, starting with learning about Fr. Dehon and the spirituality of the Priests of the Sacred Heart. As we contemplate the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are drawn by God’s great love for us and moved to return that love through others. Participants who decide to become Dehonian Associates commit to offering a daily prayer of oblation and to attend Dehonian Associates meetings for spiritual companionship.

After a commitment, renewed yearly, Dehonian Associates continue to meet regularly for mutual support as they put the Dehonian charism into practice within the family, a profession, or other groups of Church and society. Dehonian Associates are committed to building up the reign of God in the midst of the world, starting in their own families, neighborhoods, parishes and workplaces.

Year One Topics:

Session 1: Fr. Dehon’s Faith Journey: His Life, His Words, His Work

Session 2: Oblation: The Reign of the Heart of Jesus in Souls and Society

Session 3: Baptismal Call: Laity in the Church

Session 4: Eucharist: One Never-Ending Mass

Session 5: Prophets of Love, Servants of Reconciliation

Session 6: Union with Jesus through Prayer and Work

Session 7: Participation in the Reign of Justice and Charity

Session 8: Heart of Jesus: The Person and the Symbol

Session 9: Mary, the Model of a Lay Dehonian

If you are interested in joining a group, please contact Monica Misey, Director of Dehonian Associates.