Welcome to Chicago!

In January the Dehon Formation Community welcomed a new candidate: Luis Barrantes, 44. Originally from Artesia, CA, he was human resources manager for DKN Hotels prior to candidacy. Luis also taught Bible study and sixth grade catechesis. Now back in the role of student, Luis began his studies at St. Xavier University (Chicago) on January 12.
“I am excited to be here and follow God’s will,” said Luis. “Everyone has been very friendly and attentive to me, making my start easy enough to allow me the opportunity to get into the rhythm of things. I am learning what is required in the house: cleaning, organizing, prayer, reflections and much more. I am also finishing up my first painting since arriving here.
“As I begin my journey with my SCJ family I look forward to learning and growing. Every day I wake up and thank God for this blessing. I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude. However, I would like to thank so many for their support, from Br. Duane, to Fr. Tim, Fr. Bob, Fr. John, Patrick, Juancho, Justin, James, Liem, Fr. Antonny and Fr. Nam.”
Luis’ email address is: lbarrantes77@yahoo.com
Fr. Maurice Légaré of the Canadian Region shares news that “Br. Vermont K. Bengourion had a second surgery on his left knee. Everything went well and after some physical therapy sessions he should recover the full use of the knee.”
Br. Vermont is an SCJ from Cameroon who is being treated in Montréal for an extensive knee injury. He has been there since last October.
SCJs call awareness to the pain of human trafficking
The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the International Union of Superiors General designated February 8 as the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. The day was chosen to coincide with the Feast Day of St. Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave, freed, who became a Canossian nun, and was declared a Saint in 2000.
Fr. Peter McKenna of the Canadian Region, and Frater James Nguyen of the US Province, collaborated on a feature for the province website with resources about human trafficking and for commemoration of the day.
“May we be in solidarity with those who suffer and overwhelm their hearts with the overflowing tenderness and compassion of the Heart of Christ,” they write. “Bringing awareness at the community level to this issue brings hope to the many victims that one day there will be an end to such evil.”
Click here to access the information Fr. Peter and Frater James prepared.
Fridge Notes readers may remember that Frater James volunteered last summer with One Body Village, an organization that focuses on rescuing children from sex trafficking, and educating and empowering communities to prevent such exploitation. Click here to read his reflection on the experience.
Please remember

+Fr. Alfonso Muniz, a former member of the Priests of the Sacred Heart, died January 16. He was 85. Fr. Al was a missionary in Guayaquil, Ecuador, for 14 years, and then retired to the Archdiocese of Denver.
Before pursing his vocation to the priesthood, Fr. Al served in the US Air Force, and had a brief career in country-western music, working with such greats as Johnny Cash and Glen Campbell.
Click here to read his obiturary.
Blog posts from Asia
Fr. John Czyzynski and Fr. Tom Cassidy continue to share their experiences from Asia on the province blog. Fr. John is in the Philippines assisting with formation and Fr. Tom is in the Indian District.

“My heart goes out to these guys,” wrote Fr. John about the SCJ missionaries he met in Dansolihon, Philippines. “Three of our men are there: Jan from Poland, Johannes from Indonesia and Pjoe (pronounced as it is written) from the Philippines. Their rooms are tiny shoeboxes about 10 by 15 feet. The toilet is primitive. There is a commode in the room and a bucket with water to flush the toilet. They do have TV but no internet access.
“In this tough situation their spirit is inspiring. They showed me a statue of Jesu Nazareno. Jesus is portrayed as a man whose skin has been darkened by exposure to the sun. I was surprised to hear that there is a strong devotion among men in the Philippines to Jesus portrayed in this way. He is a worker like them and they connect with Him.”
Click here to read the rest this post, and others on the province blog.
Provincial’s time
Fr. Stephen Huffstetter is in Hales Corners for much of the next few weeks. Feb. 21-25 he is at the Dehon Formation Community in Chicago for a visitation and Feb. 28 – March 7 he will have a visitation in Texas.
Closing shot
Fr. Yulius Sunardi, who returned to the Indonesian Province in December after completing his doctorate in clinical psychology at Marquette University (Milwaukee) is pictured below giving a presentation at the biennial meeting of the Indonesian formation directors.