Happy Easter!
Br. Andy Gancarczyk took the photo above of the Easter Vigil at Our Lady of Guadalupe, Houston. The SCJ parish team there includes Fr. Ed Kilianski (pastor), Fr. Zbigniew Morawiec, Fr. Duy Nguyen, Frater Joseph Pham Vu and Br. Andy.
Click here to go to the province Facebook page to view more photos. Have pictures that you would like to share from your Triduum and Easter celebrations? Click here to send them.
SHML filled
All of the guest apartments at Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake are now filled during the week of the province assembly. If you need to make lodging arrangements please contact Marlene at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology at 414-425-8300.
The province assembly will begin with lunch on Monday, July 6 and conclude midday on July 10. The province jubilee celebration will be at 4:30 on July 6.
Thank you
Br. Brian Tompkins writes: “My fraternal gratitude to all members of Canadian Region and the US Province for their expressions of sympathy by phone, card, and e-mail on the recent death of my father, Donald.”
Class of ’75 reunion

Bellefontaine (IHM) alumnus Mike Shuler is one of the organizers of a 40th anniversary reunion of the class of 1975. Events will take place the weekend of June 19-21. Mike writes:
“It will not be a sit-down type of get-together but I am more thinking along the lines of a big bonfire out in some beautiful landscape with a nice lake right there. There is room for a lot of tents for the adventurous ‘explorer’ still in you. There should be room for RVs and trailers depending on how many will want to come. There is also a motel not too far from where activities are taking place. [Holiday House Motel, 2871 NY Rte 23, Hillsdale NY –– mention Matt Torrey’s name for a discount]
“The place? Matt Torrey’s ‘Happy Place’ located not too far from Chatham, NY, and a very short distance from Lee and Lenox. [4617 Crow Hill Road, Austerlitz, NY] You can come for the weekend or come for the day.”
The schedule includes 11:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 21, celebrated by Msgr. Michael Shershanovich and Fr. Peter Penton. There will be a special remembrance of deceased alumni and staff during the service. The location: St. Joseph Church, 414 North St, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Phone: (413) 445-5789
Mike asks that if you are interested in attending or have questions that you contact him by May 15. His email address: shuler879@gmail.com
Please remember
+Fr. Gaston Pirotte, a member of the Franco-European Province, died April 4. He was born in 1928, professed in 1948, and ordained in 1957.
+Lottie Czech, the great grandmother of Frater Justin Krenke, died April 5. She was 98.

Dehonian Spirituality
The URL (web address) of the Dehonian Spirituality page on the province website is now www.sacredheartusa.org/dehonian-spirituality. You can also access the page from the “Dehonian Spirituality” option at the top of the province website.
Back issues of the weekly Dehonian Spirituality mailing (sent by email to SCJs in North America and others who request it) are archived by date and theme. Click here to go to the archives or access it from the left column of the Dehonian Spirituality page.
Dehonian Spirituality was originally archived by topic: Fr. Leo John Dehon, Heart of Jesus, Oblation, Lived and Shared, Prayer and Reflection Questions. Click here to go to the original archives, or access it from the left column of the Dehonian Spirituality page.
Seasonal mailings, such as the recent one-minute Meditations on the Cross, are also archived and can be accessed from the left column of the Dehonian Spirituality page.
Anyone is welcome to receive the weekly Dehonian Spirituality email newsletter that goes out most Fridays. Click here to add someone to the list.
General Chapter hymn
The hymn for the 2015 General Chapter can now be heard in a YouTube video. Composed by Sigit Pranoto, a scholastic from the Indonesian Province, the hymn is accompanied by images of Fr. Dehon and the congregation, in particular, images from the Indonesian Province.
Click here to access the video.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter is in South Dakota this week for a visitation and board meeting (Dn. David Nagel is also there for the meeting). April 13-14 Fr. Steve will be in Ottawa for the North American councils meeting, after which he goes to Mississippi for a visitation and board meeting.
Closing shot
We end as we began, with a photo from the Easter Vigil at OLG in Houston: