18 jubilarians!

On Monday evening, June 5, the US Province celebrated the profession anniversaries of 18 SCJ priests and brothers. In total, the 2017 jubilarians represent 690 years of religious life. The celebration took place at Sacred Heart Monastery / Seminary and School of Theology.

Weekly News: June 5, 2017

Assembly week begins; general superior releases letter for feast of the Sacred Heart; Dehonian Associates publishing Sacred Heart novena; students from St. Joe’s learn about Lakota heritage; insurance cards in the mail; prayer notices; photos from St. Martin of Tours youth

Weekly News: May 22, 2017

Year-end activities at St. Joseph’s Indian School; new candidate accepted; graduation at SHSST; June birthdays; prayer requests; Dehonian Family concludes meeting in Rome; invitation to subscribe; Memorial Day schedule.

A very BIG family

There is one Dehonian charism, but many, MANY different models of how that charism is lived. Meeting from May 13-16, continental representatives of the Dehonian Family (including lay groups, consecrated women and professed SCJs) gathered at the Generalate in Rome to take a closer look at the many expressions of the Dehonian Family and to seek a path toward a more cohesive structure.

Weekly News: May 15, 2017

Dehonian Family meets in Rome; long-time SHSM staffer dies; North American Migration Committee focuses on assembly; Brazilian SCJ named bishop; RSVP reminders; provincial’s calendar

Weekly News: May 8, 2017

Treasurers meet in Rome; Sacred Heart School in Mississippi recognized nationally; new master’s program at SHSST implemented with grant funding; prayer requests; RSVP reminders; provincial’s calendar; construction of Fr. Bezy Volunteer House underway.

ESL alumnus named bishop of Imperatriz, Brazil

On April 19, Bishop Vilsom Basso, a former SCJ missionary in the Philippines and an alumnus of Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology’s ESL program, was named bishop of Imperatriz in northern Brazil. Born in Tuparendi, in south Brazil; Bishop Vilsom grew up with the SCJs; they ministered at his home parish. When he was just 10 years old he said that he already felt a call to the community. “Two SCJ priests came to my school to do a vocation campaign. Immediately I said, ‘Here I am Lord!.’ My family gave me their full support, so literally, here I am!”

Weekly News: May 1, 2017

Immigration, the Dehonian Family, collaboration among issues discussed at NORAM meeting; SHSST ESL alumnus named bishop of Brazilian diocese; SHSST alumnus pastor of largest parish in USA; World Day of Prayer for Vocations on May 7; prayer requests; provincial’s time; smiles from OLG, Houston

Exploring common concerns of SCJs in North America

Twice a year the administrations of the US Province and Canadian Region meet to discuss common issues, seek ways of collaboration and update each other on their ministries and communities. This time it was the US Province’s turn to host; the spring meeting took place April 24 at the Provincialate Offices in Hales Corners, WI. Immigration, the sharing of the Dehonian charism, the North American Theological Commission, senior life issues and next year’s General Conference were among the issues discussed.

Weekly News: April 24, 2017

SHSM receives award; Fr. Mukuna celebrates 10th anniversary; province assembly information; May birthdays; and prayer requests; Fr. General writes about congregational communications; available downloads; earning an MA in “DehonDocs; Vocation Mass reminder; Stations of the Cross with Cardinal Cupich; photos from Holy Week