20 Questions with Br. Frank Presto, SCJ

Favorite color? What makes you happy? What are you good at? What is your greatest fear… “Twenty Questions” is a regular feature in which SCJs and those with whom they minister and collaborate share a bit about themselves in an informal Q&A. Participants are given the same list of questions and are invited to answer Read More…

Let us make known the love of the Heart of Jesus

“As we renew our commitment to follow Jesus as sons of Fr. Dehon, let us pray for each other that we will have the courage and humility to take up His yoke, to live the call to discover and make known the love of the Heart of Jesus in souls and societies, to act concretely Read More…

Weekly News: June 22, 2020

Vow renewals in Mississippi Congratulations to Fraters Henry Nguyen, SCJ, and Hubert Liassidji, SCJ, who renewed their vows with the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians) during Friday’s Sacred Heart celebration at Christ the King church in Southaven, MS. Bishop Joseph Kopacz joined Dehonians for the Mass. Click here to view photos on Facebook. Fraters Read More…

A very different feast day

PICTURED ABOVE: The Big Bend Dam near Fort Thompson As local communities around the province prepare to celebrate feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday, June 19, the SCJ community in South Dakota grapples more so than most with how to be together, separately. “The regional community in South Dakota is under some duress,” writes Read More…

Weekly News: June 15, 2020

“The Heart of Jesus, the love of Jesus, is the whole of the Gospel.  Jesus teaches his apostles the prayer of his Heart, the Our Father, which will be our prayer until the end of the world.  He recommends abandonment to them, which is the trust of a loving heart: ‘Do not be anxious,’ he Read More…

Weekly News: June 8, 2020

A self-giving love “We cannot understand the self-giving love of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus unless we first discover the true nature of Jesus’ Heart,” wrote Fr. Praveen Kumar Richard, SCJ, in the June 5 edition of Dehonian Spirituality. “When we gaze into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we see a heart burning with love Read More…

Social justice, one step at a time

Reflecting on the many marches, peaceful protests and other events around the world calling attention to the need for justice, love and unity for all, Frater Henry Nguyen, SCJ, wrote the following. Frater Henry, a seminarian and Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology, is just beginning his pastoral year in Mississippi. In Search of the Value of the Read More…

Weekly News: June 1, 2020

Churches reopen in Mississippi Churches in Mississippi opened this weekend for the celebration of the feast of Pentecost. Safety guidelines – including face masks, distancing protocols, and hand sanitation stations – are in place for parishioners, priests and other ministers. To maintain capacity requirements, parishioners called to reserve space prior to the liturgy they were Read More…

June webinars on Sacred Heart Spirituality (Spanish)

An international group of religious men and women, including Dehonians from the United States and Argentina and lay persons from Chile, have organized a series of four webinars for June focused on deepening one’s spirituality of the Sacred Heart. They will be held in Spanish. “We will explore Sacred Heart spirituality in a holistic way Read More…

Let us honor those who have died with a commitment to peace

“It’s all right to celebrate this day with fireworks and parades and decorating grave sites, but it  seems to me that the best way to honor those who have died in wars is to dedicate ourselves to eliminating future wars.” -Fr. John Czyzynski,, SCJ Fr. John Czyzynski, SCJ, gave the homily at this morning’s Memorial Read More…