A new general administration!
On July 20, the General Chapter elected Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú, SCJ, as superior general of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (Dehonians). Born in the Canary Islands (Spain) in 1965, he professed his first vows in 1984 and was ordained in 1990.

Fr. Carlos Luis served briefly in India, but for most of the past 30 years Venezuela has been his home. It is a country where poverty and civil unrest seem to grow daily.
“We are in a country that is deeply divided socially, politically and economically,” said Fr. Carlos Luis in an interview. “For that reason, reconciliation is not just something that needs to happen individually, but something that is a task for society. A task for all, but most especially for us. We [Dehonians] refer to ourselves as ‘Servants of Reconciliation’. Starting with the Heart of Jesus we want to change the hearts of people too, so that we can change everything.”
Fr. Carlos Luis has a six-year term. He succeeds Fr. Carlos Enrique Caamaño Martín, SCJ, who became superior general in April following the appointment of Fr. Heinrich Wilmer, SCJ, as bishop of the diocese of Hildesheim (Germany).
The new superior general is pictured at the top of the page with delegates from the US Province: Fr. Quang Nguyen, SCJ, Fr. Jack Kurps, SCJ, and Fr. Vien Nguyen, SCJ.

Fr. Steve re-elected
Among those elected to a second term on the General Council was Fr. Stephen Huffstetter, SCJ, former provincial superior of the US Province. He had served during Fr. Heiner’s administration. Fr. Steve is 59, professed his first vows in 1982 and was ordained in 1989. Before service as provincial superior he was director of St. Joseph’s Indian School in South Dakota. He has also served in formation, and in pastoral ministry on the Cheyenne River and Lower Brule reservations. Fr. Steve has a Master’s in Divinity and a Doctorate in Cross Cultural Ministry from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Two other members of the previous General Council were also re-elected. The first was Fr. Léopold Mfouakouet, SCJ, former provincial superior of Cameroon. Born in 1968, he was professed in 1988 and ordained in 1995. He has served in parish ministry, in formation, and as a professor at the Catholic University in Yaundé, Cameroon.
Fr. Artur Sanecki, SCJ,was the third member of the previous council to be re-elected. The former provincial superior of the Polish Province is 52, professed his first vows in 1985 and was ordained in 1991. He has served in formation and has taught theology, including at the Pontifical University in Krakow. Fr. Arthur holds a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome.

New to the council is Fr. Alexander Sapta Dwi Handoko, SCJ, provincial superior of the Indonesian Province. He was born in 1963, professed in in 1984 and ordained in 1993. He served in parish ministry, as provincial treasurer and on the Indonesian Provincial Council. He is a past president of the Musi Foundation in Indonesia and serves on the General Finance Commission.
Also new to the council is Fr. Levi Dos Anjos Ferreira, SCJ. Originally from Brazil, he has served in the German Province for several years. Fr. Levi was born in 1972, professed in 1994 and ordained in 2002. Fr. Levi currently serves as novice master in Freiburg. He was the only one elected to the council who was not present at the chapter, though he did serve on the preparatory committee. Fr. Levi arrived at the chapter on Sunday just in time to join delegates at a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome.
First reactions from the superior general
Soon after he was elected as superior general, Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú briefly reflected on the election, sharing his initial thoughts about being named to lead the congregation. Click on the image below to hear his words in the video. It is in English.
Fr. Steve reflects on first term
In the video below Fr. Stephen Huffstetter talks about his responsibilities as general councilor during the past three years. They included the education sector and serving as a liaison to North America, the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, and India.
Mass at St John Lateran
The newly elected superior general, Fr. Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniú, was the main celebrant at a Mass of Thanksgiving yesterday at St. John Lateran Basilica. Fr. Leo John Dehon, founder, was ordained at the Basilica. At the altar next to Fr. Carlos Luis was the newly elected General Council. The Mass was open to the public.
Click here to view an album from the Mass on Facebook. Photos are also available in the July 22 online photo album.

Follow the chapter
The General Chapter continues through the end of the week. Much of the delegates’ efforts will now focus on identifying priorities to help guide the work of the new general administration. Follow the chapter activities at the following links:
DehoniansWorldwide (Facebook page of the congregation)
Chapter newsletter, which contains a brief summary of the day, photos, a video and links to other items, including the daily reports. Click here to subscribe to the English edition.
US Province news:
For SCJs on Medicare
Kevin Stanke of the Provincial Treasurer’s Office shares the following for those who are on Medicare: “You can start using your new Medicare card right away. Use it in the same way as you used your old card. The new card doesn’t change your Medicare coverage or benefits. Begin to show your new Medicare card to your doctors and medical facilities. Doctors, other health care providers, and plans approved by Medicare know that Medicare is replacing your old card. They are ready to accept the new card the next time you visit or need care.
“Note that the new Medicare card is for doctors, hospitals and other medical facilities only. This does not affect your Medicare Part D plan, which is for prescriptions.”
Questions? Call Kevin at (414) 333-8750.
Keep in prayer
Fr. Ed Kilianski, SCJ, was released from the hospital last week following surgery to address an infection. He is now at St. Camillus Health Center for further recovery, rehabilitation and therapy. Visitors are welcome.
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