20 Questions
The “20 Questions Project” is an informal Q&A in which SCJs and those with whom they minister and collaborate share a bit about themselves through a list of 20 questions. All receive the same questions and are invited to answer as many as they like. Summaries of some of our recent responses:

Fr. Ralph Intronuovo, SCJ (retired member of the Sacred Heart Community in Pinellas Park, FL) – I was born in Brooklyn, NY and raised there. My parents were Italian immigrants who came here when they were young; my mother was seven and my father was 16. I had five sisters and four brothers. Myself and two sisters survive today. My favorite movie is Silence of the Lambs and my favorite book is Awareness by Anthony DeMello. If I could travel anywhere, I would go to Japan. I’m fascinated by their culture, especially their hospitality and ancestor worship. I would also like to go to Egypt. I used to be very good at racquetball and so-so at tennis. I am good at history trivia and word games. My favorite color is cobalt blue and my favorite food is Pasta e Fagiole (beans and macaroni), an Italian peasant dish. When I was a child, I wrote in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a radio announcer; that amuses me now. What makes me happy? Listening to really good conversation (not necessarily my own), listening to favorite music, seeing a good movie I have not seen before. The last good movie I saw was Fargo. I like reading a thriller murder mystery. READ MORE.

Fr. Wojciech Adamczyk, SCJ (pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Houston) – I was born on March 23, 1976, in Lublin, Poland. I was raised by both of my parents. I am the youngest child; I have two siblings and my brother is also a priest. If I could go anywhere, I would travel to Italy because there are a lot of places to see and good food and wine. My favorite color is blue. I like to watch live sports of any kind, especially motorcycle racing. My favorite food is steak. Cleaning is my least favorite chore. As a child, I wanted to be a firefighter. My greatest fear is sickness. The trait that I dislike in myself is judging others; the trait that I dislike in others is being judged. Three words that describe me? Outgoing, enthusiastic, caring. How has the pandemic affected me? It reminds me that everything in our lives depends on God, and secondly, that every moment of our lives is a great gift from God. I think we often forget that. READ MORE

Fr. Greg Murray, SCJ (pastoral ministry; Montréal community) – I was born and raised in Montréal, Quebec. My family is composed of two parents and three children, one girl and two boys. I am the middle child. My family is made up mostly of introverts, except for my mother, who is a flaming extrovert. My favourite book is Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. I love Waugh’s use of language. If I could travel anywhere, I would travel to either the Orkney Islands or the Faroe Islands in search of some remnant of a natural culture. I play the guitar badly, but I’m getting better. I love to read. I’d like to be able to write prose well. I have many ideas but lack the ability to put them down on paper, to my satisfaction. My favorite food is spaghetti. I most admire Charles de Foucauld. Absolute, total commitment to his vision. What trait do I most dislike in others? Arrogance. As a child I wanted to be a farmer. What makes me happy? Being with family. READ MORE

Br. Frank Snider, SCJ (high school math teacher in San Antonio) – I was born in Zanesville, raised in Somerset, Ohio. Two brothers and two sisters, all are older than me. My oldest brother and the younger of my sisters are deceased. My favorite movie is whatever I happen to be watching at the moment, usually. I really enjoyed the comedy Victor/Victoria and Mrs. Doubtfire. I like historical/bibliographic movies, but I am not sure that I always believe their facts. I will see any musical. I like all colors. I am especially dispirited by the fact that all the new cars come out in grey, black, white, blue, and sometimes red. It makes for a pretty boring parking lot. I cannot figure out what happened to the other exciting colors for cars! I learned about the Priests of the Sacred Heart from an advertisement in Catholic Boy magazine. What interested me at first was the fact that they were interested in me. I did not know anything about their spirituality or their work until I spent time with them. I enjoyed learning about them through the seminaries and contact with the individuals in the order. READ MORE.
The “20 Questions” link is founder under the “Meet Our Members” section on the US Province website. Click here to access it directly.
Keep in prayer
On July 1, Fr. Bob Tucker, SCJ, underwent surgery at Loyola Medical Center in Chicago for a left lung transplant. He has had challenges in the first steps of his recovery; however, yesterday (June 5) his sedation level was reduced and he was able to follow simple commands. Doctors will try to wean him off the ventilator today. Please keep him in prayer.
Communication about communication

The General Administration posted a letter on July 3 regarding the reorganization of communications at the congregational level. Fr. Levi dos Anjos Ferreira, SCJ, is the general councilor with responsibility for communications. “As General Government, we are convinced that communication is one of the privileged means to respond to the mission entrusted to us: the responsibility of serving unity in dynamic fidelity to the spirit and intentions of the Founder ( cf. Cst 112),” wrote Fr. Levi.
An international team of young SCJs representing the various geographic areas of the congregation has been named to work together to enhance communication

about and among the congregation’s entities. Frater Henry Nguyen, SCJ, represents North America on the committee. Other members include: Fr. Rodrigo Alves de Oliveira Arruda (BRE), Br. Boris Signe Mouafo (CMR), Dn. Tinu Thomas Padapurakkal (IND), Fr. Jose Zeferino Policarpo Ferreira (POR) and Br. Ali Ernesto Villaroel Barreto (VEN). Fr. Sergio Rotasperti (GER) is the communications coordinator; he and members of the team have already held several meetings via conference call.
Among the committee’s projects is a revision of the general website (www.dehoniani.org). Frater Henry is working with Mary Gorski (US Province) on updating the DehoniansWorldwide Facebook page.
The email address for the general communications coordinator is: comunicazione@dehoniani.org.
A vocation within a vocation

“When I was a young religious, peers came to talk, so I knew I had some gift for people,” said Fr. Jim Schroeder, SCJ, in the July 3rd issue of Dehonian Spirituality. “I learned that Fr. Dehon had special love for religious and priests. He was ‘very sensitive to sin which weakens the Church, especially when consecrated persons are involved’ [Rule of Life 4]. With him, we are to be ‘prophets of love and servants of reconciliation’ [7], to ‘have the greatest care for people,’ [5] ‘especially the poorest: those without resources, without reasons to live, without hope’ [52]. His call is to join Christ ‘to remedy sin and the lack of love in the Church and in the world’ [7]. With direction from Fr. Luke Lindon, SCJ, and some vocational testing and counsel, I concluded that care for religious and clergy was my vocation within a vocation, and this was to be my spirituality.
“As a priest-psychologist I saw individuals and groups daily, which takes a great deal of oblation. I had to lay aside my own needs and feelings for six to eight hours a day and focus solely on the other. It is exhausting, and I needed to live like an athlete in training. I said our oblation prayer from first vows every morning and evening, and renewed it before each patient. Often, I had what I call, ‘God moments,’ a deep sense of the presence of Christ between the patient and me. Being so present can truly be a prophecy of love, saying the other is important and cared for.”
Click here to read Fr. Jim’s full reflection as well as the rest of the July 3rd issue of Dehonian Spirituality.
Former SCJ publishes book
Former SCJ David Jackson recently published Jesus Gardens Me; it is available on Amazon in two formats: Kindle [$2.99] and paperback [$25.50]. “In presenting how God is working in my life, I want the reader to find inspiration and growth,” he wrote. “I begin in Section One by sharing how my research has helped me to meet Jesus again for the first time. Recounting the narrative of Jesus meeting Mary Magdalene in the garden tomb area has been inspiring and positive for me. In Section Two, I reveal how I see that God has been working in my life in the past and now continues to do so. In Section Three, I summarize Teresa of Avila’s stages of prayer. She offers a process for us to ponder in building a renewed encounter with Jesus.”
SHSST news
Lux Cener Receives Grant – Congratulations to Bonnie Shafrin, director of the Lux Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, who recently was awarded a $10,000 grant for the center from the Harri Hoffmann Family Foundation. The Lux Center is located at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology.
Saying “Good-bye” –the seminary honors two departing members of the SHSST staff: Fr. Tom Knoebel and Dr. John Olesnavage. Fr. Tom has an extensive history with SHSST, including service as president-rector, and Dr. Olesnavage was vice president for pastoral formation and director of spiritual formation. Both will continue to offer courses at the seminary. The last day of regular employment for each was June 30.
“As I near the end of today, my last regular day of employment at Sacred Heart, I must admit it is a somewhat bittersweet occasion,” wrote Fr. Tom to members of the SHSST staff on June 30. “Hired at the age of 37, it is difficult to realize that I am now 77. Over these many years I have had the opportunity to work with so many incredible people in so many different positions: professor of systematic theology, director of human and spiritual formation, academic dean, director of admissions, director of recruitment, vice rector and, on three different occasions, the privilege of serving as rector. Throughout these many years I have been mentored, friended, taught and accompanied by so many SCJs, faculty and staff. I have always been proud of Sacred Heart, and deeply grateful that I have been able to be associated with it, and with all of you. I cannot imagine being able to work with a more dedicated, intelligent, creative and spiritual group of people. I thank you for all you have been for me and with me over these years, many or few, depending on your date of arrival in this community.
“I leave regular employment, full of confidence in Sacred Heart and in the mission if fulfills in our Church and world. With God’s continued guidance Sacred Heart will continue to be an incredible witness to God’s love and mercy long into the future.”
Sabbatical begins – On July 1, Fr. Zbigniew Morawiec, SCJ, begins his sabbatical. He was vice rector, and VP of human and spiritual formation.
Book wins award – Congratulations to Dr. Brian Lee and Fr. Tom Knoebel on winning a 2020 Catholic Media Award presented by the Catholic Press Association. Their book, Discovering Pope Francis(Liturgical Press) was awarded Third Place in the B38: Pope Francis category.
“This is a sign of the importance of the book and of the symposium held here in 2018 which the articles in the book capture beautifully,” wrote Fr. Raúl Gómez-Ruiz, SDS, SHSST president-rector. “Congratulations to all who were involved in the preparation and realization of the symposium, to the speakers/contributors of the articles, to Liturgical Press, and to Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology faculty, staff, and students who participated in this landmark international symposium.”
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