Headed to Rome

The XXIV General Chapter begins on Saturday, July 14, at the Generalate in Rome. It will be a short but intense chapter with a full work schedule, even on Sunday, when delegates will review reports on the State of the Congregation, including the general financial report. The one break in the 14-day gathering will be the following Sunday (July 22) when the chapter shares in a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. John Lateran Basilica. The closing Mass for the chapter is scheduled for noon on July 27.
The election process is to begin on Thursday, July 19. The planning commission hopes to conclude the process by the end of the day on Saturday, July 21. Of course, everything, including the schedule, is determined by the chapter itself when it is in session.
The logo for the chapter was released last week (see the top of the page). It features the Dehonian cross alongside the theme of the chapter: “With open heart and mind to the urgent needs of the Church and the world.” It is a theme that calls the congregation to seek a Dehonian response to the challenges of today.

SCJ Fathers Quang Nguyen, Jack Kurps and Vien Nguyen will represent the US Province. Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ and Fr. Gustave Lulendo, SCJ, will represent the Canadian Region. Mary Gorski will assist the communications team.
One of the significant tasks of the chapter is to elect a new general administration; however, much of the second week will focus on developing guidelines for the new administration, including the identification of priorities and new hopes for the future.
Be sure to check the general Facebook page, the general website and the US Province Facebook page for news, photos and videos from the chapter.
The move-in begins!
Last week the province received its occupancy permit for the remodeled fourth floor at Sacred Heart Monastery. Already a few members of the formation community have moved in; the full community, along with the rest of the monastery community, will be settled in by the start of the new school year. Among those joining the community will be our three new candidates – Jacob Smith, S.K. Okechukwu Landericus Oledibe (“Landry”) and Kenneth Chidozie Anyanwu – and our formation team, including Fr. Bob Tucker, SCJ, and Fr. Tom Cassidy, SCJ.
Click here to view a few photos of the newly completed rooms.

ESL summer session underway
Last week students from around the world gathered at Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology for the start of the summer ESL (English as a Second Language) session. It was a time for learning names, placement testing, and even to find out where the washing machines are! Students took part in local Independence Day activities, enjoyed a picnic at Whitnall Park and helped welcome a group of visitors to the monastery from California.
With 52 students, this is one of the largest summer sessions in the program’s history. Click here to view a Facebook album from the opening day activities. Other photos can be found on the US Province Facebook page.
Provincial’s Time
As noted last week, Fr Ed Kilianski, SCJ, had surgery to address an infection in his toe. The toe was removed. He is recovering well, but will stay close to home for the next couple of weeks for further monitoring. Fr. Quang Nguyen, SCJ, as first councilor (vice provincial) is taking Fr. Ed’s place at the General Chapter.

Summer at St. Joe’s
Every summer, St. Joseph’s Indian School hosts Rising Eagle Day Camp (REDC) as an outreach program for Lakota (Sioux) youth on the Lower Brule and Crow Creek Indian Reservations. The camp takes place on the campus of St. Joseph’s Indian School the first four weeks after Memorial Day.
This summer, the school served 1,142 children with over 3,000 meals (including breakfast, lunch and a snack), and provided opportunities for learning the Lakota language, art projects, and lots of sports and games.
Many of the students were transported 120 miles round-trip each day so that they could take part in the camp.
Click here to read more on the school blog about this and other activities at St. Joseph’s.
Retreat reminders
The last of the three North American Dehonian retreats will take place August 5-10 at the Siena Retreat Center in Racine, WI. This is a retreat specifically for those in formation and their directors. All participants are to be at the center by Sunday evening, August 5; check-in is from 3:00 – 9:00 p.m. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. that evening, but organizers need to give the center a headcount. Please click here to indicate whether you will or will not be at the Sunday dinner.
A letter from the committee will be sent to participants by email later today. Members of the committee: Fr. Jim Schroeder, SCJ, David Schimmel (province director of Dehonian Associates) and Fr. John van den Hengel, SCJ.
Click here to view a photo album from the May retreat.
Closing shot
The novitiate community was in South Dakota last week learning about SCJ ministries there. Fr. Byron Haaland, SCJ (novice master) is pictured here with the novices (Henry Nguyen on the far left and Phong Paul Hoang on the far right) and Hubert Liassidji, one of our postulants who is in South Dakota for a summer ministry assignment. The Big Bend Dam is in the background.
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