Vice provincial named
During the October 14 Provincial Council meeting Fr. Quang Nguyen was named vice provincial of the U.S. Province. The first member of the council to be elected, Fr. Quang, 50, is currently province vocation director. Originally from Vietnam, he professed vows in 1995 and was ordained in 2000. His first assignment was at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Houston. He then pursued graduate studies in economics, earning a Ph.D. in 2014 from Claremont Graduate University. His dissertation, which he successfully defended in 2013, was “Doi Moi (Economic Renovation) Revisited: The positive economic outcome(s) and a negative externality, especially in the service sector of Vietnam.”
Fr. Quang will continue to serve as vocation director.
Two weeks after he suffered a cardiac arrest Fr. Byron Haaland moved out of ICU last Thursday (Oct. 15). He is at Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee. Following the cardiac arrest, Fr. Byron also suffered a stroke, which has affected his right arm and hand. Each day his arm and hand are stronger, but he still is weak. He has been up and walking several times a day and can sit in a chair.
Fr. Byron appreciates the prayers, support and concern that he has received from so many. Cards can be sent to Fr. Byron at his home address: Sacred Heart at Monastery Lake, 7330 S. Lovers Lane Road #411, Franklin, WI 53132-1849
Fr. Joe Dean is back home in Lower Brule, SD, after surgery to remove a non-cancerous tumor near his brain. He will be using a walker for a short period of time during his recovery but otherwise is doing well. Prayers and well-wishes are appreciated. Cards can be sent to Fr. Joe at: P.O. Box 185, Lower Brule, SD 57548.
New regional superior in Canada
Fr. John van den Hengel has been named as the next superior of the Canadian Region; he begins his three-year term on November 16, succeeding Fr. Bill Marrevee. Moderator at the US Province’s election assembly in August, Fr. John was regional superior of Canada prior to his election to the General Council in 2009. He completed his six-year term on the council in June. The region is now in the process of discerning a new council.
Please remember
Hoang Nguyen, the uncle of Br. Long Nguyen, died October 13 in Texas. As noted last week, Mr. Nguyen suffered significant complications following open heart surgery. Br. Long is a member of the St. Joseph’s community at SHML, 7330 S. Lovers Lane Rd., Apt. 404, Franklin, WI 53132-1849
Keep in prayer
Fr. Bob Bossie’s brother, Richard, continues to be treated for cardiac and pulmonary concerns. He is doing better since his initial hospitalization during the summer, but still has a long road ahead of him. Fr. Bob is a member of the Dehon Formation Community.

A five-cake birthday
Fr. Tom Cassidy celebrated his 73rd birthday on October 13. Or should we say, the District of India celebrated his birthday! Several birthday celebrations were rolled into farewell parties that included cake, cake and more cake – five birthday cakes in total from various communities in India as Fr. Tom made his way to Vijayawada to start his journey home to the States. He returns to Hales Corners early this week.
Click here to read Fr. Tom’s most recent post to the province blog.
November birthdays
Speaking of birthdays, those celebrating birthdays in November include Fr. David Szatkowski (42) and Fr. Ed Kilianski (61) on Nov. 2, Br. Brian Tompkins (59) and Br. Luc Coursol (65) on Nov. 4, Fr. Greg Schill (40) on Nov. 14, Fr. Jan de Jong (78) and Fr. Joe Doscher (82) on Nov. 17, and Fr. Tim Gray (67) on Nov. 18.
Reminder from the provincial secretary’s office
Br. Frank Presto asks SCJs in the US Province to let him or Nancy Gray (administrative assistant) know if their emergency contact information has changed. This is the list of people whom you would like contacted in case of emergency (family, friends and/or a coworker in ministry).
Provincial’s Time
Fr. Ed Kilianski goes to Portugal on Thursday to attend the installation of Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho as bishop of the Diocese of Setúbal. He and Fr. Jack Kurps will represent the US Province. Fr. Ed returns to the States on October 29. On Nov. 2 (his birthday!) Fr. Ed goes to Mississippi for board meetings and a visitation. He returns to Milwaukee on Nov. 9 and has council meetings Nov. 10-11.

“I come with an open heart”
As noted earlier, Fr. José Ornelas Carvalho, former superior general, will be ordained and installed as bishop of Setúbal, Portugal, on Saturday, October 24. In a letter to members of the diocese written shortly after his appointment, Fr. Ornelas wrote:
“For my part, I come with an open heart, with some fear, a lot of confidence in the Lord’s presence, and hopefulness in the fellowship and good will of the members of the diocesan community. I am originally from Madeira, and a member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCJ). It is in the SCJ community that I grew up as a man, a religious, and as a priest. My ministry was primarily in the teaching of Holy Scripture at the Catholic University and in the service of the congregation.
“After the last 12 years in Rome as Superior General, I requested a mission assignment. Pope Francis, whom I had occasion to meet personally, changed these plans. When he gave me the joy of meeting him, he told me: ‘I do not impose upon you, but I ask you to go and be the bishop of Setúbal… you will be a missionary, for Europe needs to rediscover its missionary dimension.’
“And so here I am, to join you in this ecclesial mission. I do not bring an outline of plans. I am well aware of my limitations and how much I need to learn and know in order to be at your service as your brother and your bishop.”
Be sure to check the Dehonians Worldwide Facebook page for photos and other information from the installation.
No Fridge Notes next week
There will be no Fridge Notes published the week of October 26. The next Fridge Notes will be published on November 2.
Asian Pacific Unity Day
Members of the Vietnamese community at St. Martin of Tours parish in Franklin, Wis., will be among those taking part in Milwaukee’s Asian Pacific Unity Day on October 25. Held at the Cousins Center in Milwaukee, the event will begin at 3 p.m. with Mass with Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Richard Sklba followed by an Asian dinner. There is no cost to participants.
This annual event is a gathering of the Asian Catholic communities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Asian priests and leaders, and the larger community to celebrate their shared faith. It is sponsored by the Intercultural Ministries of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the Asian Pacific Advisory Council. The Priests of the Sacred Heart, who serve the Vietnamese Catholic community in the archdiocese, are contributors to the event.
If you plan to go, or would like more information, contact Eva Diaz at [email protected].
Almost done!
The new parking lot in front of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology opened on Friday. Outdoor renovations not only provided more parking closer to the Sacred Heart lobby, but also addressed drainage concerns. The lot was completed just in time for the fall meeting of the SHSST Board of Directors. Finishing touches to the project are expected to be completed soon, and Marlene Zepecki, long-time SHSST receptionist, finally got the go-ahead to pack her desk and move to her new digs in the renovated lobby.