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We are the Priests of the Sacred Heart - Dehonians!

We live in community, are inspired by daily Eucharistic Adoration, and in a fragmented world we believe unity to be possible. Our ministries are diverse, as are our members. Yet our goal is the same: to work with a common heart in service to God’s people, reflecting the love of Christ as experienced by our founder, Fr. Leo John Dehon. Are you called to a life of prayer and service based in the love of the Sacred Heart? Are you called to religious life as a priest or brother?

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Vocation and Youth Ministry News


Have a question, ready to learn more?

Do you have a question for our vocation director? Are you discerning a vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life? Let's be in contact!


You can also mail our vocation director at: vocations@dehoniansusa.org or call us at 414-529-4255. We look forward to meeting you!

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